TORRANCE TRIBUNE November 1, 2012 Page 5 Political Penguin One Man’s Opinion By Duane Plank are tallied. Not to repeat, but it is worth By Gerry Chong stockholders, bondholders and scores of The four-year marathon that is a run for repeating, that you win the presidency by For most of four years, and through 169 independent dealers without due process. He the presidency in the United States is now tallying a minimum of 270 electoral votes. columns, this writer has maintained a constant refused to guarantee the retirement programs down to a sprint, with less than a week to And that all the figuring still posits that drum beat opposing Barack Obama. Finally of hundreds of thousands of non-union go until the Tuesday general election that Romney will have a tough road to get to today, we are on the cusp of bidding adios to employees, causing them to collapse--but will with either rubber-stamp the policies 270--that he must triumph in critical swing the Error of the Era. For some readers, my he did guarantee the retirement programs of the incumbent President Obama and states like Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Virginia constant refrain had become monotonous. For of union workers, even giving a 17 percent his administration, or set up a mid-course and Pennsylvania if he hopes to receive a others, some columns seemed over the top. To ownership in the company to the UAW, which correction and install Elephant Party standard- concession call from President Obama in the both charges, I plead “guilty” and apologize. supported his election. bearer Mitt “The Glove” Romney and his early morning hours the day after the election. Nevertheless, I stand firm in my belief that Today’s irony is that GM boasts that 67 family in the historic White House residency Unfortunately--at least for Californians-- this presidency has been a greater disaster percent of its employees reside outside the U.S. on Pennsylvania Avenue in the District. our votes (at least for the presidency) will A month ago, the tea leaves, it seems, be merely symbolic. Obama has sewn up the GM boasts that 67 percent of its employees reside outside the U.S. had been mostly read by the pundits and Great Bankrupt State from the get-go. Which prognosticators, with Obama comfortably meant that the Romney campaign turned its than Carter and look forward to its demise. and 70 percent of its cars are made outside the ahead in any and all calculations necessary to backs on the available 55 electoral votes, A wag recently asked, “If Romney wins the U.S.--mostly in China. Even as the President capture the necessary 270 electoral votes to preferring to invest his campaign capital in presidency, will he inherit Bush’s economy or excoriates companies that export U.S. jobs keep his job. Which is supposed to be running crucial swing states. will he inherit Obama’s”? This President has and pays no income taxes, his company is the country--not running for re-election, btw. Which doesn’t mean an eligible Cali voter never acknowledged the effect of his policies the poster child for everything he condemns. Then the debates happened and gave should just stay home on Tuesday. While on the economic crises afflicting America. The In believing government can more wisely a spike to Romney after the Prez’s tepid there aren’t many contentious statewide races 23 million unemployed, the 46 million living invest in industries than the private sector, performance in debate numero uno. A total of on the ballot, there are some very important below poverty, the 47 million on Food Stamps Obama had given nine billion taxpayer dollars three presidential debates ensued and Obama ballot props out there, including number 30, and the $16 trillion on national debt are more to the green industry. Of that sum, $7.5 billion more than held his own in the last two, but which has been crafted by Governor Jerry than abstract numbers. They are shorthand for went to 34 companies that have either failed the die had been cast and the inevitability of Brown and associates and would increase the pain he has wrought on every American, rich or are failing. Nineteen have already gone an Obama coronation on the first Tuesday in personal income taxes on the well-heeled as or poor. Obama can claim that we are making bankrupt while the remaining 15 are in the November was suddenly, violently, shaken. well as sales taxes in this tax-and-spend state progress, but the numbers are a scoreboard that process of laying off workers. Suddenly pollsters, who had all but conceded for the next four years. If Prop 30 passes, the belies that claim. In relations with other branches of the win to Obama, were producing polling idea is to use some of the cash windfall to More insidiously, there is a growing belief government, all Presidents from Teddy Roosevelt numbers that showed a virtual dead heat. help fund the struggling state school system. that under Obama, the American dream of through George Bush had issued only 121 And some polls, including the very well- Read the information out there and take upward mobility is dead, that holding a job- Executive Orders. But in only his first 40 respected Gallup Poll, actually produced the time to become informed enough to -any job--constitutes success, and that the months, Obama issued 923 orders, bypassing numbers portending a Romney surge, leading make thoughtful choices. And don’t use the impoverished must cling to governmental both Congress and the Constitution. to a possible presidential upset. old excuse that one vote doesn’t matter, that dependency to survive. God willing, this disaster will end in less than Course most of us are astute enough to know you don’t have the time to vote. If you can Obama’s governing philosophy disdains the two weeks and optimism will spring anew for that the polls tend to lose their appeal when spend precious moments watching reality importance of private property. In the GM a more hopeful, more prosperous nation--one we step into the voting booth in a couple of TV or following the latest adventures of bailout, for example, he simply seized the that returns to its roots as a free people living days. And that nationwide popularity polling some sub-moronic New Jerseyites, you can assets of a private company. Think about that. lives of self-reliance with compassion for others may make for interesting perusing, but mean invest a bit of time this weekend perusing His CEO wiped out the assets of less fortunate. God willing. • little when the all-important electoral votes your voter election guide. • People Congratulations Michelle Cordill and Doreen Yang, both Ilima Kung, of Torrance, was among 132 of Torrance, were among 198 students who students who received the college’s highest received the Provost’s scholarship for the scholarship - the President’s scholarship - for 2012-2013 academic year at Biola University. the 2012-2013 academic year. 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Torrance 11.01.12
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