Page 2 October 11 , 2012 TORRANCE TRIBUNE Calendar Thursday, OcTOber 11 (310) 618-2870. • South Bay Republican Women Federated • AAUW Torrance’s Tech Trek Celebration, Meeting. 11 a.m., DoubleTree Hotel, 21333 6:30-8:00 p.m., Toyota Auto Museum, 19600 Hawthorne Blvd. For more information call Van Ness Ave. For more information call K. Gloria at (310) 326-9340 or Vera at (310) Odgers at (310) 534-1122. 320-1431. Thursday, OcTOber 18 • “Remember When”, 11.30 a.m.. Ken • Beach Cities Republicans Special Miller Recreation Auditorium, 3341 Torrance Meeting, 6-9 p.m., 21707 Hawthorne Blvd., Blvd. For tickets and information call the #302, For more information contact David Bartlett Senior Citizens Center at (310) Hadley at (310) 600-6937 or davidfhadley@ This photo from my Daughter’s two-year- 320-5918. old photo shoot. Her name is Dakota Rose saTurday, OcTOber 13 • “Restaurants for Roses” Fundraiser for Salcedo. The theme is Alice in Wonderland •Free Saturday Nights Summer Concerts: 2013 City of Torrance Rose Parade float, Theme Tea Party! Photo by Rachel Crabtree. Camino Rio, 6-9 p.m., The Courtyard, 1261 4-9 p.m., Daphne’s Greek Cafe, 25420 Provided by Cindy Salcedo. Cabrillo Ave. For more information call (310) Crenshaw Blvd. For more information call 320-2332. (310) 618-2930. • Original Fall Tour of Historic Homes in saTurday, OcTOber 20 Old Torrance, also Sunday, - 14, 11 a.m.-4 • Free Halloween Stamp Craft, 10 a.m., p.m. both days, Torrance Historical Society Walteria Library, 3815 W. 242 St. Adults are & Museum, 1345 Post Ave. For more invited to learn how to make a Halloween information call (310) 328-5392. treat box. Registration is required. Call the • Turtle and Tortoise Day, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Library at (310) 375-8418 to register. Madrona Marsh Nature Center and Preserve, • 38th Annual Bethune Recognition 3201 Plaza Del Amo. For more information Luncheon”, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Double Tree call (310) 782-3989. Hotel Penthouse, 21333 South Hawthorne sunday, OcTOber 14 Blvd. For ticket information call Carlin at • Los Angeles National Cemetery (310) 838-7107. Wreaths Across America Day (Sponsors MOnday, OcTOber 22 and Volunteers Needed). For more info or • Downtown Torrance Antique Street Faire, This is our son Carson (3 yrs.) with his new to volunteer, contact John Doyle at 805-757- 8 a.m.-3 p.m., 1317 Sartori Ave right off of by Jeff & Jill Puffer.friend at the Long Beach Aquarium. Provided 7813 or Torrance Blvd. Free Admission and Parking. Tuesday, OcTOber 16 OngOing • City Council Meeting, 7-10 p.m., City • Downtown Torrance Market Place, every Hall, Council Chamber, 3031 Torrance Blvd. Thursday, 3-7 p.m. For more information call For more information call the City Clerk at (310) 787-7501 or (310) 328-6107. Readers send us your photos! Do you have a favorite photo? School from front page We will accept only one photo, per person, every month. Once a month,We want them.An old yearbook photo? Glamour Shot? Baby photo? their benefits. She is tasked with managing the efforts in parent education. She has been a we will pick a “Staff Favorite” and the winner will get a $25.00 gift certificate health and voluntary benefits needs of 2,800 major force in revamping existing classes at from one of our advertisers. current and retired employees with only one co- the Levy Center. Stabler said she exemplifies Email your photos to: worker assisting her. Deputy Superintendent of the values of Torrance Unified. “She works We will only accept emailed photos and they must be in jpg form. Administrative Services Donald Stabler, praised tirelessly to make sure her students fully her for her self-starting attitude. “Kathy shows understand the role of being a parent,” said asset not only to the Benefits Department, but resulted in consistent success for all students DEADLINESStabler. “Diane’s leadership in the program has professionalism, is very organized and is a great the entire district as well,” said Stabler. who represent a wide range of ages, races, Marissa Stillittano, a teacher at Madrona ethnicities and parental experiences.” Middle School, was the middle school-level Lastly, Stabler recognized Maria Elena OBITUARIES: Monday at noon. teaching Employee of the Year. Stowe described Segoviano, Adult Education Specialist at CALENDAR ITEMS: Prior Friday at noon. her as extremely affective as a school and District Hamilton Adult Center, and the “face of the PEOPLE ITEMS: Prior Friday at noon. leader. He also said she inspires students to be school,” according to Stabler. She works at the DISPLAY AD CHANGES: Prior Thursday at noon. more competent and effective leaders, leading by front desk at the Hamilton Adult Center and example in creating and maintaining Madrona’s guides students in selecting appropriate classes. CLASSIFIEDS: Tuesday at noon. Family Science night. “Marissa’s warmth and “She has consistently taken on additional projects LEGAL NOTICES: Monday at noon. contagious enthusiasm for teaching and learning and responsibilities to meet the changing needs NEW DISPLAY ADS: Prior Thursday at noon. makes her approachable to all students,” said of our students and our school,” said Stabler. REAL ESTATE ADS: Monday at noon. Stowe. “She creates extraordinary learning “Maria brings a cheerful attitude and a positive experiences for large groups of students.” outlook to work each day. She is a consummate AD CANCELLATIONS: Prior Thursday. Diane Trimble, an adult school teacher at professional and a true asset to the Torrance LATE CANCELLATIONS WILL BE CHARGED 50% OF AD the Levy Adult Center, was lauded for her Adult School.” • Nicole went back to basics and saved $312! INCLUDED FOR 3 MONTHS Packages start at just for the Blockbuster @Home. One disc at a time, $10/mo. value. Save 65% the Family Value Comboonwith qualifying packages. Offer based on the discounted $5 price 45069KRY 2 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons Save 30 MOVIE CHANNELS 4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers $94012 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins 4 (3 oz.) Gourmet Jumbo Franks FOR 12 MONTHS 4 Boneless Chicken Breasts (1 lb. pkg.) John got in the game with a Everyday price $24.99/mo Reg. $14400 | Now Only $49994 Stuffed Baked Potatoes wide range of sports, movies For 3 months. 3 Free Gifts and more & saved up to $850! Limit of 2 packages. Free Gifts to every shipping address.included per shipment. 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Torrance 10.11.12
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