Page 4 September 13 , 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE You Are an Agent of Change - Why Should I Attend Church? A Rosh Hashanah Message forum where local leaders volunteer to you do, eternal life will be yours!only Savior … with the promise that whenThis column serves as a community respond to faith and religious questions That’s the kind of church you should be By Rabbi Yossi Mintz Year’ is not only a day of celebration but a submitted by readers. looking for. You will find at the congrega- Are you worried about the future of our day of retrospection; what did we accomplish Why Should I Attend Church? tion I serve a company of people that is community, schools, state, country or even last year, and perhaps more importantly what In no other place can one hear: struggling – very imperfectly – to live up to our planet? Is there anything you can do to will we do differently next year? How much God loves the whole wide world. those four marks. But whether you find that make a difference and affect change locally So as Rosh Hashanah approaches and our The challenging questions of the day. church among us or elsewhere (and there and beyond? reflections begin, our first thoughts must be The power and goodness of grace and are many such like-minded churches!) the about how we can change. How can we make kindness. important thing is that you find one … and sure that our lives will be more meaningful The need to grow and keep on growing. (most importantly) you find Him, in whom and more productive than they have been? The stories of faith: from creation to cov- every church should trust, and to whom every But where do we begin? Our first step for enant to cross and the new creation. church should commit itself. change is connecting back to our Creator. The big picture and the place of faith. —John Svendsen, First Baptist Church of After all, our Creator is the best source for Honest dealing with death and sorrow. El Segundo learning how to maximize our potential. So Encouragement and hope grounded in the What was the most beautiful sight you’ve we turn to Him in prayer, don the Tefillin, work of God. ever seen? What kind of power could have light Shabbat candles, or celebrate Shabbat or In church, the largeness of God’s love produced something so achingly beautiful a festival with our families. Our transformation will make us larger, too, in mind and heart that it reduces a human being to wordless has now begun. and deed. wonder? Surely the sheer wonder of life Spiritually refreshed and connected to Of course, not every church passes the should raise huge questions for us…. our souls, we now can set out to become above test. Some are small-minded and The Bible unashamedly says that all this better parents, spouses and friends. As we full of noise. Not everything that claims to natural beauty and amazing intricacy is meant change ourselves, our interactions change, be church is church. If it feels real, than it to point us towards God, the one who cre- those around us change, gradually creating probably is. If it feels forced, or in any way ated the extraordinary scale and complexity a ripple of goodness spreading outwards and less than real, trust your instincts. of the universe we live in, and the bodies changing the entire world. If one is a Christian, seeking to take Je- we inhabit. I believe that we actually can make Join me this year on Rosh Hashanah as we sus seriously, the company of believers is a But this is the point at which many people a difference; we can change our vast begin to change our world by reconnecting vital part of the journey; indeed, essential. switch off. The may have caught something surroundings. When the first human couple to our Creator at the Jewish Community Jesus calls us one-by-one, but only to meld of the marvel of creation, but Christianity was created, they were told by their Creator: Center. At the JCC everyone is welcome. We us into the community of faith, to fulfill leaves them cold. Many people find Christi- “Replenish the earth, and master it; and have see every person as a transformative agent God’s original image of creation - to live anity incredibly dull, and entirely irrelevant. dominion over the fish of the sea, and over waiting for their power to be unleashed. No together well, caring for one another and You may have already decided the contents the fowl of the air, and over every living thing fees or membership is required. God’s good earth. of the Bible are untrue. So before we can that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1:28). Our children lead the way in creating change. This community of faith might be a tradi- answer the question why should I attend your We were given the power to master the Come with your children to our interactive tional church with choir and organ; it might church, let’s clear away all the misconceptions whole world and to transform it for good, and fun family services designed especially be a living room fellowship or a megachurch. about Christianity so that you can examine on land, sea and in the air, and we were for children, with programs for pre-school But whatever it is, the promise of Jesus seals the facts for yourself. instructed so to do; this is our task. and elementary school ages. the deal: “where two or three are gathered If you think Christianity is all about But there is one prerequisite for us to be May you succeed in bringing positive in my name, there I am.” churches, and rules- leaving your brain able to unleash that transformative power and change to our world and in turn may you The Spirit will not honor those who prefer at the door and then having all your fun ‘change the world’: we must first transform and your family be blessed with a happy and to go it alone - a contradiction of love. But spoiled- you have been misled. That’s not ourselves. It is hopeless to try to change sweet year, both physically and spiritually, in fellowship, faulty and frail as it may be, what it’s all about. The first sentence in everything around us if we ourselves remain Our High Holiday Services will be held there is always the possibility of love, and Mark’s Gospel says that Christianity is about unchanged. How can we fix the problems at our Center at 2108 Vail Ave. in Redondo where there is love, God is there, too. Christ, Jesus Christ. of society if we ourselves remain broken? Beach. All are welcome and no membership —Rev. Tom Eggebeen, Calvary Presbyte- I have to be honest and say that I understand As the sun sets on September 16, Jews is necessary. rians, Hawthorne those who find the Christian faith useless, around the world will be celebrating Rosh For more information please call: 310- Allow me, if you will, gently to rephrase the meaningless, unappealing or unbelievable. SM Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, marking 5,773 214-4999, email: rabbiyossi@jccmb,com or question to “What Kind of Church Should I At- But the problem is that, often, what theyloansPurchase & Renovate years since creation. In Judaism, the ‘New visit our website • tend?” The answer to that question is four-fold. have written off is not the real thing. Mark Bring out the First, you should attend a church that says his book is “The beginning of the gos- best in a home authoritative Word. Second, you should at- means “good news”.pel about Jesus Christ” The word “gospel”faithfully teaches the Scriptures as God’s Purchase & RenovateSM loans tend a church that joyfully worships God as Christianity Explored is a course designed Today’s real estate market includes foreclosures and short Bring out the Maker, Savior and Friend. 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Look in this paper Today’s real estate market includes foreclosures and short Financing with all the fixin’s sale properties – that may be attractively priced, but need Good News that God – despite your rebel- next week for details about how, when and Improvements can range from basic repairs or upgrades, to improvements. lion against Him – has loved you enough to where you can attend. more extensive additions or OurPurchase & Renovate loans let you consider more provide a savior to take upon Himself the You may have had bad experiences ofBefore• Install new carpets or flooringhomes, knowing you’ll be able to make improvements you • Update the kitchen or bathrooms full penalty of human sin for all who trust religion. If so, stick around to see how un- want or need right after • Upgrade electrical, plumbing or heating systems in His sacrifice. That savior is Jesus Christ religious Jesus is. 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Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. ©2012 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. NMLSR ID
Torrance 9.13.12
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