Page 4 January 2, 2020 EL SEGUNDO HERALD
The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be
submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone).
Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following
Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only
be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement.
Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If
you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald
Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims.
For Rent
MARIPOSA - $2,295.00/MONTH –
JAN. 1, 2020. CALL 310-877-2374
Part-time Sales. Looking for
motivated part-time workers. Inside
sales: work from home and make
sales calls. 15% commission on all
sales. Outside sales: territories are
Torrance and El Segundo. Includes
walking and interacting with business
owners. 20% commission on all
sales. Seniors and students welcome.
Send resume to management@
Wr i t e rs wanted fo r t h e
El Segundo Herald. One writer
for sports and one writer to
cover general interest or do
community profiles. You must
have some writing experience.
Please send resume to
com. No phone calls please.
WANTED. Vinyl, vinyl, vinyl records,
anything musical. Collectibles/
antiques. Typewriters, sewing
machines, military, silver, Japan,
records, stamps, coins, jewelry,
Chinese, ANYTHING. Buy/Sell/
Trade. We sell for you on EBAY. Studio
Antiques, El Segundo. 310.322.3895.
To appear in next week’s
paper, submit your Classifed
Ad by Noon on Tuesday.
Late Ads will incur
a $20.00 late fee.
LAX from front page
Lost or abandoned baby strollers are stacked up.
LAX isn’t responsible for anything left on
an airplane, at the U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, or at rental car companies. Capt.
Michael Scolaro who runs the Lost and Found
office says that airport police make every
effort to reunite owners with their property.
Those efforts will be enhanced greatly by
the addition of the online LAX Lost and
Found, he predicted.
Computer access to the recovered property
and claims-filing paperwork streamlines the
process for guests and the airport police
personnel. Recovered items are kept for at
least 90 days before being sent to the City of
Los Angeles’ auction site, or donated to the
Salvation Army or Goodwill. LAX maintains
one of the largest and busiest airport Lost
and Found departments in the country. Staff
recover as many as 230 items per day from
the airport’s nine terminals.
Anyone who’s lost something at LAX can
save time by going online to search for it and
file a claim. Then, visit the Lost and Found
office at 5600 W. Century Blvd. Monday
through Friday between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.
The station’s number is (424) 646-5678.
The lost and found system is a bit tricky
to navigate, so go to lawa.v2.crowdfind.com/
public/#/lax/new-claim and use the pull-down
menu to streamline the process. Identify
what was lost at the airport, and the web site
displays the items matching the description.
The FlyLAX web site recommends the
following steps to take:
• Contact your airline first about lost
suitcases or other items.
• Call U.S. Customs for lost passports at
(310) 665-4560.
• You submit a general claim if you cannot
find your item on the website. •
El Segundo Herald* • Hawthorne Press Tribune*
Inglewood Daily News* • Lawndale News*
EL SEGUNDO OFFICE • 500 Center St. • El Segundo • CA • 90245
Phone: (310) 322-1830 • Fax: (310) 322-2787 • www.heraldpublications.com
Staff and Departments
Editor-in-Chief: Heidi Maerker
Classifieds: Clara Nilles • class@heraldpublications.com
DBA: Debbie Waite • dba@heraldpublications.com • For Fictitious Business Name (DBAs) filings
Display Ad Sales: Linda Cohen • enrichlife@aol.com
Graphic Design: Michael Gonzales • ads@heraldpublications.com
Legals: Debbie Waite • legalnotices@heraldpublications.com
Letters to the Editor: letters@heraldpublications.com
Marketing: Debbie Waite • marketing@heraldpublications.com
Press Releases: pr@heraldpublications.com
For press releases, Herald In travel photos and general photos
Real Estate: Clara Nilles • graphics@heraldpublications.com • For new realtors, contracts, ads
Website contact: web@heraldpublications.com
For comments or announcements (weddings, engagements, obituaries)
Contributing Writers: Haleemon Anderson, Derrick Deane, Greg McMullin, Duane Plank, Brian Simon
Our newspapers are adjudicated of general circulation accordance with the laws of California. El Segundo Herald, Case Number 372819;
Hawthorne Press Tribune, Case Number 187530; Inglewood Daily News, Case Number 601550; Lawndale Tribune, Case Number 479346.