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EL SEGUNDO HERALD January 15, 2015 Page 3 Letters Hundreds Left Out of Residential Sound Insulation Program Regarding your story, week of Christmas stating that 430 residents were denied RSI, because of noise reduction. Well, I just wondered if the decision maker has ever spent the night in any of these homes. Sometimes the noise is so loud my husband and I are unable to hear or (watch) television, and we are not hard of hearing. As an El Segundo resident for 17 years on a fixed income, I am really disappointed that my husband and I will be living our days with rattling windows, poor insulation, and jets that actually fly right over our 1950 west side home. If ever there was a house deserving to benefit from the funds of the 2006 lawsuit, it would be our old home that is right under the flight path of jets that are waved off by air traffic controllers from landing to alleviate a disaster, as well as jets that turn southward earlier over the ocean. We are located in the yellow zone, but it is definitely not getting quieter. Thank you for your time. – Robin McStotts Different From a Regular Election By now you all have read or heard about this water and sewer ballot measure, actually it’s two measures that look like one. This vote measure is different from a regular election. You know, that’s when you make a decisive choice in what you are voting for, this person, that person, yes or no. This ballot is for the automatic water and sewer increases. It’s a little different though, your vote has already been cast. You have already voted yes to these increases, bet you didn’t know that did you? In fact every citizen, renter, property owner and business owner has had his vote cast for them, automatically, and it was yes. Now if you want these increases then do nothing, let someone do the voting for you. If you don’t want automatic increases in your water and sewer bill, then you must return the ballots sent to you. It’s very easy, just say no. No to the automatic water increases and no to the automatic sewer increases. Unlike most elections we’ve been able to vote the day we got our ballot, we’ve had weeks to cast our vote and there is still five more days left to go. Let’s defeat this ballot measure of the automatic increases. You be the one who decides how to casts your vote, not someone else. Please don’t wait until the last minute, send your ballot in today, every no vote does count. – Marc Rener Please Turn in Your Water/Sewer Ballot or It Will Count as a Yes. Enough is enough! Stop the spending! Listen to the voters! You wanted increases on some of the following and the voters said no: Increase on trash pickup, measure a increase utility users tax (proving we didn’t need it), charging seniors to ride dial-a-ride, now the water and sewer increases. What’s next? You stated Seniors can go on Life Line but if you raise the rates each year over the next 4 years that will automatically increase the Life Line rates also. We all deal with increases every day we go to stores, gas pumps, etc. But seniors and low income people never get increases on their incomes, I know as I do their taxes every year for the last 22 years and this is a fact. There is a saying liars can figure, but figures don’t lie. If you can not find your ballot you need to go to the City Clerk’s office and fill out a form to get a new one or call 310-524-2305. This is urgent; deadline is 1/20/15. – Loretta Frye Visit us online: Does El Segundo Care? The El Segundo Cares volunteers made their first trip in 2014 to the V.A. Hospital in March, with donations of clothing and treats. We only had four donors, so the bags fit into our trunk. On our fifth trip in November we needed three large SUV’s to take all of the donations. Today, my garage and spare bedroom is filled and I have asked people to hold their items until we are given a date to go to the hospital. We have a problem. We will not be able to give anything out unless a luncheon or other activity is provided by someone. Most of the providers have been service organizations from other cities. We have not been given any dates. We need to find a way to fill in this gam, we need help from the business community. We have always paid for the treats out of our own pockets, but a handful of women can’t possibly afford to sponsor a luncheon for 250 to 300 patients. Unless you have seen it, you have no idea how grateful the men and women veteran’s are to receive free, clean, usable clothing. We are dedicated to helping them, they deserve it. A few months ago, several businesses offered to help it didn’t happen. Except for Chevron giving out blankets and Doubletree gave 300 cookies in November to the patients, that’s been it. So, how about some help from some of your business people in town? – Jan Cruikshank “Each person must live their life as a model for others.” –rosa parks Metro salutes Rosa Parks on the 60th anniversary of her historic ride. By sitting down, she took a stand.

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