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Page 8 January 1, 2015 Wowser Schnauzers Manny is playful and sweet. Keep Your Pets Healthy During the Holidays By Dr. Greg Perrault ’Tis the season to get gastroenteritis. The holiday season is the time for parties and great food and festivities. It’s also the time of the year when we see a lot of pets come to the hospital for digestive issues. We want our pets to enjoy some of the special treats that only come once a year. Unfortunately, holiday food is often too much of a change from our pet’s normal diet and they get sick. Holiday food is rich and spicy and doesn’t agree with the digestive systems of cats and dogs. Between Thanksgiving and New Years we see dozens of pets per week with vomiting and diarrhea from holiday food. Many times it is not intentional. When we have guests over to our home, our little vacuum cleaner dog manages to gobble up every morsel that hits the ground. Unfortunately, he pays the price the next day. Make sure to lock up the trash after a holiday dinner, too. Pets can be just as sneaky as the Grinch. If your pet does get into the holiday food and gets sick, please do not give them human medicine such as Pepto-Bismol or other digestive aids. Many of these products contain ingredients that are safe for people but not for pets. Kaopectate and Pepto-Bismol both contain aspirin, which can easily cause gastric ulcers in pets, even in tiny amounts. Your veterinarian will have similar products made specifically for your pet that are safe and effective. Holiday time includes other potentially hazardous things for our pets. We have had two marijuana ingestions in the last week and both cases were serious enough to require hospitalization. Dogs are much more Pets can get loose or lost through mishaps and travel quickly. Microchip: it works! Happy Tails watch out! You’ll never find a more loyal, affectionate guy who loves to play - even with other dogs. If you are interested in Slater, please email for more information. My real name is Emmanuel but my friends call me Manny. I’m an adorable, 1-year old, male, Miniature Schnauzer mix whose New Year’s resolution is to find my forever home. I was lost and terrified when I was brought into a LA country shelter as a stray. I just huddled in the corner and didn’t interact with anyone until the MSFR people rescued me. After being in my foster home for just two days I started to come out of my shell. I’m a very playful pup who gets along well with other dogs and I’m extremely affectionate with people. My foster Mom said that I’m underweight – only 10 pounds - and she is working on “fattening” me up with a nutritious diet. Please come to adoptions and see what an awesome friend I would be. If you are interested in Manny, please email for more information. My name is Gavin and I’m certain that I’d be the perfect family member for you. I was rescued from a LA County shelter where I Gavin has a sunny personality. We are looking for volunteers to help with our pet adoption fairs which are held every Saturday at the Petco located at 537 N. Pacific Coast Highway Redondo Beach 90277, from noon-3:30 p.m.. If you are interested in volunteering and can commit to at least one Saturday a month, please contact us at You can also visit all of our Miniature Schnauzers & Friends rescues at the adoption fair or check out our website, If you have any questions about a particular dog’s availability you can email us at Schnauzers! Bet you can’t adopt just one! I’m a 10-year old female, purebred Miniature Schnauzer named Agnes. I was rescued from a shelter where I ended up after getting lost. Even though I looked pretty good on the outside, I needed a lot of medical treatment. After I had my dental check-up I had to have 20 teeth extracted, that’s probably why I’m only 15 pounds. I also had a few lumps, which turned out to be just fatty growths, removed. I’m feeling much better now and the really great news is that my senior screen exam results show that I’m in good health. I’m what’s called very low-key so I get along with other dogs because I pretty much just ignore them. What I really want for the New Year is a soft bed, someone with snuggle with and a best forever friend. If you are interested in Agnes, please email info@msfr. org for more information.    Hi! My name is Slater and I’m a 1-year old, male Miniature Schnauzer/Poodle mix who is 13 pounds of fun. I was rescued from a LA county shelter where was brought in as a stray. That is one scary place so is it any wonder that I was very frightened and skittish when the MSFR folks rescued me? Once I realized I wasn’t going back there, I warmed up nicely to my foster family but I’m still a little slow in the trust department. That’s why it would be best to have a patient owner who is willing to give me time to earn my trust. Once I know I can trust you, Congratulations to Kristy, rescued in July, who now lives in Santa Ana with her new family. Kristy’s gone to a home of Schnauzer lovers who recently lost their 16-year old Schnauzer after losing their 12-year old sensitive to marijuana than people and even tiny amounts can have profound effects for days. In fact, the owners of the last case that came to us was unaware that their pet had ingested marijuana and thought the dog was having seizures and was dying. The dog was so ill the owners thought they were going to have to euthanize their beloved dog. Most pets won’t ingest alcohol such as wine or straight whisky. But eggnog, sweet warm cider drinks or rum balls are tasty to our pets. Be careful of leaving drinks and snacks unattended. If you are planning on getting your pet some treats as a gift, make sure to only give a small amount at one time to avoid an upset stomach. In addition to getting a squeaky toy or food treat for your pet, consider getting them pet insurance. Pet insurance, if started when your cat or dog is young and healthy, is surprisingly affordable. Another suggestion I give clients is to start a simple savings account for your pet. Put a few dollars away every month into an emergency pet account. You never know when that nest egg will come in handy. Finally, please think carefully before giving a pet as a gift. Many people aren’t prepared for the responsibility and expense that a pet demands. Our pets bring us so much joy and happiness. Please keep them safe this holiday season. Wishing you and your furry friends a Happy Holiday. Dr. Greg Perrault owns and operates Cats & Dogs Animal Hospital in Long Beach. Golden just several months before. Leave it to Kristy to heal their hearts by making their family whole again. What a great Christmas this will be for everyone! • Agnes is 10 years old and would like someone to snuggle with. was considered a stray. I am a stunning, pure white, 2-year old male Miniature Schnauzer mix. I have long legs, a plumy, natural tail and I’m a sleek 14 pounds. I’ve been told that I have an awesome temperament but that’s because I’m so happy when I’m around my people. I even get along well with other dogs but you need to come to adoptions and see what a unique little guy I am. If you are interested in Gavin, please email for more information. • Be kind. Save a life. Support animal rescue. Slater is loyal and affectionate. Kristy has gone to a new loving home and helped heal her family’s grief.

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