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Torrance 11.08.12

TORRANCE TRIBUNE November 8, 2012 Page 3 Smoking from front page happening, or at least to obtain some idea of years back where parents and grandparents what is probably linked to the genes of the with a history of smoking were surveyed. The male or female and how that information is study found some indication that even if the transmitted from one generation to the next mother was not smoking but was exposed generation. That is the key thing now--looking to smoke, there was a possibility that their at how these transfers are occurring and kids might be at a greater risk for asthma. exactly what are the mechanisms involved in “That was just a weak association with no This column serves as a community the Church is not only relevant but that it is the transfer of information from an exposed strong scientific evidence of this phenomenon forum where local leaders volunteer to the most relevant institution on the face of the mother to the offspring. That will be the key occurring or how this might be happening, respond to faith and religious questions earth. Why do I say that? Well, not because its process for the next few years.” but since we already had a model we could submitted by readers. buildings are new (many of them aren’t). Nor The Centers for Disease Control and see that asthma was happening in our model Is church still relevant for today? Why is it because its ministers are hip (I know one Prevention indicates that the number of offspring. That is what drove me to investigate or why not? who definitely isn’t!). The Church’s relevance people diagnosed with asthma in the United whether these effects could be explained in If there were no church, we’d invent one. is due, rather, to an abiding message that it both States grew by 4.3 million from 2001 to next-generation offspring.” By nature, we crave fellowship. The best holds for itself and proclaims to the world. 2009. During the same timeframe, asthma Studies have proven that exposure to things in life are shared experiences. In the That message is captured in that most famous rates among African-American kids also nicotine during the pregnancy phase affects company of one another, we have a courage of all Bible passages: “For God so loved the rose by almost 50 percent. In addition, lung growth. In addition, it has a negative and a vision we would rarely, if ever, have world that He gave His only Son, that whoever approximately one in 10 children and one effect in differentiation by altering specific on our own. believes in Him should not perish but have eternal in 12 adults suffers from asthma. The CDC mechanisms that are necessary for fetal lung Sure, the church is a often a mess, a real life.” (John 3:16). Gripped by the astonishing also estimates that financial costs associated development and often results in an offspring mess. Serving itself more than God. Using fact of God’s love for a wayward world – a with asthma grew from $53 billion in 2002 being predisposed to asthma. Dr. Rehan people rather than empowering them. Deluding love that motivated Him to part with His dearest to almost $56 billion in 2007. indicates that there is strong evidence that them with a false gospel of pie-in-the-sky rather treasure (Jesus) so that the penalty of sin might “Again asthma has been increasing such alterations in the structure and function than a living faith that enables people to live be fully paid – the church has proclaimed this exponentially decade after decade, but nobody of the human lung caused by the exposure here and now and deal with the issues of life. news over the centuries and across the globe. seems to have the correct explanation of to nicotine during pregnancy can be passed It doesn’t do a bit of good to tell people, who It is a relevant message because it addresses what is driving this process,” Dr. Rehan said. from one generation to the next. However, are victims of injustice and greed, to “not feel the needs, fulfills the yearnings and satisfies “Incidents have increased so much in the last with the new grant and upcoming research, like they’re victims.” This fulfills, sadly, what the desires of people from every era and all five decades and even more so in the last two Dr. Rehan believes that significant advances Marx said of religion, “It’s an opiate” that dulls areas. Whether it is addressed to the illiterate and three decades. I think that despite the can be made treating and preventing asthma. the mind and numbs the soul. or the sophisticate that message down through learning from all the new information coming “This really changes the field because it Having said that, we move on. The church the years never becomes obsolete – simply out, people have not thought of the aspect will provide groundbreaking findings,” Dr. remains relevant for any number of reasons. because our fundamental problem remains of how this is transmitted from generation Rehan said. “This will help us in terms of Where else does one hear a message that unchangeably the same. There is no expiration to generation. It is a strong contributor to designing new strategies with regards to how takes one beyond the self? Nowhere else do date stamped upon this “Bread of Life”! asthma worldwide and that is why I think that to block asthma, not only from generation to people hear a message about God, faith, hope, Have you tasted this bread? I know a the implications of these findings are huge generation, but it will even help the exposed love, justice, peace and kindness.  congregation that serves it up Sunday after and it will help in designing new strategies generation and how they can prevent it. When the church fails, as it often does, there’s Sunday! You are invited to the feast! in preventing and treating asthma.” These will be key findings in designing new no greater failure on the face of the earth. – John Svendsen, First Baptist Church of Dr. Rehan recalls a report by USC a few strategies to prevent asthma.” • When it does well, there is no greater story.  El Segundo It will always be so - a strange mixture Words are powerful things. They have started Council from page of failure and faithfulness. By vigilance and wars and convinced troubled souls to step back prayer, study and reflection, the church can rise front the ledge. So, before we answer the they fight in,” said Waggoner. “Please pray find more ways to honor service members. above itself, to the high calling of God. Like question at hand we must be clear on what for our troops everywhere who need it.” After looking at similar military recognition the Psalmist says, “Take me to the rock that “church” and “relevant” mean. On a lighter note, Stephen Nordel, a veteran programs across the nation, including in is higher than I am” (Psalm 61.2). There are temples, mosques, cathedrals, Navy officer who was being recognized, the California cities of Burbank, Glendale, When the church looks at the rock higher than sanctuaries, monasteries and more. All of noted that in civilian life he still makes the Lancaster and Long Beach, Torrance decided itself, it remains relevant! these could be considered “churches” or places time to talk with service members. He made to publicly thank its armed service members – The Rev. Dr. Tom Eggebeen, Interim of worship, however, not all of them have the sure to remind the numerous veterans in with banners sponsored by honoree families Pastor, Calvary Presbyterian Church, same god at the altar or the same message being the audience that the troops serving today or groups like the Vietnam Veterans of Hawthorne proclaimed. In fact, most of them proclaim still have optimism. “Thanks to the solders, America or the Blue Star Mothers Association. The church at its best is the body of Jesus very different and even opposing declarations sailors, airmen and Marines who serve our Families and/or sponsors can pay $220 to get - his hands and feet in the world. The church of truth; what they believe and proclaim to be nation on a daily basis,” said Nordel. “I keep a Torrance area service member a Hometown is always relevant as long as the church is the true meaning of life. in contact with them and I can assure you Hero banner. They are displayed on Torrance people loving God and loving their neighbor.  Is relevance determined by fashion, album the humor is still alive over there.” Boulevard and Madrona Avenue near City Hall The church at its worst - as institution, a sales or product placement? Like it or not, Among the last to be honored was Joseph for a minimum of three months or until 10 place, a time-slot on a particular day of the when it comes to “cultural relevance” none of Anzack, Jr., who was killed while serving more applications are received. Families or week that expect people to come and get it (“it” us decides for ourselves. Movie directors and in the Army in Iraq. His father expressed groups interested in having a veteran or active being religion), rather than to go-and-share-it corporate executives advertise what they believe pride in his son’s service and commitment duty service personnel recognized as part of (“it” being the love of Jesus), is rarely more is relevant based on what consumers declare to this country. He was also thankful to see the program can pick up an application at than self-seeking and self-preserving. relevant. True relevance must be something the City recognize his son’s sacrifice. After City Hall or find more information online at You see, the church at its best, is people - shared by all mankind and that is immune to the elder Anzack spoke, the audience gave Scotto those who are seeking to follow Jesus. And trends. Is there such a thing? Yes. What is it? a standing ovation. “I can’t show or tell the reminded the audience that if they had someone Jesus is always about sending people into Of all the people to ask that question of today, appreciation I have in my heart for all my in mind they would like to honor, there is the world to reveal the kingdom of God to it’s not the presidential candidates or your talk son has done.” said Anzack. “I can’t say it still a chance to give them a banner. “The others through word and action. A kingdom show hosts. Those who are face to face with enough…thank you to the City of Torrance Hometown Heroes banner program is ongoing- of justice and mercy, of love and compassion, what is truly relevant today are the families for honoring him.” -there is still an opportunity to honor your of truth and righteousness. The church at its we pray for and who have been devastated by Torrance’s Hometown Heroes Banner hero and purchase a banner to be displayed best are those who make up the majority of hurricane Sandy. They know what true need program began from community interest to on Torrance Boulevard,” said Scotto. • relief organizations, on the front-lines right is, and need is the great equalizer of relevance. the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Samaritan’s to rephrase the question, “Is Jesus Christ still Sales Associate WantedWith that being said, allow me the liberty now, on the east coast as first responders with Purse, World Vision. relevant today?” Absolutely. All of mankind The church is not steeples and stone, not throughout history and into the future shares who are willing to live like Jesus in the world. sinfulness is what we all share; it’s relevant to Herald Publications, Inc. needs: anone need...salvation from sin. Brokenness and programs and personalities, the church is people The church is made up of more than just one everyone. We see it in ourselves, on the news and experienced Display Advertising Associate. person - it is people. The Bible, in regard to Paul says in Romans 8 that sin has even caused believers in Jesus, teaches that you (plural, think creation to groan as we witnessed with Sandy. Territories include: El Segundo, Torrance, southern, y’all) - “y’all are the body of Christ Only the Truth of Christ’s death and and each of you individually members of it.” resurrection that atoned for the sins of the Inglewood, Hawthorne and Lawndale This means that church is a coop of people world, only the Gospel of salvation by grace seeking to live and move and have their being through faith in Christ truly satisfies our deepest • Full or part-time positions in Jesus. A collective of people who love God need. “For I am sure that neither death nor and love neighbors so that the whole world life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present • 20% commission on all sales experiences the presence and power of God.  nor things to come, nor powers, nor height • Bonuses Is the church still relevant? In as much as the nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, are willing to love God and love others - the God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Rom.8:38-39. If interested please email your resume towill be able to separate us from the love of of Jesus)people church (understood as the answer is a resounding “yes”. Is church relevant? As long as we continue – Jon Anderson, City On A Hill, Redondo to preach Christ, and Christ alone, yes. Beach – Rev. Eric Jay, Pastor, St John’s Lutheran No phone calls please. It is my sincere and firm conviction that Church, El Segundo •

Torrance 11.08.12
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