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Torrrance 7.19.12

Page 4 July 19, 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE HARRY’S & MCCOY’S MOVING A Student’s Perspective Family Owned & Operated for 65 Years Discount to All Torrance Residents If Man Makes it, Don’t Eat It! • Time Starts At Your Door Processed foods have also crept into theBy Glen Abalayan • Guaranteed Price/Single Item Moves In the late 1900s, a well-known health American household. An example of this is white • FREE Use of Boxes & Wardrobes expert and bodybuilder named Jack Lalanne rice. The main staple food of most households, (310) 329-3493 – Free Estimates In his brief proclamation, Jack enthusiastically a number of meals. But it is also one of thewhite rice is a common starch to complementfamously said, “If man makes it, don’t eat it.” Licensed & Insured – CAL-T-160-989 urged people to get back to eating food in most processed foods in someone’s kitchen, as their natural state. But over the years, people it is the stripped down and refined version of have disregarded fitness experts like Jack and its natural cousin, brown rice. Although most DEADLINES he first stated his message, but Jack’s idea is and lacks the health benefits of its naturalconsider it more pleasing to the taste budsthan brown rice, white rice is less nutritionalinstead listened to mouthwatering 30-secondfood commercials. It has been decades since needed now more than ever in a world where counterpart. Other examples of overly refined OBITUARIES: Monday at noon. people have chosen fake food over real food. food are ice cream, cookies, pies and sodas. CALENDAR ITEMS: Prior Friday at noon. A look inside any burger would show how The scientific advancements made in agricul- much man has changed the nature of food. The ture are one of the reasons in the denaturalization PEOPLE ITEMS: Prior Friday at noon. main culprit of this issue is the main ingredient of food. In the past two centuries, science has DISPLAY AD CHANGES: Prior Thursday at noon. itself--the patty. The patty is the product of the made some questionable moves in agriculture by CLASSIFIEDS: Tuesday at noon. mechanization of the meat industry from simple mutating an animal or plant’s genes to produce LEGAL NOTICES: Monday at noon. butchery into an assembly line. It is difficult to hormones or pesticides. Some say that thesemore food and further bombarding them withfind a piece of the patty that is untouched by NEW DISPLAY ADS: Prior Thursday at noon. human hands or machinery because it is simply methods are justified because of humanity’s REAL ESTATE ADS: Monday at noon. the unwanted scraps of meat blended together increasing population, but the same methods AD CANCELLATIONS: Prior Thursday. and molded into a circle. It doesn’t seem right have transformed livestock from their natural to call the patties “meat” anymore because the roots and mutated them into meat-making LATE CANCELLATIONS WILL BE CHARGED 50% OF AD patties look more like circular, pink clay than machines. something that came from an animal. There is a strange case in Belgium where the mutation of genes has reached almost  Blue Cow, a breed of cattle from the countrymonstrous levels. In the case of the Belgian  that bears its name, the animals have been bred  to have bodybuilder-like muscles for only one  mutations, as poultry have also been bred tothing--meat. Chickens are not spared from these  produce twice as much meat in their breasts 26th Annual Gourmet Food & Wine Festival end product of all these alterations as theyand thighs and mature much quicker than theirwild ancestors. Unfortunately, humans are the consume a large part of the meat produced and the harmful hormones inside. The method of de-naturalizing food has made people trade health for taste and are unfortunately paying the price. Instead of eating food in its natural state, people eat a sugary meal that hardly has any nutrients inside and causes them to grow weak. Today’s obesity epidemic is a major outcome of the changes humans have made to their food. With the presence of cheap and tasty fast food joints, more people are eating refined and processed Saturday, July 28, 2012 has also changed the appearance of those whogoods instead of having a home-cooked meal.But the added consumption of processed goods 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. decade, more people unfortunately resembleeat it regularly and puts more meaning to thesaying, “You are what you eat.” In the past the hormone-packed chickens they eat by hav- ing unnaturally large breasts and thighs. The On the grounds of changes in human appearance are but a few American Honda Motor Co., Inc. of the direct results of consuming processed foods. But although there has been an increase 700 Van Ness Avenue, Torrance in the consumption of refined goods, people are still able to change their ways by following Jack Lalanne’s policy on food. Festival to Benefit Torrance Memorial Medical Center Jack’s “if man made it, don’t eat it” policy teaches people to stick to eating foods that are as close to their natural states as possible. A Highlights include good rule of thumb in eating food that follows his philosophy is simply seeing if the food is Premier Restaurants and Wineries available in nature. Surely foods like ice cream Entertainment and should only be taken occasionally. Likewise,and ground beef are impossible to see naturally Silent Auction meat cuts are very close to their natural statefood found in nature such as fresh fruit and and should be a major part of a person’s diet. Tickets: $125 each or $200 per pair By his strict discipline in following his own philosophy, it is no surprise that Jack has lived Table Sponsor $4000 up to the ripe age of 96 years.Our planet has an abundance of naturally All can be purchased by calling the counterparts in health benefits and can nourishgrown food that far surpasses its manufactured Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce at (310) 540-5858. ence have produced a wealth of benefits in our-us for a lifetime. The recent advances in sci food, but have also made a few mistakes that put people’s health at risk. But people are not Dress code strictly enforced: helpless in changing their ways, as they can Coat & Tie or Cocktail attire required. follow the time-tested idea of keeping it simple. Absolutely NO admittance with jeans, shorts or beachwear This includes our food. In our world’s compli- cated search for a cure to everything, people No one under 21 admitted should start by simply looking at their plate. •

Torrrance 7.19.12
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