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Torrance 7.26.12

TORRANCE TRIBUNE July 26, 2012 Page 5 One Man’s Opinion Political Penguin By Gerry Chong By a 5:1 margin, the Senate had passed the By Duane Plank his Tweets and communications with oth- In 1962, the brilliant Ray Bradbury Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defining Sometimes I tend to get a little personal in ers, randy as they may have been, would penned the gothic novel and poem Some- marriage as between a man and a woman, these columns. Maybe too much for some. not somehow be discovered by the intrepid thing Wicked This Way Comes, the story and the House overwhelmingly passed the And maybe I stray off the dotted line occa- media-ites and make national news. of a strange circus headed by the sinister law by a vote of 342-67. Democrat Clinton sionally. Sorry. Do my best to keep the prose Now, and let’s be honest here, gotta believe Mr. Dark arriving in a small town. It is he signed it into law. In 2009, the Obama breezy, readable and interesting, especially that more than a few of you out there in who tattoos onto his body the picture of Department of Justice declared the law with the deadlines that make some of my readerland have sent an ill-advised text, e-mail every victim he has conned into joining his constitutional, but 18 months later Obama musings possibly a bit dated. or Tweet. Or maybe even left a somewhat circus, preying upon their hopes and bring- issued an executive order saying the DOJ But off the top, I want to ask for your stupid voicemail on someone’s tele? Anyway, ing change from which they never recover. would cease defending the law. In essence, thoughts and prayers to be sent to Nick the story goes that Weiner, who has always A presence dark invades the fair Obama superimposed his view over that of Ekbatani, who was severely injured in a coveted the Mayor’s chair in Gotham City, And gives the horses ample scare both houses of Congress in clear violation motorcycle mishap two weekends ago. which is New York City, for some of you Chaos rains and panic fills the air of the Constitution. So severely injured that Ekbatani, who not up to speed, is chomping at the bit. When something wicked this way Said Jonathan Turley, a liberal graduated from UCLA with a degree in And that the Weiner man is contemplating comes constitutional law scholar at political science a few years back, a run for Mayor in 2013. NEWS FLASH: The Hill Pulse George Washington University, had to have part of his left leg Now, Weiner denies that he is Opinion Research poll found that “The President is using executive amputated. plotting a comeback. But sometimes 68 percent of Americans believe power to do things Congress Met Nick a few times--attended politicos may fib, right? And we all Barack Obama has substantially has refused to do. That fits a a Trojan (before he was a Bruin) football know the American public’s proclivity changed the country--56 percent disturbing pattern of expansion game with him. He is the nephew of my to forgive and forget, right? Reference negatively and only 35 percent posi- of executive power. He is negating high school buddy and still good friend the Limo Liberal pin-up boy Slick Willie tively.Something Wicked This Way Comes. part of the criminal code because he Andy. Who waxes big-time political on some and his dalliance with the chubby, beret- In 1996, under President Clinton, Congress disagrees with them. That goes beyond of the texts that he sends me, excoriating wearing cow Monica Lewinsky. passed the Temporary Relief for Needy the pale.” some of the policies and decisions made by So the current POTUS has been out and Families Act (TANF). The act modified the ‘Cross this evil land ill winds blow the POTUS as he, according to Andy, and I about, beating the bushes, looking for every welfare program by requiring applicants work For something wicked this way grows. paraphrase, continues to give away the farm. shekel as he lines his overflowing war chest 20 to 30 hours per week or make material To close budgetary deficits exceeding Anyway, was dealing with my oh-so-non- for the battle with Mitt “The Glove” Rom- efforts towards work. Clinton said this act $1 trillion every year, Obama proposes to important day-to-day troubles, heading to ney this fall. The President’s operatives are “ends welfare as we know it” and TANF raise taxes on 950,000 small businesses, work one morning in the early gloaming, doing their best to paint the seemingly at did in fact reduce the number of welfare but the Democratic Senate refuses to bring when I found out about Nick’s life-threatening times befuddled and backpedaling Romney applicants by millions. While the law pro- the President’s proposal to a vote. The accident. Which kind of puts, at least for with a nasty broad brush, saying that when hibited its alteration by executive order, on Heritage Foundationcalculated that if these me, some stuff in perspective. Sent an e- the Elephant Party nominee was the chief July 12 President Obama eliminated the businesses earned an average of $250,000, mail to a friend that very morning, noting executive at a profiteering Boston-based work component of the law by executive their federal tax increase would be $24,888. the terrible accident and the sadness I felt. private equity that he made a load of money. order, thus violating the law itself. On July 13, Americans for Tax Reform Part of the friend’s response was, “Life is Which, as far as I understood, was the main And boiling currents pound like drums disclosed that income taxes have reached so tenuous, no?” reason to have a big business in America? When something wicked this way comes. 54 percent of the nation’s GDP and the Amen. To make a boatload of money for you, for On July 12, theNew York Timesreported average worker must work until July 15 to Okay, so had to guffaw a little bit when a your investors--and if the trickle-down thing that from 2008 to 2012, food stamp recipients pay for this year’s tax burden. Something story crossed the wires recently noting that worked out, for other folks way down on the rose by over 50 percent from 30 million to wicked this way comes. the somewhat disgraced ex-Congressman bottom level of the food chain. 46 million. Some of that increase was due On July 12, the Doctor Patient Medi- from the Empire State, Anthony Weiner, was Romney, who doesn’t do well when quizzed to the recession, but according toThe Times, cal Association polled 699 doctors, who contemplating a return to the political scene by the smart-aleck, left-leaning media-ites, much was due to policy changes. First, there revealed that 83 percent had considered a scant 14 months after his embarrassing mea finally had to stand up for a second and an- are categorical eligibility rules declaring quitting medicine because of the burdens culpa and exit from public service when he swer a few of the left-leaning queries. Maybe anyone receiving benefits from any other of Obamacare. By the year 2020, the nation was outed, or he outed himself, after being he will even release his tax returns soon? entitlement program automatically became will face a shortage of 90,000 doctors, and caught sending suggestive Tweets and other Hey, my tax returns are out there in the eligible for food stamps. Even if a person of those continuing to practice 49 percent modes of communication to women friends. public domain somewhere. Shouldn’t the received a flier describing the program, he will cease accepting Medicaid patients Weiner became a laughingstock for awhile, presumptive Republican nominee have to became eligible. Second, any work require- because of excessive regulations, low-ball with the non-funnies like the non-watched come clean? And maybe when “The Glove” ment was suspended. Third, there is no payments and excessive hoops required to Conan O’Brien show on some cable network releases his tax returns, we can all get some maximum asset limit requirement. Fourth, obtain payment. that no one pays attention to, who made tawdry clarification on the somewhat murky birth the federal government offered states $50 To date, Health and Human Services jokes at Weiner’s expense for a few weeks. certificate issue that is still, somewhat, million in bonuses to sign up applicants. (HHS) had spent $1 billion to implement But like most media engendered maelstroms, plaguing the POTUS as he skates around So the program exploded. Obamacare and has drawn 13,000 pages the shelf life of the Weiner peccadilloes soon the country with his palms out, grabbing as When the House proposed a two percent of regulations. Yet the law allows HHS to subsided and the political pundits were on much dough as he can from the Limousine reduction in the program, equal to $16.5 spend another three years to finish drawing to the next big thing. Liberals. billion over 10 years, the Democratic Senate its regulations and procedures. One can Well, Weiner has stayed off of the front Out of space, but I promise that there will rejected that proposal. only guess at the end result. and back pages for the last year or so, stay- be a Princess Palin update next week. Seems The landscape turns to ashen crumbs Mr. Dark smiles ing out of the limelight. And remember, the the lass hasn’t yet been invited to make an When something wicked this way comes. As something wicked this way comes. • guy committed no crime other than that of appearance at the GOP convention. Persona being so stupid and arrogant that he thought non grata? • City Council from front page they would escort on bombing runs because forces are where we are in the war on terror,” butions during the war and instead thanked Scotto and Torrance Police Lieutenant Stephen of their high success rate. “The white bomber said Ferrell. “And were fighting side by side. God and his wife of 74 years for supporting D’Anjou worked to make sure Crenshaw pilots called these Tuskegee Airmen angels, Color does not matter, race does not matter, him and helping to see him through not just would have a chance to be honored for his because when they provided the escort ser- sex does not matter. In the years past it did, war, but all of his 102 years. “I didn’t do service by the community in his hometown vice for those bombers, the success of those but we had to break down those barriers and this all alone,” said Crenshaw. “God gave of Torrance. Scotto and D’Anjou had to talk bombers coming back was greatly improved,” sir, Crenshaw, you are part of that.” me strength. He gave me a little lady…my to the office of the President and make sure said Pawlikowski. After the speeches from Pawlikowski and wife, who has stuck with me through thick they weren’t violating Congressional decorum When Crenshaw served, the Air Force Ferrell, Crenshaw finally was presented with and thin.” by awarding him a replica of the medal (as wasn’t yet its own branch of service and his replica medal by Torrance Mayor Frank Arranging this ceremony was no simple task. typically only a member of Congress or the instead was a part of the Army. To represent Scotto and the two generals. Crenshaw said Scotto first met Crenshaw to present him a President can award the Congressional Gold the branch Crenshaw served under, Brigadier he was amazed that so many people came to proclamation on the latter’s 102nd birthday. Medal). On top of that Scotto and D’Anjou General Terry Ferrell, Commanding Officer thank him for his service to the country. “I The Mayor didn’t realize that Crenshaw was had to coordinate the schedules of the two of the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, am overwhelmed at this show of love and a member of the Tuskegee Airmen until military representatives who would be at the also recognized him and the other Tuskegee admiration,” said Crenshaw. “For a moment, I speaking with Crenshaw’s son. Scotto also ceremony. However, D’Anjou said that all Airmen for their contributions not only in thought I was dreaming. But all these camera learned that Crenshaw hadn’t been recognized the work was more than worth it. “I couldn’t combat but in ridding the armed forces of the flashes brought me back to reality. I want for his service, as he was unable to attend be happier,” he said. “When Mr. Crenshaw racism and sexism that used to be ubiquitous. to thank you all for showing me how much the ceremony where the Tuskegee Airmen got the microphone and thanked everyone “Because of that organization and because you care. I love you all.” were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for their outpouring of support, I could see of men like Mr. Crenshaw, today our armed Crenshaw was humble about his contri- by George W. Bush in 2007. From then on, it meant so much to him.” •

Torrance 7.26.12
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