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TORRANCE TRIBUNE November 27, 2014 Page 9 One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion The Wounded Animal Executive Order on Immigration Issue By Gerald Chong Will Not Solve the Problem The wounded predator glowered from his lair, arrow wounds everywhere. Angry and By Cristian Vasquez cornered, he licked at himself and plotted President Obama’s proposal to address his revenge against all who challenged him, the current immigration crisis through an punishing the country in the process. Without executive order is a horrible idea. To start, a doubt, a wounded president is the most there are too many details to address in order dangerous predator in the political jungle, to solve this problem through an executive capable of wreaking vengeance with fury order. From border security, to streamlining and extreme prejudice. the process to handle the petitions of people One arrow came from the Gallup attempting to enter the country legally and poll showing the lowest ever rating for even to determining how to properly deal with Obamacare: only 37% approve the law undocumented immigrants detained in the while 56% oppose. Correspondingly, the country. Realistically an executive order can coming enrollment, originally projected to address each and every issue that I just listed; be 13 million people, will fall to only 9.1 however, a one-sided approach will result in million, nearly a 30% failure. several shortcomings and future complications. A second arrow came from Jonathan It goes without saying that in the past eight Gruber, one of the architects of Obamacare, years nothing has been done by either party in who had been paid $400,000 by the President order too address the immigration issue. Both to structure the program to obfuscate the tax sides have claimed to be open to developing impacts of the program. But now Gruber says policies that would best benefit immigrants the American public is stupid and had been and the country. However, they have been conned into supporting the law. Predictably, so far apart that conversations have stalled at Obama claims he never knew the man. every moment. The best the Democrats and A third arrow came from the Legatum President Obama could offer was the Dream Institute of London, which compared 141 Act, which was nowhere near being agreed nations’ quality of life (opportunity, education, upon by both parties. Republican Senators civil liberty, freedom of choice) and found the such as Marco Rubio from Florida and Ted U.S. had fallen to 21st. In 2009 we had been Cruz from Texas have been vocal about ranked 9th, so under Obama we have fallen their approach to solving the immigration 12 places. Our freedom ranking fell 17%, crisis, which involves continued efforts by and the combination ranking of civil liberty the federal government to deport people, as + free choice fell 22%. The study objectively well as voluntary deportations. This of course validates the feelings we have all shared. goes against the approach by the Democrats A fourth and most serious wounding came who would rather create the famous/infamous when the public rejected Obama’s policies, and path to citizenship. Visit us online: So here we are on the brink of an executive order that will anger both sides of the political aisle, fail to fix the issue of undocumented immigrants which will more likely than not allow the continued entry and overstaying of immigrants to the country. The reason we keep having people sneak in or over stay their welcome is because the businesses that hire this labor source continue to get away with their crime. As a society we are fast to point the finger and place blame on a person or group at the first sign of trouble. With the immigration issue the focus has always been on the source of labor; we can go as far back as we want in our nation’s history and the undocumented workers have always been the target of deportations while business owners receive a slap on the wrist at best. Now, I’ll be clear. The businesses that have gotten away with the slap on the wrist are big businesses; corporations. A small business owner would be likely to lose it all if caught breaking such a law. However, corporations like Wal-Mart, who in March of 2009 paid $11 million in a civil immigration case to avoid prosecution, get away with using undocumented workers. Forcing a multi-billion dollar corporation $11 million in civil fines in order for anyone to avoid jail time is a mockery of our laws. It is hypocritical and absurd to criminalize the source of labor but not the source that employs and profits from said illegal source of labor. An Executive Order by President Obama will not fix the immigration problem and based on Congress’ record, they won’t do it either. • elected a Republican Congress. ‘Nuff said. Lashing out, he proposes legalizing and issuing work permits to five million people who had illegally entered the country, adding to the 92 million already unemployed. Polling indicates 74% of Americans oppose this Presidential mandate, which the President himself, speaking as a senator, had previously declared as being illegal. Setting aside the emotional content of the proposal, his own previous position validates creation of an America outside the rule of law and public opinion. Inexplicably, he entered an agreement with China in which by 2030, we would reduce carbon emissions by 26%-28% from 2005 levels. By contrast, China agreed to peak its emissions by that same date. For the U.S. to reach that reduction, the economy would have to be virtually dismantled, but China can continue business as usual for the next 15 years. The wounded predator has insisted on turning the internet over to the government for control, so it can be run like the Post Office, the IRS, and the VA -- and of course, be taxed. Even as he promised “No boots on the ground in the Middle East,” 1,500 more boots arrived in Iraq, bringing the total count to 3,000. What’s more, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says American boots may join Iraqi troops in the field. Victor Ponta, the recently defeated candidate for the presidency of Romania, in his concession speech, said, “We are a democratic country. The people are always right.” It is unfortunate the wounded predator does not share the same view of the democratic process. • Police Reports from page 3 Suspect(s) cuts screens, smashes window/ no entry, no loss Robbery-Weapon 11/14/2014 4:16:55 PM 23400 BLOCK MADISON ST Suspect enters open business, presents a demand note and simulates a handgun, but flees without taking any property Burglary-Auto 11/14/2014 11:30:00 AM 2500 BLOCK REDONDO BEACH BLVD Suspect(s) accesses vehicle via open window public notices If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. -- Martin Luther King, Jr. PUBLISH YOUR PUBLIC NOTICES HERE ABANDONMENTS: $125.00 ABC NOTICES: $125.00 DBA (Fictitious Business Name): $75.00 NAME CHANGE: $125.00 Other type of notice? Contact us and we can give you a price. For DBA’s email us at: dba@heraldpu Fictitious Business Name Statement 2014318901 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as INTEGRAL REALTY GROUP, 1440 23RD ST., #211, SANTA MONICA, CA 90404, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): CHRISTIAN FRANCIS SCHOENTAG, 1440 23RD ST. #211, SANTA MONICA CA, 90404. This business is being conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on: n/a. Signed: CHRISTIAN SCHOENTAG, OWNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on November 07, 2014. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on November 07, 2019. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to November 07, 2019. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). El Segundo Herald: Pub. November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2014 H-1177 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2014321648 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as NELSON’S PROCUREMENTS AND SALES, 10811 S. ST. ANDREWS PL., L. A., CA 90047, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): ERIC NELSON, 10811 S. ST. ANDREWS PL., L.A., CA, 90047. This business is being conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on: 11-12- 14. Signed: ERIC NELSON, OWNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on November 12, 2014. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on November 12, 2019. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to November 12, 2019. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). El Segundo Herald: Pub. November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2014 H-1178 and takes property/ tablets, safe, jewelry, cash, game console Vandalism 11/14/2014 1:30:00 PM 17000 BLOCK YUKON AVE Suspect(s) smashes windows on victims’ two vehicles/ no entry, no loss Burglary-Residential 11/14/2014 10:49:17 PM 4400 BLOCK EMERALD ST Suspect(s) enters through open kitchen window, ransacks and takes property/safe, firearm, checkbooks, mail, jewelry box, jewelry Burglary-Auto 11/14/2014 9:00:00 AM 3700 BLOCK 225TH ST Suspect(s) enters unlocked vehicle, ransacks and takes property/ medication, cash Theft 11/14/2014 6:46 AM 2000 BLOCK 190TH ST Suspect(s) defeats lock and takes property from rack/bicycle Vandalism 11/13/2014 9:30:00 PM 2700 BLOCK ARLINGTON AVE Suspect(s) forces open mailbox/ unknown if property loss at time of report Auto Theft 11/13/2014 2:00 PM 3800 BLOCK 181ST ST Stolen vehicle: ‘05 Hyundai Sonata Vandalism 11/12/2014 11:08 PM 3600 BLOCK 177TH ST Suspect throws bricks at victims’ vehicles’ and residence’s windows, smashing same Vandalism 11/15/2014 11:30:00 AM 3100 BLOCK NEWTON ST Suspect(s) scratches victim’s vehicle’s paint Theft 11/12/2014 10:30:00 PM 19600 BLOCK HAWTHORNE BLVD Suspect(s) enters unlocked vehicle and takes property/registration, insurance, vehicle battery Burglary-Auto 11/12/2014 7:00:00 PM 21300 BLOCK HAWTHORNE BLVD Suspect(s) punches door lock for entry and takes property/speaker box Auto Theft 11/12/2014 1:05 PM 2900 BLOCK SEPULVEDA BLVD Stolen vehicle: ‘04 Chevrolet P/U Auto Theft 11/12/2014 8:58 AM 23900 BLOCK LADEENE AVE Stolen vehicle: ‘97 Dodge P/U Auto Theft 11/14/2014 8:35:00 PM 23500 BLOCK ARLINGTON AVE Stolen vehicle: ‘04 Toyota Avalon Burglary-Residential 11/11/2014 7:15:00 PM 3700 BLOCK 176TH ST Suspect(s) enters through unlocked rear sliding door, ransacks and takes property/ electronics, jewelry Theft 11/16/2014 11:00:00 AM 300 BLOCK PASEO DE GRACIA See Police Reports, page 10 Like Us on Facebook

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