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Torrrance 7.12.12

Page 12 July 12, 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE Check out our Book Giveaway... ...send us your filled-in form! Newspaper Fun!www.readingclubfun.comAnnimills LLC c 2012 V9-30 the 2012 Summer Olympic Games! Millions of people around the world will watch Welcome I heard that 4 billion people London is busy, busy, busy getting ready to host from around the world are expected to visit to see the the Opening for the athletes, and centers for swimming and cycling. to London! on T.V. Ceremonies Games. We’ve built a main Olympic stadium, a village Seventy thousand volunteers are being trained to help during the Games. Everything has been spruced 2012 Summer Olympics up! EvenImight even be tempted to take a peek! 5 island buses Read the clues to fill in the puzzle about London (England): rainy 4 London 15 1. capital of England – with about 8 million people it’s the largest city in Europe 2. is part of the United Kingdom along with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland uniforms 13 Queen 3. located on an ________ with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west 4. connected to mainland Europe by the world’s longest underwater train ________ fish 12zoo 5. the Thames ________ flows through the city; people ride on a boat called the River Bus 1 6. often ________ and foggy – umbrellas and raincoats are popular 2 England 7. Labrador Retrievers are “top dogs”; plush-haired British Shorthairs are the “top cats” 8. most students wear ________; they get a certificate when they finish “High School” – river tunnel graduation ceremonies are saved for the end of college classes tower 11 10 Did you know that 9. visitors may dine upon pork or steak pies, sausages or ________ n’ chips 2,000 newts were pets moved to a new crown 10. people get around using the subway (the tube), high-speed passenger trains, IXVIIIXI XII I IVIIIII 3 6X VII V home before red double-decker ________ or taxis painted black VI 11. was the first city to build a subway and one of the first to open a public ________ the Olympic Park 8 was built... 12. London’s Big Ben is a ________ with the largest ringing bell in the world inside flag and a large clock on its front 9 13. has a ________, royal family and group of elected people (like our Congress) called 14 Parliament which chooses a prime minister (whose job is similar to our president) 14. Buckingham Palace flies a special ________ only when the Queen is there 15. the Tower of London was used to guard the city; at times it housed a prison, the Royal Zoo 7 ...and more than and the items belonging to the Royalty such as swords, rings, etc. and the ________ itself 100 toads too? The the Opening Ceremony in London.Can you find the way Enter the Book GiveawayReading Club Fun The Olympic Torch is carried for 70 days on its journey toto light the flame in the cauldron to begin the Games?Olympic This summer we will give away dozens of books and lots ofReading Torchstickers to encourage kids to read. Just send in this signedClub Fun Start form to be entered in the giveaway. No purchase needed. Reading One entry per person per week. (Void where prohibited by law.) Club for more details. Reading you may Cut out & Reading Club Fun send up to mail this P.O. Box 646 3 entries for form to: Canton, CT 06019 3 children in one envelope! Reading Club Fun Finish Name ______________________________________________ Age _______Grade _____________ Boy Girl Street/Apt. ______________________________________________ City/Town ____________________________State _____Zip ________ Which newspaper is this? _______________________________________ Grownup’s Last Name ___________________First____________________ Grownup’s signature (over 18) __________________________________________ Email address:________________________________________________ Please print clearly! Final Giveaway will be Thursday, August 23, 2012 3. will have over 16,000 beds, some extra long for the ________ athletes. city 3 taller dining ! Created by Annimills LLC c 2012apartments4stocked1eatenThe Olympic Village: 1. is a cluster of ________ where over 17,000 athletes and officials will live. 2. is in the East End of London and may be the largest one ever ________. 4. will be ________ with 64,000 bed sheets, 9,000 wardrobes for clothes, 9 2 5. is a mini ________ with child care, a medical center, a cinema and shops. homes walk built8 170,000 coat hangers, 11,000 sofas, and 21,000 pillows! 6. has a 5,000 seat ________ room, which will serve foods from around world. 6 Fun 8. is close to where the athletes compete so they can ________ to most places. Newspaper57___. 7. 350 tons of vegetables and 682 tons of seafood will be _____ 9. will be turned into 3,000 new ________ for families after the athletes leave.

Torrrance 7.12.12
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