TORRANCE TRIBUNE August 16, 2012 Page 11 Taking a summer road trip? Tips for making the best of night-time driving (ARA) - Summer is a great time for night. And, since it can be difficult to soothing music to encourage kids to night vision. a road trip. With kids out of school and reach the far corners of a large cargo rest during night-time driving. Finally, avoid frustrated driving by longer hours of daylight, many families area, consider a Cargo Management kit, Take care of yourself minimizing distractions. Plan your will head out on the highway to a va- which includes a reaching tool to help As the driver, you are the most im- route before you leave home so that riety of summer vacation destinations. access hard-to-reach cargo, and truck portant piece of safety equipment in the you don’t have to deal with confusion For many, night-time driving will be an bed pockets that create extra storage to vehicle. Make sure you are well-rested over where you’re going or the distrac- unavoidable necessity if they want to secure items that might otherwise roll before setting out on the road. Update tion of trying to figure out directions make the most of their vacation time. around in the bed of the truck. eyewear prescriptions and take all nec- while driving. Ask your passengers to It’s important to keep night-time travel Look after your passengers essary medications with you inside the take any incoming phone calls or texts as safe, comfortable and convenient Before setting out on your summer vehicle so you’re not tempted to skip on your phone - unless you’re driving as possible for everyone who rides in driving trip, be sure interior climate a dose while driving. in an area that prohibits cell phone use your vehicle. If you’ll be driving at controls function properly and that Stay hydrated by drinking plenty in the car. night during this summer’s vacation, all passengers have the proper safety of water, but never drink alcohol and Families across the country look here are some tips to help ensure you restraints. Infants and children should drive. The National Safety Council forward to summer vacation. With a enjoy good travels: ride in the back seat throughout the trip. also recommends you avoid smoking little preparation and a few well-chosen Prepare your vehicle Although it may be tempting to while driving, since the nicotine and supplies and accessories, you can help Before you begin your trip, make allow children to lay down in back carbon monoxide in smoke can hinder ensure every hour on the road is as safe, sure your vehicle is in top shape for seats and sleep traveling at night. Take care of any d u r i n g n i g h t necessary repairs or maintenance, no drives, children matter how minor they seem, includ- should be prop- ing things like checking that tires are erly buckled up properly inflated and the air filter is whenever travel- clean and functioning properly. ing in a vehicle. Visibility is an important consideration Put infants and for night driving. All windows, head- toddlers in car lights and tail lights should be clean seats appropriate and unclouded. Check headlights to for their weight ensure they’re properly aimed; poorly and age. Children aligned headlights can make it difficult y o u n g e r t h a n for you to see the road, and can blind 12, shorter than drivers in other vehicles. 4 feet 9 inches, Don’t overlook the importance of or less than 80 comfort and convenience. Outfit your pounds should vehicle with accessories that will use a booster make operating it in the dark as easy seat, according as possible. For example, the Access to Truck Bed LED Light attaches to any D o p r o v i d e 12V power source in a pickup truck, accessories like SUV, boat or camper, and allows you neck pillows, to easily see important cargo areas at night lights and 15808 SR HONDA- 2007 and Newer- JULY MAILER_5.indd 2 a-1serVice a-2serVice $ 00 OFF100 FREE • Inspect and rotate tires-inflate to proper p.s.i. • Replace dust and pollen filter collision rePair$100 off $750 or more in labor. Call for details• Replace drain plug gasket• Inspect and rotate tires-inflate to proper p.s.i.• Replace air filter• “Honda Certified” multipoint inspection• Replace engine oil and filter• Up to 5 quarts non synthetic majorYan• Replace engine oil and filter• Up to 5 quarts non synthetic• Replace drain plug gasket• “Honda Certified” multipoint inspection •multi-PointVehicle insPection $ 87 Movie tFREE! $ Synthetic Oil slightly higher FrontNot valid on previous purchases. 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