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Torrance 12_13_12

Page 6 December 13, 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE 29th Annual Holiday Festival Winter Wonderland Hosts Gala Photos by David Bever The Torrance Memorial Media Center’s 29th Annual Holiday Festival Winter Wonderland continued last Friday with the Festival Night Gala’s dinner and auction. This year’s event proceeds are going toward the medical center’s 390,000 square foot, seven-story Patient Tower which is scheduled to open in 2015. Craig Leach, President/CEO of Torrance Memorial Media Center Laura Schenasi, Executive VP of the Torrance Memorial Health and his wife Judy. Care Foundation and her husband Marc. Highest bid comes from Ralph Moore. Becky Ward and Angie Scott pose in front of one of the fabulously decorated trees. Michelle Olenick from Manhattan Beach and Erin O’Hara visiting from New Zealand. See Annual Holiday Festival for more photos, page 8

Torrance 12_13_12
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