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Torrance 10.25.12

TORRANCE TRIBUNE October 25, 2012 Page 13 The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be By Myles Mellor and Sally York See Answers Next WeekRenovationsSee Answers Next WeekRenovationsSee Answers Next WeekBy Myles Mellor and Sally YorkBy Myles Mellor and Sally York WEEKLY CROSSWORDWEEKLY CROSSWORDRenovations 4010.25.12Classifieds4010.25.12 submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). 1 2 3 4 5 Renovations9 10 11 12 13876 Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the fol- 11 22 33 44 5 66 77 88 9 10 11 12 131312111095 lowing Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will 14 15 16 only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. 14 15 16161514 Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If 17 18 19 you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald 17 18 19191817 Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. 20 21 22 20 21 22 20 21 22 apartmEnt For rEnt shopping. 4642 W. El Segundo Blvd. HouSE For rEnt 2323 RARE VACANCY - ES, large #A, B, C. $1125/mo. $1000 dep. Studio w/yard, private entrance, no 24 25 26 23 27 28 29 30 31 1Bdrm, range/oven, 2 closets, (323) 751-7598. pets, non-smoker, clean, reliable, 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 walk to shopping. 333 Richmond St. mploymEnt deposit. All utilities included. (310) 32 33 34 35 36 37373635343332Ewomen preferred. $850 + Sec. 28 29 30 3127262524 private deck, carport, free laundry, $1350/mo. (310) 322-1943 or (310) 322-7745. 32 33 34 35 36 37 322-1054. Display Ad Sales Position. 38 39 40 41 1BD/1BA. Immaculate apt. upper Display Ad Salesperson for flooring, drapes, new stove, W/D 42 39 40 43 41 4438We need an experienced41403938 Triplex. New paint,1BD/1BA. ES. level, Well-located, new carpet/new Herald Publications. Territories hook up, enclosed garage. No pets! 42 43 44 tenants in bldg., W/D on prem. Prkg and Hawthorne. Full or part- 219-8029. 45 46 47 48 494948474645include Torrance, El Segundo$1100/mo. + Sec deposit. Call (818) 444342 kitchen flr, newly painted, great (310) 594-2766. 20% commission on all sales. den, dining-room, living room/ 50 51 52 5353525150 650 sq. ft, 1 1/2 Bdrm/Cute housetime positions are available. 47 48 494645 garage. Water incl. $1,255/mo. Call 2BD/1BA. ES. In 4-unit building, If interested please email your fireplace. Patio/fenced yard/garden 50 51 52 53 no pets, newly refurbish, fridge, resume to management@ + garage. No pets/smoking, good 54 55 56 57 58 59 6060595857565554 built-ins, laundry room, enclosed h e r a l d p u b l i c a t i o n s. c o m . credit. $1950/mo + $1800 deposit. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 garage. $1625/mo., + Sec. deposit. N o p h o n e c a l l s p l e a s e. (310) 322-8099. 61 62 63636261 Call 310-540-3605. 61 62 63 2BD/2BA - ES. Large living room, GaraGE SalE $1500/mo, 11935 Truno Ave. Also, 64 65 66666564 Hawthorne. All utilities paid2BD/1BA. skylight, mirrors, bright, 2 entrances, 747 Bungalow Dr. ES. Sat. 10/27, 3BD/2BA. Inglewood, car garage 67 68 69666564 full security parking, spotless bldg, 8 am-12 noon. Crystal, tools, small $1600/mo, 3860 W. 107th St. Call 67 68 69 1160 sq ft, $1650/mo. (310) 877- appliances, speakers, etc. (310) 806-5339. 67 68 69 4544, After 5 p.m. or (310) 408-7733, by unknown means and takes property/wallet. WAY Suspect(s) enters unsecured vehicle, 50. Updating a e.g. kitchen, Maximum 13. Apply anew Sudoku Solution 60. Hit hardPicchu builderTitle for some priestsbuilderTitle for some priestsMonkey10.Bootybuilder1949194911.PicchusincesincehardhardGloomBooty100 centavos19499.___sinceDutchPrizeMachuHitHitPluck55. centavosAmericanHot stuffAmerican8.Nativetimetime___NogginHot stuff"Wellaway!"7.timestageInsectWastesArizona51.52.53.54.somesomesomepartpartpartanewforforforpolepolepolestuffstuffcentavoscentavosstuffcentavosBootyMonkeyMonkeyCorset___MonkeyTitleOracular“Wellaway!”“Wellaway!”HotHot100“Wellaway!”stageMaltreat"Wellaway!"6.oneforOracularArmstrong,”stage“Johnny48.49.DoggerelDrivesHot4.,Broke downpitcherpitcherAvailableBarber's supplyinlayPart of WATSinlayLiposuction,,EncirclementonepitcherAvailableBarber's supplyPart of WATSinlayLiposuction, e.g.Encirclementaa“___-Pan”“___-Pan”“___-Pan”oneforArmstrong,”AftershockoneforDrives1997 Drives1997Drives1997Doggerelstar,e.g.e.g.4.5.5.eggse.g.Armstrong,”Out”Out”Out”&&&LobsterOverthrow,Overthrow,“In“InAftershockOverthrow,“InAftershock39. may be sowedfanbirdaaaThese may be sowedbirdbirdCity near Sparks2.3.3.UndermessagesfromcatchingSomeIt’sDownNoiseIt’sCity near SparksVideo gameridge1.messagesmessagesMountainflowthewithgoTheyMountainMountainflow Video gamethewith1.goHowe’erflow DownthewithgoHowe’erTheyTheySome28. flowers67. Holder for 1-AcrossHolder for 1-Across69. Luxury home featuresLuxury home features1. e.g. Ready for battle againRegrettablySpring flowersHolder for 1-AcrossLuxury home featurese.g. Regrettablyonebattlebattleone1-Across1-AcrosssupplysupplysupplyparthomeshowshowWATSforforshowforforforfordowndownforfordownflowersPawsHowe’erDownoneforPhylum,25.26.calendarscalendarscalendarsoneforPhylum,25.driverdriversomeStakeStakeLike62.62.63.AcrossflowersforflowersofMonkey12.Corset partSudoku SolutionSudoku SolutionorgansFemaleLast Week’s Answers24.big?MaximumJames, for onesomething1. 24.1.10.ofof15.ofsinsinsinTVTVTVLuxuryReadyRegrettablyRegrettablyBrokeBrokeBarber’sPartPartLiposuction,Liposuction,EncirclementMaximumJames,James,Clavell’sDecorativeEmmy-winningEmmy-winningHitHitTurbineTurbineDecorativeCorrodedSupplementWadersWaders______UpdatingUpdatingStartStartRegrettablyBrokeAvailablePartLiposuction,James,Emmy-winningHit___StartTurbineWadersSpringSpringHolderSpringACROSSACROSS1.,25.driverStake62.aElorF for lease 1,850Epac SEfrom page 3icFFtober 9o: AMIE AVE & FASHIONOffice/Retail spacesq. ft. Located on Main St ES. Call(310) 877-2374 for Details.oC: 4000 BLOCK 226TH ST: 4800 BLOCK KONYA DR - Builder’sVandalismVandalismBurglary-AutoOCEAN AVE Suspect(s) enters window,ransacks and takes property/laptop.Suspect(s) intentionally strikes interior firesprinkler, activating same and causing flooddamage.Suspect(s) throws eggs at victim’s parkedvehicle.ransacks and takes property/camcorder. •310 E Imperial AvenueGarage Sale - Tools - Masonry -Books - Office Furniture Saturday10 am - 2 pm: 3800 BLOCK: 24300 BLOCK: 22100 BLOCK 1 car pkg. No: 1200 BLOCK CABRILLO AVETheftBurglary-ResidentialBurglary-CommercialBurglary-ResidentialPolicebusiness and demand property at gunpoint/cash, lottery tickets, cigars. Avail. Nov. 3 Large, 2BR Apts. pets. Near buses, library, schools, Suspect(s) takes unattended property from location/laptop. 182ND ST Suspect(s) enters vehicle by unknown means, but flees before taking any property. CRENSHAW BLVD Suspect(s) enters vehicle CLASSIFIED AD FORM 14B 22RA 33R 4 Clavell's "___-Pan" 11TE 12EC 13K 66 88 44 33 55 9922. 11Apply anew7722Corset part___ poleApply anew___ pole13.21.KCEPLast Week’s Answers13 12 11 Last Week’s AnswersP1010S9919E88P77A66R55GJames, for one4 Clavell's "___-Pan"S E P A R G U 10 16 9 T 8 Y 7 L 6 L 5 A 4 Clavell's "___-Pan"Decorative pitcher1518R27.32.33.AY R U S 19 U E U S N 18 E O 22 21 19 Y 18 R E U E S T U U E 16 U T S Y N L E L G A O 15 22. R 33. A Decorative pitcher R SUDOKU by Myles Mellor and Susan Flanagan689274135YREUSHUPA22ERUSONEBO21GTOU6 E 13 E K T 12 U C 16 11 T E Y P L S L E A P 15 A R R A G R 3 22. R 33. 2 Decorative pitcher A SUDOKU by Myles Mellor and Susan FlanaganBBEETT11141417172011720We reserve theNoon on Tuesday.The deadline for Classified Ad copy and payment is at Visa or M/C number along with billing address 25 K 29A 24 30T 31E 32E 2 7 9 8 1 6 4 3 5SEIHPASEIHPAA2224RRGGOOIIBBOV21TTAUUN28 32 W 31 27 30 L 29 26 28 A 27 G 26 Y Y A A 24 N N E E V V A A N N Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been su892465317AAKE202323252523E-mail ad copy to:assified ads.and phone number. You may also pay by cash or check.right to reject, edit, and determine proper classification of cl PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE AD IS PUBLISHED! 37M M Y S T E R E 7 1 3 5 6 4 2 9 8E E T Y A W L A E G D 40 32 39 E 38 31 N E R 30 A T 36 Y E 29 35 A Y 28 T W A 27 E L P 26 34 A E E 33 G R D Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been suE 40 D 39 R 38 U N N R R A A 36 36 E E 35 35 Y Y T T A A E E P P 34 34 E E 33 33 R R grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, columnEM365781294S E I R E 3 T 6 S 5 Y 7 M 8 R 1 E 2 D 9 R 4 U S 48 E 47 I 46 R 45 E 44 40 Y T S S A Y E M N R 42 E U D R 39 O R I 38 R U grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, columnMPA 48 E 47 R 46 B 45 N Y Y S S A A E E N N 42 42 U U R R O O I I R R of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, mSDOPG14739265851 50 49 S D O N D A E R 48 44 S B 47 P D N 46 E O E 45 R N G D 51 A A E E R 50 44 S B 49 P A N of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, m978126543EERGA5158575655ES50A495453G373741414343414352Deadline Tuesday at NOONRATES: 3 Lines $40 $50 $60 $70 65T TI G RE R 66U LL N SA O 67O DEDDI E 9 6 8 7 4 5 3 1 2TTEISSO6161646464RRO63A N L 63 U R E G I 63 66 T A I N U L 60 U Q R A E H G A I M Level: MediumL T 55 I A U N 60 O Q S A 54 H R A 53 M E Level: MediumS978126543ESERRRIIR61GOOOAMMMEEET5858IMMM5757LLU5656AA55ENNSOOASSHRRA54EEM53PPOOTP525259596262621 Time 2 Times 3 Times 4 Times 65S T A R S 66A L I S T 67N E T 1 2 7 9 3 8 6 5 4 4 Lines $45 $55 $65 $75 S T A R S A L I S TSUDOKU MediumTEN 5 Lines* $50 $60 $70 $80 SUDOKU MediumMedium * Additional line charge of $5 per line 1 2 7 3 5 1 2 7 3 5 AD COPY: CATEGORY: 8 9 7 8 9 7 3 9 2 1 3 9 2 1 5 4 5 4 2 8 9 5 2 8 9 5 5 2 5 2 Name: _____________________ My ad will run for _______weeks. 9 6 7 5 Address: ___________________ I have enclosed $______________ 9 6 7 5 7 3 8 City: ______________________ MC# ________________________ 7 3 8 State: ______________________ Visa#________________________ 5 1 4 9 7 5 1 4 9 7 Phone: _____________________ Expiration date:_______________ Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3X3 Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3X3 3-Digit Security Number (on back of card) _______________ squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9.Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3X3squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9.

Torrance 10.25.12
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