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January 1, 2015 Page 7 One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion The Optimism of the Young Movie Studio’s Initial Decision Was Wrong By Cristian Vasquez Being in the media makes it natural that I would be inclined to refuse any form of censorship. For several weeks now Sony studios has been harshly criticized for canceling the release of its movie “The Interview” due to threat made by North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un. While executives at Sony studios have since change their stance and agreed to a limited release of the film, their initial reaction was very disappointing and embarrassing. For starters, it is bad enough when an American entity tries to censor our airwaves but to allow an outside source to silence us is insulting. Let’s not forget that in the Post-Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake Super Bowl circus, many television and radio executives took it upon themselves to selfcensor, with some influence by the FCC. We are 10 years removed from that absurd incident and it seems that we haven’t completely shaken off the tendency to micromanage all content for fear of complaints. So to have a major movie studio consider not releasing a movie because someone in another country is upset is absolutely absurd. I will admit that any type of terrorist threat, not matter how small or insignificant we might personally consider it, should be taken serious. However, terrorists thrive on people’s fear and if we fold to all of their demands, it is my opinion that we make ourselves more vulnerable to the entity making the threat. Furthermore, we make ourselves vulnerable to any other terror group paying attention. Lastly, and not to sound arrogant but I am not afraid of North Korea’s threats. Granted, I am no expert on National Security but to borrow from and old expression, I do believe that their leader is all bark and no bite. I’m not implying the man isn’t unstable enough to try something but it’s not enough to worry me. For anyone who would stay away from a theater because of the threat, that is okay. I can respect their personal decision to err on the side of caution. Maybe I’m still immature but North Korea’s threat wouldn’t keep me from going anywhere in the United States. Yet, to have a movie studio entertain the idea of holding out is discouraging. There might be more to the initial reaction than just fear, but if that is the case, then say so. To be honest, I probably wasn’t going to line up on Christmas Day to watch this movie. I have other plans; spend time with family, eat with an absolute lack of self control and then ask my mom to help make my stomach feel better. Yet, the fact that it isn’t an option because of fear is absurd. I can’t sit here and pretend that everyone has a good sense of humor so I am sure that the North Korean dictator wasn’t flattered at the premise of the movie. Still, leaders around the world are constantly mocked and they deal with it because it is the nature of life. If President Obama, or President Bush before him were upset every time they were made fun of in the media, they wouldn’t have made past their first term (SNL has at least one skit mocking the sitting president every week). So as the Christmas break comes to an end, finally we can all decide what to do, where to go and what to watch. I for one will take the advice of President George Bush and take my family and enjoy life the way we want it to be and that means free of fear. If I refrain from watching “The Interview” it will be because I have something better to do. • By Gerry Chong The bouncing baby New Year stood preening before the mirror, hiking up his diapers, slicking back his hair, and straightening the sash across his body that read “2015.” With a bounce he high-stepped into the room, passing an old and disheveled ’14 on his way out. “Man, this is a tough gig, little guy. Hope you’ve got what it takes to make it through to the end.” “No problem, old man, I got a sense of humor that will take me through anything, so I’m stronger than you. Fr’instance, I’ve gotta laugh when ‘Moonbeam Brown’ nominated three members to serve on the California “Moreover, the Administration has told the Supreme Court that doctors do not have the right to challenge the adequacy of their reimbursements. Wheeeee, this is more darned fun!” Supreme Court. Their role, of course, is to interpret our Constitution. Only problem is, none of the three has served a single day as a judge! They’re Washington D.C.-based law professors! So it’s kinda like asking a baseball coach to play in the Major Leagues. So you see, old man, you’ve just gotta laugh. “Or how about this one: and you can really blame Bush. A Gitmo releasee, Ibrahim al- Rubaysh, a Saudi, is now a senior leader of al Qaeda in Yemen, so the U.S. would kinda like to get him back. Obama is offering $5 million to recapture a guy we already had in our prison. “See, old man, yuk it up. It’s good for your soul. Not had enough examples? Try this one: Obama has nominated Alyssa Starzak to be General Counsel to the Army. Only problem is that Intelligence officials have accused her of stealing CIA confidential files. Apparently, Ms. Starzak lifted a copy of the confidential Panetta Report which described U.S. handling of detainees. Shamee, shamee, Ms. Starzak. “Look out! Here comes a politically incorrect knee slapper. Circulating around the internet is the White Trash response to ‘Hands Up- Don’t Shoot.’ The Tea Baggers are responding, ‘Pants Up- Don’t Loot.’ “OK, OK,” said the brash ‘15, “I’m the new kid on the block so I don’t know when to stop the racist stuff. Don’t throw bottles at me yet. Give me a few months to learn the ropes and I promise not to do that again. But don’t squelch my sense of humor. Let me run one last hilarity (no, not Hillary) by you. “Apparently there has been a flood of signups for Medicaid, which is good. But the high level of government reimbursements to Medicaid doctors ran from 2013 through 2014, and will end by the time ’15 takes his throne. Steve Zukerman of the Urban Institute says doctor reimbursements in 2015 will fall by an average of 43% across the country, but in California, Florida, New York and Pennsylvania it will fall by 50% or more. “Moreover, the Administration has told the Supreme Court that doctors do not have the right to challenge the adequacy of their reimbursements. Wheeeee, this is more darned fun!” So with a bow, ’15 explained to ’14 that he just lacked the appreciation of humor as the prism through which to view history. Hooray for the optimism of the young. • Follow Us on Twitter @heraldpub Like Us on Facebook public notices Fictitious Business Name Statement 2014345641 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CHALLENGE PLUMBING, 901 E. REDONDO BLVD., INGLEWOOD, CA, 90302, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): CHALLENGE PLUMBING, INC., 901 E. REDONDO BLVD., INGLEWOOD, CA, 90302 This business is being conducted by a corporation. 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