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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - November 13, 2014 Playground Built in One Day Inglewood City Councilmember Ralph Franklin (right) with volunteers at Environmental Charter Middle School in Inglewood, who built a playground for the school in six hours from start to finish. See story and more photos on pages 2-3. Photo by Josh Sadler. Inside This Issue Calendar...............................3 Classifieds............................3 Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Finance..................................6 Food.......................................8 Legals................................ 6-7 Pets........................................5 Police Reports.....................3 Politically Speaking............4 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 69˚/56˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 66˚/55˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 73˚/53˚ Inglewood City Re-Appropriates Funds for National Recreation and Parks Association Grant By Cristian Vasquez provisions related to the OWG nutrition Mayor James Butts and the Inglewood literacy for kids age 10. The budget City Council approved a resolution amending amendment was reported to be necessary the 2014-2015 fiscal year budget in order to to re-appropriate the balance of the funds redirect $30,403.10 to the National Recreation provided by the NRPA grant from the 2013- and Parks Association grant account. 2014 fiscal year to the 2014-2015 fiscal year. The $30,403.10 that will be re-appropriated will be an addition of funds to the NRPA grant’s account original $30,000 and $10,000 of in-kind nutritional literacy materials. In addition, the grant included a $1,200 stipend that cover travel expenses to Reston, Virginia in order for staff associated with the grant to attend “evidence-based nutrition literacy training for the OrganWise Guys Program.” The staff report indicates that the OrganWise Program is specifically designed for the city’s youth, which are at “out-of-school time Council Acepts Citizens program sites” during the summer and fall. Options for Public Sa fety The City of Inglewood was awarded the Members of the Inglewood City Council NRPA grant on April 1. By May 13 the voted to accept the Citizens Options for mayor and council agreed to accept the NRPA Public Safety grant in the amount of grant in order to “increase the number of $176,547. Upon agreeing to accept the healthy meals that children in low-income funds the city also approved spending communities receive through the Summer the funds based on the recommendations Food Service Program and the Child and made by the Inglewood Police Chief Mark Adult Care Food Program during out of Fronterotta, as well adopting a resolution school times,” stated the staff report. that amends the 2014-2015 fiscal year Also agreed upon by the council that day budget in order to include the new funds. was the funding to “provide evidence-based, COPS funds are being provided under the age-appropriate nutrition literacy to children provisions of Assembly Bill 3229, which that create behavioral changes by teaching the was enacted to provide counties and cities importance of healthy eating; and implement throughout the state with money based on a nutrition and physical activity standards per capita basis for “law enforcement caital that increase access to healthier foods and outlay supporting the front-line duties of the increase opportunities for physical activity.” police department’s sworn personnel” stated The grant also provides supplemental the staff report. funding for a staff person, Program Specialist, Since the 1996-1997 fiscal year the City who is responsible for coordinating all of Inglewood has received COPS grant funds. As a recipient of these funds the state requires that the city’s citizens are given an opportunity to “provide input and discuss the expenditure recommendations” that are made by the city’s chief of police. The staff report indicates that the grant’s guidelines establish that supporting the front-line efforts of police officers that the grant funds include: equipment, supplies, training, consultant services, public service announcements and recruitment advertising. Upon analyzing the department’s needs for the current fiscal year, the city’s chief of police recommended that the COPS grant funds be used to obtain a new computer aided dispatch/records management system. To date the Inglewood Police Department relies on the Computer Aided Dispatch system, which the staff report describes as a “home-grown system created approximately 20 years ago.” In the 20 years that the system has been in used, other CAD systems have been developed and made available that surpass the capabilities of what the police department has available. Furthermore, the department’s current system is becoming “costly and timeconsuming” just to maintain because of its particular elements. The Records Management System used by the department also goes through similar complications as the CAD system due to its age. For now the Inglewood Police Department is in the process of negotiating the cost of a new system with a selected vendor. Once a vendor and system are approved, the COPS grant, along with other funding sources, will be used for the initial phase of the project. • The grant also provides supplemental funding for a staff person, Program Specialist, who is responsible for coordinating all provisions related to the OWG nutrition literacy for kids age 10.

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