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Torrance 10.25.12

TORRANCE TRIBUNE October 25, 2012 Page 3 El Camino Looks to Bond Measure Calendar to Shore Up Aging Facilities Thursday, OcTOber 25 For more information call (310) 618-2930. By Brian Simon Building, new kinesiology and fitness complex, • South Bay Ostomy Support Group saTurday, nOveMber 3 El Camino College officials hope district parking lot F retrofitting and additional third meeting, at 7:30 p.m., Torrance Memorial • Free Beginning Compost Workshop, voters will give the go-ahead on November level, new computer server room, restroom Medical Center West Tower building on the 9:30-11 a.m., Columbia Park, 4045 190th St. 6 to a $350 million bond measure to replace accessibility renovations, parking lot lighting 2nd floor in #”C”. For more information call (310) 781-6900. and renovate many of the campus’ aging and security upgrade and electrical and data saTurday, OcTOber 27 • 28th Annual Lace Day, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., buildings. According to the bond information conversion. • 34th Annual Monte Carlo Night Ken Miller Center, 3341 Torrance Blvd. For flyer, Measure E monies “will be used to The bulk of the new bond monies would go Fundraiser, 6-11 p.m., Norris Pavilion, 501 more information call (951) 784-3882. make safety, technology and energy-saving towards replacing the kinesiology and fitness Indian Peak Rd. in Rolling Hills Estates. For sunday nOveMber 4 improvements to classrooms, labs and other complex, counseling and student activities tickets or information call Sylvia at (310) • Madama Butterfly, Matinee at 2 pm/ instructional facilities.” The list of projects for center, administration functions building, and 328-3611 x 336. Evening show at 6 pm, James Armstrong the Torrance-based campus includes expanding music theater and arts complex. Renovations • Matinee screening of “Farewell, My Theatre, 3330 Civic Center Drive. For more nurses and firefighters, adding classrooms range forecast for enrollment and changing Rep. Henry A. Waxman and Bill Bloomfield, Blvd. For more information call (310) 618-City Hall, Council Chamber, 3031 Torrance12 p.m., The Jewish Community Center,Facilities Master Plan that provides a long-• Israel, Iran and The Future of America,• City Council Meeting, 7 p.m.-10 p.m.,planned. The projects are part of the college’sCivic Center Drive. 6berMveOn,uesdayTof the library and Marsee auditorium are alsoQueen”, 2 p.m., Armstrong Theater, 3330information call (310) 781-7171. science labs, upgrading outdated electrical systems and wiring, improving facilities for veterans, enhancing training facilities for and improving site accessibility and safety. student needs. 2870.2108 Vail Ave Redondo Beach. For more By conforming to California green building The State requires a 55 percent majority information call (310) 214-4999. Friday, nOveMber 9 standards and promoting environmental vote for the bond to pass. The first Measure E sunday, OcTOber 28 • “Dave Grusin & Friends”concert, 8 p.m., responsibility, El Camino expects to save garnered 62 percent, making Fallo hopeful for • Southern California Live Steamers Marsee Auditorium, El Camino College, $1 million annually in energy, water usage, an encore. “The people of the South Bay have 25th Anniversary, 10:30 a.m., Wilson 16007 Crenshaw Blvd. For more information maintenance and operating costs. really supported El Camino through the years Park, ribbon cutting for new depot, free call (310) 876-8130. The proposed bond comes a decade after with recognition and understanding,” he said. train rides after ceremony. http://www. saTurday, nOveMber 10 El Camino’s successful $395 million initiative That recognition factor is off the charts • Annual Senior Citizens Holiday Arts in 2002 also called Measure E. College when you consider the results from a recent • Downtown Torrance Antique Street And Crafts Sale hosted by the Bartlett officials describe the new measure as a “bond poll of 700 voters in the district. “In the Faire, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., 1317 Sartori Ave. For Senior Center, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Ken extension” to complete the upgrades needed survey, 99 percent of the people said they more information call (310) 328-6107. Miller Center, 3341 Torrance Blvd. For more at the campus that opened in 1947. “Many had some association with El Camino—either • City of Torrance Birthday Bash, 10 a.m.-5 information call (310) 320-5918 of our buildings and facilities are more through taking a class themselves or having p.m., Wilson Park, 2200 Crenshaw Boulevard. OngOing than 50 years old now--some are nearly 65 a child or relative go there, or attending a MOnday, OcTOber 29 • Downtown Torrance Market Place, every years old,” said El Camino Superintendent/ performance,” said El Camino Community • Jefferson Middle School Music Program Thursday, 3-7 p.m. For more information call President Thomas M. Fallo. “They have been Relations Director Ann Garten. “The pollster Fall Concert, 7 p.m., James Armstrong (310) 787-7501 or (310) 328-6107. well-maintained, but like any structures of had never seen anything like it.” The survey Theatre, 3330 Civic Center Drive. For more • “Retired Guys Only”, first Wed. of each that age, they need repairs and renovations.” also indicated an El Camino favorable approval information call (310) 781-7171. month, 9:30-11 a.m., Torrance First United Projects completed from the first bond rating of 83 percent, with 68 percent of Tuesday, OcTOber 30 Methodist Church, 1551 El Prado. For more include a renovated science complex, respondents saying they would support a • Calle Mayor Middle School Music information call (310) 328-3242. remodeled bookstore and conference center, of assessed valuation on their properties. ednesday, OcTOber 31 second and fourth Tues. of the month, 7-8:30• Diabetes Support Group meets the• Halloween Carnival, 4- 8 p.m. (costumeWcost district homeowners $7 per $100,000For more information call (310) 781-7171.Maple and El Dorado. Free.of a tax increase). If passed, the bond willArmstrong Theatre, 3330 Civic Center Drive.Tuesday, First Christian Church, Room 8,bond extension (60 percent with knowledgeDepartment Fall Concert, 7 p.m., James• Overeaters Anonymous, 7:30 p.m. every electrical/fire alarm upgrades, new humanities building, new central plant, new learning resources center, new parking structure, and a renovated social science building. The original bond has fluctuated between parade at 6:30 p.m.), Wilson Park, 2200 p.m., Torrance Memorial Health Conference Projects still in progress include a new STEM $16 and $19 of assessed valuation, making Crenshaw Blvd. For more information call Center, Rm 1. For more information call center, fire academy repaving, industry and a potential combined total of approximately (310) 618-2930. (310) 370-3228. technology building modernization, new shops See El Camino, page 11 Thursday, nOveMber 1 • Caregivers Support Group meets every • “Restaurants for Roses” Fundraiser for Tues., 6:30-8:00 p.m., Torrance Memorial, 2013 City of Torrance Rose Parade float, 5-8 Conference Center, Rm 5. For more p.m., Souplantation, 21309 Hawthorne Blvd. information call (310) 517-4666. • Police Reports The crimes listed are crimes where a report Burglary-Auto: 3500 BLOCK CARSON was taken by law enforcement agency and ST Suspect(s) smashes window for entry and submitted for investigation. The outcome takes property/wallet, coin pouch. of the investigation or any criminal court Theft: 2300 BLOCK SANTA FE AVE proceeding are not considered when reporting Suspects enlist victim’s help in donating crimes. The crimes are listed as follows: arson, suspect’s “inheritance” to a church then ask simple assault, aggravated assault-weapon, victim to withdraw money from her bank to auto theft, auto burglary, commercial burglary, prove her trustworthiness before fleeing with residential burglary, homicide, strong-arm victim’s property/cash. robbery, robbery with a weapon, theft and Burglary-Auto : 2200 BLOCK vandalism. The City of Torrance, or its WASHINGTON AVE Suspect(s) smashes What is Measure J? window for entry and takes property/leatheremployees or agents, shall assume no liability The Metro Board of Directors authorized placing Measure J before voters in Los Angeles County. for: 1. Any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies bag, jewelry. Measure J will extend for 30 additional years the existing one-half cent sales tax that was approved in in the information provided regardless of how oCtober 11 2008 and is currently set to expire in 2039 (Measure R). The additional funds will be used to secure bonds, which will allow Metro to accelerate construction of traªc relieving projects and the related job Va n d a l i s m : 2 3 5 0 0 B L O C Kcaused; or 2. Any decision made or action creation. To view the expenditure plan and the full text of Measure J, please taken or not taken by reader in reliance upon PENNSYLVANIA AVE Suspect(s) smashes ExpressLanes Open November 10 victim’s vehicle’s rear window/no entry, noany information or data furnished hereunder. Metro ExpressLanes debuts November 10 with the opening of an 11-mile stretch on the I-110 Harbor oCtober 13 loss. Freeway. Solo drivers can use the lanes for a toll, while carpools, vanpools, buses and motorcycles Burglary Residential: 200 BLOCK VIA Auto Theft-All: 17000 BLOCK FAYSMITH To get yours, LOS ALTOS Suspect(s) removes screen, pries AVE Stolen vehicle: ‘00 Honda Civic. account and transponder to travel in the ExpressLanes.® travel toll-free. All motorists need a FasTrak open window, ransacks and takes property/ Burglary-Auto: 1700 BLOCK CARSON New El Monte Station Opens jewelry, iTouch, iPad, pillowcase. ST Suspect(s) smashes window for entry The new $45 million El Monte Station public bus terminal at Santa Anita Avenue and Ramona Boulevard opened October 14. It has been expanded to double its original size and capacity, and Theft: 2900 BLOCK CARSON ST and takes property/laptop bag, laptop, cell includes a two-level bus station with 30 bus bays, bike lockers, customer service center and potential Suspect(s) cuts lock and takes property from phone, passport. future retail outlets. rack/bicycle. Burglary-Residential: 2000 BLOCK Feds Approve $546 Million For Crenshaw Line Robbery-Weapon: 2800 BLOCK PACIFIC 235TH ST Suspect(s) possibly enters open The Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project received a $546 million federal loan to accelerate construction of a light rail line in the Crenshaw District. The 8.5-mile line will connect theMetro window and takes property/laptop, jewelry.COAST HWY Suspect enters business, Green Line and theMetro Expo Line at Crenshaw and Exposition boulevards. For more information demands victim open cash register, stabs Burglary-Commercial: 400 BLOCK victim with a knife while pushing her and ALASKA AVE Suspect(s) cuts holes in roof Sunset Bridge Opened flees/no loss. for entry, but flees without taking any property. Marking a milestone for the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Improvements Project,Metro has completed major Vandalism: 18400 BLOCK PATRONELLA Vandalism: 3900 BLOCK 190TH ST reconstruction work on the Sunset Bridge over the I-405. It was the first of three bridges to be rebuilt as part of the project. Demolition of the Mulholland Bridge resulted in full freeway closure, popularly Suspect(s) pries open doors on multipleAVE Suspect(s) slashes victim’s vehicle’s tire. known as “Carmageddon II,” during the weekend of September 29-30. Burglary-Residential: 22500 BLOCK gasoline pumps at location. NADINE CIR Suspect(s) peels back screen, Burglary-Auto : 1 7 2 N D S T & 2012 lacmta reaches in open window and takes property/ AINSWORTH AVE Suspect(s) smashes laptop. window for entry and takes property/ © _sby-ie-13-005 oCtober 12 registration. Burglary-Auto: 5500 BLOCK 190TH oCtober 10 If you’d like to know 13-0745ps ST Suspect(s) punches door locks for entry Robbery-Weapon: 16500 BLOCK more, visit and takes property/electronic snaking tools, CRENSHAW BLVD Suspects enters open toolbox, tools, water heat detector, camera. See Police, page 13

Torrance 10.25.12
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