Page 10 July 26, 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE TerriAnn in Torrance Let the Games Begin By TerriAnn Ferren ceremonies in Los Angeles at the Coliseum running the 50-yard dash in 6.2 seconds, I The Olympic Summer Games or The were nothing short of spectacular with David thought I was headed toward the Olympics. Games of the XXX Olympiad will be held L. Wolper at the helm. I remember people were Of course, I was just 12 years old and I this year in London from July 27 to Au- saying after the ceremonies, “Wow!” Other guess all 12-year-olds have Olympic dreams. gust 12. The city of London has hosted exceptionally One Saturday, the Olympic Games twice before, once in t a l e n t e d my eighth 1908 and again in 1948. The 2012 Summer musicians g r a d e Games give London the honor as being the and com- g y m first city to host the games three times. The p o s e r s teacher news on television is filled with information j o i n e d d r o v e and tidbits on athletes in final preparation the ef- our track for the games. Londoners are polishing fort and team to and sprucing up their city to welcome mil- o f f e r e d Exposition lions of visitors from all over the world. their talents. Park where we Synchronized swimming, taekwondo, judo, Etta James sang the had a training session Bill Stetson M.D. now specializes in sports medi- modern pentathlon, canoe slalom, badminton National Anthem at the with a real Olympic cine and has been honored to be the team doctor and beach volleyball are among the many opening ceremonies and coach. We participated in Teams for the 2012 London Summer Olympics.for the USA Men’s and Women’s Indoor Volleyball events of the Summer Games. Sergio Mendes created an original song for exercises and learned how to rest our muscles Photo courtesy of the Olympics. And I remember Rafer John- and take care of our feet. I was convinced son, decathlon winner at the 1960 Summer if I trained hard enough, I could be an Romans conquered the world. Olympics, running up the final staircase with Olympian. Then I went to a track meet at In the 1890s, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, torch in hand to light up the Olympic rings El Camino College. Up against other run- a Frenchman, inspired the resurrection of that lit up the sky at the Coliseum. I’ll never ners of the day, I didn’t win a single heat. the games in an effort to encourage physi- forget gazing out the window of our car while Second is all I could muster. I do remember cal exercise in his country. His efforts led driving along the Harbor Freeway, seeing my coach telling me not to look to my left to the organizing of the first International the Olympic flame blazing at the Coliseum or right while I was running. But it was so Olympic Committee. It was decided that during those magical two weeks. I knew that hard to do that when I saw the competition Athens, Greece would be the site of the was a special sight. in my peripheral vision overtaking my lead. first modern Olympics out of respect for Torrance’s own Louis Zamperini was an After several track meets, I realized I wasn’t the original site of the games long ago. A Olympic runner who attended Torrance High headed toward Olympic gold anytime soon and date was set for 1896. It is interesting to School and participated in the 1936 Olym- decided to concentrate on my ballet classes. note that the Greeks’ only success during pics in Berlin, Germany. Zamperini ran the Long ago, the Ancient Olympics in Greece the first Olympics was by Spiridon Loues, 5,000-meter race that caught the attention were a national festival and partly held to a shepherd who won the 25-mile marathon of Adolf Hitler. Zamperini ran the last lap honor the Greek god Zeus. The first recorded race covering the route of the legendary exceptionally fast. Zamperini also carried Olympics took place in 776 BC and there Greek couriers’ who died after reporting to the Olympic torch on his 81st birthday in was only one event--a footrace that was 192 Athens the victory at Marathon. I remember the Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan in meters long (210 yards) won by Coroebus, this story being told by my eighth grade 1998. But it wasn’t until 2005 when Zam- a cook. This race made him the very first teacher, Sr. Mary Marcellina. The second Torrance’s own Louis Zamperini was an Olympic runner who perini would once again visit the Olympic Olympic champion. I remember being told Olympics were held in Paris in 1900. In attended Torrance High School and participated in the 1936 Stadium in Berlin, Germany where he ran in that the athletes competed naked. For a time, 1924, a separate Olympic program began for USC. Photo courtesy of USC Sports. the only one who remembers the Olympic to participate and women could not participate summer Olympic Games alternate. Worldfor winter sports. Today, the winter andonly Greeks of pure descent were permittedhis first Olympics. And I am sure I am not Olympics in Berlin, Germany. Seen here is Zamperini running torch of 1984 being carried down Torrance or even watch the games. That I find very wars prevented a few Olympic Games from In 1984, we were fortunate to have Los Boulevard by our hometown athletes. Today, amusing! The winners of the games received being held. Angeles host the Summer Olympics (The nearly 8,000 people will carry the Olympic a garland of wild olive branches, but their I spoke with orthopedic surgeon Dr. William Games of the XXIII Olympiad). I remember flame to the 2012 games. Carrying the torch real prize was the honor and esteem they B. Stetson M.D., who took time from his how the artists of the city of Los Angeles is an honor that I am sure stays with the received. The games were played every four practice atStetson Powell Orthopedics Sports painted brightly-colored murals on the honorees for the rest of their lives. years for 1,200 years until 393 when they Medicine in Burbank to fill me in on his concrete walls along the Harbor Freeway, All of us, I imagine, had Olympic fantasies were banned by Emperor Theodosius I of participation with the Olympic indoor men’s as workers got busy building a large ve- when we were young. In eighth grade after Rome. This is during the time when the and women’s volleyball teams. “Billy” is one lodrome and a beautiful swim stadium. of eight children who grew up in downtown Volunteers from all over Southern California Torrance. His dad, Dr. Rodney A. Stetson became involved in the planning process. (who was team doctor to nearly all Torrance I had girlfriends who volunteered to drive High Schools), is a legend in Torrance. Billy vans shuttling athletes from the Olympic graduated from Torrance High in 1982 and village to the venues. There was a spirit loved to play volleyball. He played so well of camaraderie, excitement and unity that in high school that he won a full medical permeated the entire Southern California scholarship to USC. He played volleyball area and Torrance was no exception. Local at USC and was a member of the NCAA South Bay resident Dr. Kay Teer Crawford National Championship Volleyball Team in (1914 – 2001)--pioneer, founder and dean of 1980 and named All American Captain in dance drill teams who brought drill teams to 1982. Bill Stetson M.D. now specializes in the high schools of America and the world- sports medicine and has been honored to -was in charge of directing 1,268 members be the team doctor for theUSA Men’s and of a special drill team that was part of the Women’s Indoor Volleyball Teams for the opening ceremonies at the Coliseum. As I 2012 London Summer Olympics. What an recall, lots of people left town in 1984 for honor! He told me, “I love what I do. I love two weeks to avoid the crowds of people sports medicine and orthopedic surgery.” I descending upon our city and I wonder if was lucky to be able to catch up with this that will be the case in London as well. active doctor who still loves sports. He Frankly, those people who left town for a told me he would love to talk longer but vacation to get away from it all missed a said, “I have to leave to get to USC where magical time in our city… the USA Women’s Volleyball Team has a Peter Ueberroth, organizer of the 1984 game with Bulgaria tonight.” All this made Summer Olympics, was a genius organizer. me even more excited about the upcoming Because of his leadership in steering the first Olympic Games. privately financed Olympic Games, we--the The Olympics are a special time when City of Los Angeles--ended up with a $250 countries gather together not only to compete million surplus. I find it interesting to note against each other, but to share the joy of that Los Angeles is the only city to host the sports and camaraderie. Torrance is a very Olympics that ever made money. This money sports-minded town filled with exceptional still helps support youth sports and activities athletes who I am sure will watch with hope throughout the United States. Ueberroth was and excitement as the Summer Games un- namedTime Magazine’s Man of the Year in fold. And maybe, just maybe in the future, 1984. Composer John Williams created the the City of the Angels will once again host Grammy-winning music for the opening our third Olympic Summer Games. Let the ceremonies. And the opening and closing Louis Zamperini speaking at the Toberman Fundraising Gala. See Torrance Tribune March 7, 2012. games begin! •
Torrance 7.26.12
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