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EL SEGUNDO HERALD July 6, 2017 Page 7 Politically Speaking One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion I live alone but I’m never alone. I have Life Alert.® One press of a button sends help fast, 24/7, even when you can’t reach a phone. AS SEEN ON TV Saving a life from a potential catastrophe EVERY 10 MINUTES! For a FREE brochure call: 1-866-591-7844 Time to Trumpet Wins of the Trump Administration: A Positive Column! By Duane Plank Starting to write as I watch a riveting TV show on the Clinton News Network regarding President Richard Millhouse Nixon. Tapes heretofore unreleased, regarding his tenure as POTUS, and his botching of the Watergate debacle which led to his resignation. Labeled “Our Nixon.” Like Nixon or hate him, or don’t even know who the heck he was because you are a millennial who just racked up a ton of college debt and moved back into the basement and don’t really care, the program is worth watching because no CNN shills interject their biased opinions. Looking forward to the CNN documentary on the Bill Clinton years. They could call it “Shades of Blue.” Which is the color of the infamous Monica Lewinsky dress, which came to prominence when she was…interning at the White House. Watch “Our Nixon,” if possible. Though uneasy to stomach Nixon’s obstructions, at least the documentary was straight and honest, with no talking heads opining, and no Mika or Joe to comment. Unfiltered Nixon. BTW, I wish Mr. Trump would shut down his Twittering. I think it is, at best, embarrassing to the POTUS. However, I think I may resurrect my Twitter account. As soon as I can figure out what my handle is, I shall inform you. I have been penning this column for about a month. Sent the first three columns up to the Kid, Phillip, for his thoughts. He was not impressed, opining that I was way too negative and said I should write about the positive things that Trump has accomplished. touch I replied, facetiously, that if I could ferret out something positive that the Trump administration had accomplished, I would be glad to triumph it. So here we go. Because Trump has accomplished a boatload of positives since his inauguration, even with the resistance out there. Mainly he has over-ridden a bunch of the executive actions that Mr. Obama signed because they wouldn’t get passed by the duly elected officials. Loosening the onerous strains that have lassoed American business entities for the past eight years. America first, right? Nixon said that too, by the way. Trump helped get Gorsuch seated on the Supreme Court, his travel ban is now (mostly) in place, and have you checked the numbers in your 401K? Kate’s Law is moving forward towards implementation. Business is booming. And he has streamlined the red tape at the Veteran’s Administration, an overwrought bureaucracy that has shamefully continued to hose our returning war veteran heroes. He will also be meeting with Rasputin Putin this weekend. And the wall has been built! Okay, maybe not that one. Getting to work on my application to gain employment with the mismanaged LA DWP. Because recently the powers that be, led by ambitious LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, just granted an outrageous pay bump to DWP workers. Some of these folks, tasked with keeping the water running in our faucets, collect more than 100K a year. And receive incredible health and retirement plans. Gads, man, I need to hook in to this gravy train. Now wasn’t that an uplifting column? • & take off! Plus, enjoy speeds up to 45Mbps at one all-included price, with no extra monthly fees. 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Celebrate Independence Day by Honoring That Fighting Spirit By Cristian Vasquez That time of year to host cookouts and enjoy fireworks in celebration of our nation’s independence has once again arrived. Fourth of July Weekend has come and what better time to enjoy America’s pastime with the midsummer classic around the corner. As we enjoy our nation’s birth and independence, we should also remember the reason such a celebration is even possible: our unwavering spirit to seek and fight for justice. At the risk of sounding like a cliché, it is a divisive time in our country. While true that the nation is in the midst of a left versus right battle, one can make the argument that there hasn’t been a time in our country when political differences have not caused tension between liberals and conservatives (Civil War, Civil Rights Movement). While tensions and conflicts aren’t the ideal circumstances for any nation, these difficult times will make us grow and in the end we can come out a better society. So when we see our fellow Americans protesting, rather than discrediting their message and villainizing the messenger, we should listen. I’m not asking that we just agree. Furthermore, I’m not suggesting that we don’t respond to what is being said, but never should we tell people to go away, be quiet and not protest. For one, we should not just listen to the message— it’s also crucial to understand the reasons behind the grievance. I’m not African-American, so who am I to discredit their grievances? I am not a woman, so how can I argue that their concerns are unfounded? I am not a Trump supporter in deep-blue California, so how can I dismiss their feeling of disenfranchisement in a state that leans completely to the left? Every demographic deals with issues that unless you are part of that group, you won’t understand. Simultaneously, some issues are universal and we shouldn’t dismiss them simply because we don’t identify with the messenger (women and equal pay). Second, we all have a right to assemble, protest and voice our opinions, but that right comes with the responsibility of dealing with the backlash--hence why protestors should never be silenced. In 2000 I lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma and during my time there members of the local KKK decided to host a rally at city hall. The sparsely attended event drew plenty of local media coverage. My memory could have faded a bit, but I don’t recall a counter protest trying to silence these morally questionable individuals. Yet, what I do recall is that the next day a much larger crowd of loving and caring Americans, led by a local church, showed up to city hall to sweep away the hate and spread love. So in honor of our nation’s birth and that spirit of fighting for justice, next time a group of people voices its grievances, listen and try to understand. If even after that, their message rings untrue and wrong, then you have your own gathering and spread some truth. It’s the American way… • Visit us online:

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