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Torrrance 7.12.12

Page 4 July 12, 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE Crime from page 3 A Student’s Perspective June 25 her safe deposit box and ultimately fleeing Cyclists Matter Too! Theft: 18500 BLOCK CRENSHAW BLVD with said contents/cash, jewelry. Suspect(s) enters business by unknown means June 24 Byglen Abalayan safe and properly maintained. Ask any cyclist and takes property/computer. Robbery-Weapon: 23800 BLOCK CREN- Since the 1800s, bicycles have been the on what they think of their city’s bike lanes Theft: 24600 BLOCK VIA VALMONTE SHAW BLVD Suspect demands victim’s best method of human-powered transporta- and they would most likely snicker, shake Suspect(s) cuts chain and takes property from property at gunpoint/’00 GMC Sierra, cash, tion. Compared to running, the act of cycling their head or even say, “What bike lane?” driveway/bicycles. cell phone, laptops. is a much quicker and hygienic way to get Their negative gestures do include a grain Theft: 2300 BLOCK TORRANCE BLVD Burglary-Auto: 200 BLOCK VIA LINDA from Point A to Point B. Cycling is also an of truth as they are merely protesting their Suspect(s) takes unsecured property from VISTA Suspect(s) enters unlocked vehicle enjoyable way to lose weight because it is city’s unfair treatment of cyclists and their rear of location/bicycle. and takes property/cash, tablet, purse. easier on the knees and hips, a common an- bike lanes. In some areas, bike lanes are Theft: 2600 BLOCK SKYPARK DR Vandalism: 5000 BLOCK MINDORA noyance for most runners. In European and just a six-foot-wide path formed from the Suspect approaches victim, displays a large DR Suspect(s) cuts victim’s vehicle’s tire. Asian countries, a majority of commuters excess of a re-paving. Anyone who rides on sum of cash and elicits the victim’s help in Burglary-Residential: 1800 BLOCK use bicycles as their means of transportation a bike lane will notice that they are littered turning in the “found” money before con- 180TH PL Suspect(s) kicks in two doors for and are able to reap the many benefits. But with trash, will suddenly disappear and are vincing the victim to empty the contents of entry, ransacks and takes unknown property. • unfortunately here at home, most cities in the dangerously close to cars that quadruple United States have overlooked their continental them in size. I too have had my share of counterparts and failed to recognize cyclists the common cyclist’s woes as I rode along Sparkling such as a safe lane, cities are making their to exist once I crossed a junction. It’s quitea bike lane and found it quite strange andirritating to see the bike lane suddenly ceaseas a legitimate way of transport. By failingto provide cyclists with adequate resources, roads more hazardous to cyclists, drivers odd how people would stage a mad riot Window Cleaning and pedestrians. wouldn’t care if a simple six-foot-wide bikeover a sudden closure on a major street, butA common complaint of cyclists is the lack Residential/Commercial • Free Estimates - Low prices of a decent bike lane. In European countries route was abruptly cut off. Phone: 310-322-8747 lessly integrated into the city’s infrastructure of a clash between who owns what part ofCyclists end up being stuck in the middle-such as The Netherlands, bike lanes are seam Cell: 310-720-8747 and give cyclists a safe place to commute. the road. Unlike other countries where bikes In the United States, cities have also adopted have their own independent lane, riders in the bike lanes but fall short on keeping their lanes United States have to either risk their lives by riding along the hazardous right side of  the road (where the two-ton steel behemoths  along the sidewalk. None of these alternativesroam) or risk the safety of others by speeding  is beneficial to the cyclist, as both sides rarely  respect them and sometimes even use them  road engineers to believe that simply paintingto release their road rage. It is unethical for 26th Annual Gourmet Food & Wine Festival “bike lane” would protect cyclists from thea white line and labeling the side of a road hulking boxes of steel and the aggressive drivers that man them. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administra- tion, the United States had 52,000 bicyclist injuries and 618 fatal bicycle crashes in 2010. Compared to their bicycle-friendly European counterparts, Americans are three to five times more likely to be involved in a fatal bicycle accident. This is because of the fact that the only thing separating a 50- pound bicycle from a three-ton pickup truck is a measly 30-gram strip of white paint. What hinders the United States from being Saturday, July 28, 2012 the changing times. With the unpredictable,a haven for cyclists is its inability to adapt to and sometimes irritating, nature of gasoline 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. transportation for a more economic and fuel-prices, more people are ditching automotive efficient alternative. The New York Times reports that in the past five years, American On the grounds of bicycle sales have increased by nine percent. In economic terms, a study in 2010 by the American Honda Motor Co., Inc. National Bicycle Dealers Association re- 700 Van Ness Avenue, Torrance the amount of cars bought three to one andported that the bicycle industry has outsold sold $5.6 billion in bicycles and parts while Festival to Benefit Torrance Memorial Medical Center But the United States has overlooked thealso reducing the nation’s dependence on oil. nation’s newfound interest in cycling and Highlights include more lanes for cyclists. With the number ofirrationally reduced spending on providing Premier Restaurants and Wineries can provide, it does not make sense why theeconomic opportunities the bicycle industry Entertainment government has failed to focus on such an opportunity to free itself from the problems Silent Auction that have plagued it in the past years. Changes need to be made in this country Tickets: $125 each or $200 per pair serve. For years, this country has trailed its-to ensure the safety and respect cyclists de European and Asian counterparts in providing Table Sponsor $4000 a safe way of pedaled locomotion. Clearly, slight changes in infrastructure cannot make All can be purchased by calling the the United States a bicycle-friendly nation, as more drastic measures should be made. Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce at (310) 540-5858. As the number of cyclists increase every year, so too should the government provide them with decent resources to ensure their Dress code strictly enforced: safety and the safety of those around them. By implementing changes that would protect Coat & Tie or Cocktail attire required. bicyclists, the United States would take a Absolutely NO admittance with jeans, shorts or beachwear step closer to a more integrated infrastructure No one under 21 admitted that would not only benefit cyclists, but the motorists and pedestrians that also use it. •

Torrrance 7.12.12
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