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TORRANCE TRIBUNE October 16, 2014 Page 7 Face Off from page 2 HOLIDAY CORPORATE PARTIES Great Banquet Rooms, Great Catered Food, Great Live Music and Atmosphere and Great Old School Fun! Reserve Your Holiday Party Now! To book your event or for more information, please contact Charlotte at; or 310.326.5120 Spartans QB #13 Gabe Zuniga, protected by his defense, completes the pass. AUCTION! SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2nd Preview 9:00a-1p Auction 1:00p WE CAN SELL YOUR ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES FOR YOU ON eBay 337 Richmond St El Segundo 310-322-3895 Fri thru Mon 9-5:30 A medic is called out for #3 Andrew Irvine. Torrance Tartars huddle up at the beginning of the third quarter. The “Maroon Monsoon” cheer on the Tartars. The South Torrance “Green House” cheering on their team. Tartars #8 Tyree Harris and Spartans #2 Joshua Rotuna square off. For more photos see Face Off, page 9

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