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Torrance 09.12.13.pdf

Page 2 September 12, 2013 TORRANCE TRIBUNE Business Briefs Torrance Tribune in Palo Alto HANDS-ON LEARNING Renaissance Works celebrated a ribbon Barnes & Noble, Inc. announced that its cutting at the Torrance Area Chamber of Torrance / Del Amo store will host a Hands- Commerce offce on August 29th to mark their On Learning event featuring the new LEGO Master Building Academy on Saturday, September 28 at 12:00 PM. During the event, children ages 8 and up will create their own LEGO robots using Master Builder techniques such as sideways building and alternate uses. They also will have the opportunity to share stories and descriptions of their creations with others in the workshop. GRINDLIFE W.I.N. FITCLUB RIBBON CUTTING 10th anniversary of helping businesses build effciency and productivity. For additional information, go to:, (310) 378-8649. The Torrance Tribune stopped by and visited with Lorinda Menchavez, product specialist and Patrick M. Golden, sales associate at Neiman Marcus Palo Alto, California. • Looking Up World’s First Interferometric Image at 500 The Grindlife Fitclub team includes (front GHz Taken by ALMA Radio Telescope Array “Moses” Williams, Brandon Crawford, Justinrow, left to right) Michael Jackson, Deson By Bob Eklund of the 66 ALMA antennas, the resolution will Hernandez and (back row) Corwyn Beach, Mayor Frank Scotto (left) and Councilman The Atacama Large Millimeter/sub- become far better than this—by 400 times. Amanda Ledman, Melissa LaChapelle, Noelle Bill Sutherland (right) congratulate Karen millimeter Array (ALMA) radio telescope in Astronomers around the world have high Chaco, Joana Sandoval and Vanessa Williams. Logan and O’Leary Logan of Renaissance the Atacama desert of northern Chile has just expectations for future observations with Works. opened a new window to the Universe, in the Band 8 receivers. TORRANCE CHAMBER TO HOLD 500 GHz frequency band. Astronomers have Yutaro Sekimoto, an associate professor GRASSROOTS ACADEMY successfully synthesized the distribution of at NAOJ and the leader of the Band 8 Beginning next week on September 9th, atomic carbon around the planetary nebula receiver development team at the NAOJ’s the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) will conduct a series of informative discussions for perspective city and county volunteers and candidates for elected offce. The speakers for this Academy include District Representative for L.A. County Supervisor Don Knabe, the Honorable Mayor Frank Scotto, Steve Napolitano, City Manager LeRoy Jackson, Torrance City Councilman Cliff Numark, and past TACC Chairman Mark Applegate, among others. Topics include, but are not limited to, The History and Governance of Torrance, How A very energetic ribbon cutting celebration to Get Involved in Your Community, City was held on August 28th for the grand opening and County Commissions, and Working on of the Guerrilla Grind Presents Grindlife an Election Campaign. W.I.N. (wellness, inspiration, nutrition) “The Academy is a great opportunity for the Fitclub at 16300 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 202 community to see what is involved in running in Torrance. Councilman Bill Sutherland for a political or school board position,” says and Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce Sherry Kramer, Chairwoman of the Board ALMA Antennas on the Chajnantor Plateau. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), O. Dessibourg. Board Chair Sherry Kramer joined other for TACC. “There is a lot of commitment NGC 6302 in test observations with the ALMA advanced Technology Center, says, “I deeply business dignitaries in congratulating the required to run for one of these positions.” Band 8 receiver, developed by the National appreciate the long and hard efforts of all Grindlife staff. Additional information can This four-week series takes place every Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). staff to realize ALMA observation of the be found at: or (855) Monday beginning next week. Attendance This is the frst 500 GHz-band astronomical carbon atom. I expect that further ALMA YOU-GRIND. is $50 for the 4-week Grassroots Academy. image captured by a radio interferometer with observations will unveil the evolutionary RENAISSANCE WORKS There will be refreshments at each unprecedented high resolution. process of interstellar matter.” RIBBON CUTTING session and each attendee will receive a NGC 6302 is a planetary nebula, which is The Atacama Large Millimeter/sub- certifcate of completion by the Chamber. in the fnal stage of the life of a star with a millimeter Array (ALMA) is an astronomical For more information, please contact Brian mass several times that of the Sun. Visible-light interferometer of radio telescopes in the Rosario, Governmental Affairs Coordinator, images of this nebula show a bipolar shape of Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Since a high at (310) 792-2339. gas ejected from the dying star. ALMA, using and dry site is crucial to millimeter wavelength TORRANCE CHAMBER HOSTING its Band 8 receivers, targeted the center of operations, the array has been constructed on SPEED NETWORKING AND the nebula and revealed that the distribution the Chajnantor plateau at 16,500 feet altitude, REGIONAL MIXER of carbon atoms there is concentrated in a near Llano de Chajnantor Observatory and Looking for ways to connect and build small part of the nebula, which is similar to Atacama Pathfnder Experiment. Consisting of relationships with like-minded businesses? a dust and gas disk around the central star 66 12-meter and seven-meter diameter radio The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce that has been found by previous observations telescopes, observing at millimeter and sub- is hosting a Speed Networking and Regional with other telescopes. Further observations millimeter wavelengths, ALMA is expected Mixer on September 19th at the Toyota Auto of carbon atoms with better resolution will to provide insight on star birth during the Museum, 19600 Van Ness Ave, Torrance. This no doubt give a more detailed view of the early universe and detailed imaging of local event will give you the opportunity to meet chemical environment in the nebula. star and planet formation. with other business owners face-to-face in So far, observations in the 500 GHz band, ALMA is an international partnership quick 3-minute rounds, and then participate including emission line from cosmic carbon between Europe, the United States, Canada, in a more generalized, free-for-all networking atoms, have been made with single-dish radio East Asia and the Republic of Chile. Costing mixer. Check-in starts at 8:00am, with program telescopes. The typical spatial resolution more than a billion dollars, it is the most to start at 8:30am. A continental breakfast will of those observations is 15 arcseconds or expensive ground-based telescope in operation. be provided. Program will include rounds of larger (one arcsecond corresponds to 1/3600 ALMA began scientifc observations in the speed networking and a game of networking of one degree). However, the ALMA array second half of 2011 and the frst images bingo. To register for this event, visit www. has already achieved nearly five times were released to the press in October 2011. or call Reservations better resolution—3.5 arcseconds in this test The array has been fully operational since at (310) 543-3113. Attendance costs $20 observation. By installing the receiver in all March 2013. · per person. ·

Torrance 09.12.13.pdf
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