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Torrance 08_08_13

Page 4 August 8, 2013 TORRANCE TRIBUNE One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion By Gerry Chong Consider this example: Obamacare is Preventing the Misuse of Public Services …Be afraid, be very afraid… almost universally opposed. Businesses have Benefits Everyone in the Community Although Ron Patton had written Project stated their intention to reduce employee Administration had created a “Behavioral injury because of the call, then the fines and in their stress-filled careers. As residents ofof the law call its implementation a coming “trainThis July 30, Fox News reported the ObamaPolice and fire have enough to deal withpublic safety dispatch line. If anyone sustainspremium subsidies. Both Democratic sponsorsthus becoming masters of the planet.”wasted response services.set a precedent with people who abuse theinformation needed to calculate governmentto gradually increase control over the masses,least allow for the monetary recovery of thetime for such infractions and it will hopefullylaw nevertheless. The IRS does not have therace. However, their underlying intention wasonly discourage such behavior, but will atboth. This bill is doubling the fine and jailwork, but encourages Congress to fund thebring forth universal happiness to the humanparties financially liable will hopefully notcounty jail for no more than one year, or byDemocratic Party, has said Obamacare will notOrder. The outward goal of this Utopia was toresponse.” Imposing a fine and holding guiltymore than $2,000, with incarceration in aDean, a physician and former Chairman of theto construct the framework for a New Worldcosts incurred by any unnecessary emergencycrime would be punishable by a fine of noto the implementation of the system. Howardsocieties and Masonic fraternities with the desireguilty of such actions liable for “all reasonableor harass another person. This misdemeanorrefused to create the exchanges that are vitalof the powerful occult bloodlines elite secretwould also make, if convicted, any personemergency and the actual intent is to annoyin health insurance exchanges. Many states have‘Enlightened Ones.’ This was an amalgamationpenalties for such asinine behavior, but itor public safety personnel when there is noinsurance companies are refusing to participatecommonly known as the Illuminati, meaningThis bill not only increases the fines andwho make 9-1-1 calls to dispatch medicalprofession because of Obamacare. Majorbase of the Mystery Religions into what ispunished to the fullest extent of the law.Gatto, the bill would penalize individualsthey are considering an early exit from theHouse of Rothschild to centralize the powerdifferences in a civil manner should belegislation. Introduced by Assemblyman Mikeimplementation. Sixty percent of doctors sayAdam Weisenhaupt was commissioned by thelike a reasonable adult and solve personalis Assembly Bill-47, the “Ending Swatting”40-hour workweek and oppose the law’sIn 1776, a Bavarian Jesuit by the name ofresponse services because they cannot behaveSitting in the Committee on AppropriationsUnions see the destruction of the middle class’control, such efforts had started much earlier.Any person who ties up our emergencyBy Cristian Vasquezwork hours or drop insurance for all describe Nazi programs of mindMonarch“ Insights Team” designed to “nudge” the behavior punishment are much more severe. our respective communities, we are luckywreck” and “incomprehensible.” And all of this of Americans. Critics have contended that this is A large number of calls made to the 9-1-1 to have public safety personnel willinghas occurred even before Detroit decided to the second part of a one-two punch to mesmerize operators each year are nonemergency calls to chase after criminals, run into burningdump its toxic waste…tens of billions of dollars the masses into voluntarily complying with and are the result of a lack of knowledge as buildings or provide first aid assistance at aof unfunded medical insurance obligations… executive orders. The first punch is a series to whom one should call to deal with certain moment’s notice. For them to be pulled awayinto the Federal Obamacare cistern. of regulations that force compliance, and the situations. There are reports indicating that and into a situation where their presence isThe Pew Charitable Trust says cities all second “nudges” compliance. The Obama 9-1-1 dispatch receives a significant amount only requested to harass a person not onlyover the country are watching Detroit’s efforts press release says “behavioral science can of calls by one party as a way to threaten costs money, but it puts everyone else atto transfer their liabilities to the Federal be used to help government work better, cost or harass a third party. The bill defines risk. Fortunately, the bill does leave roomgovernment. In fact, there are 61 major cities less and help people achieve their goals.” The “annoy and harass” as “knowing and willful for the exemption of calls “made in goodwith $126 billion in retiree health insurance Behavioral Insights Team intends to tweak conduct directed at a specific person, or faith” and with the intent to harm thirdobligations—94 percent of which is unfunded. people’s behavior through suggestion, but as his or her family members, that seriously parties. We all pay taxes for these services,If Detroit is successful and others follow suit, economist Jerry Ellig of the Mercatus Center alarms, annoys, torments, or terrorizes the and their misuse by a few comes at a greatObamacare would be busted. warns, “a suggestion can turn into a shove person, or his or her family members, and cost to all of us. Hopefully through this bill,The Behavioral Insights Team will have its pretty quickly” as a small cadre of elites seeks that serves no legitimate purpose.” Increasing our public safety personnel can be left alonehands full “nudging” the masses into believing to direct the thoughts of the masses. be afraid, be very afraid... • actions is long overdue. with moronic personal vendettas. •to deal with actual emergencies rather thanthe punishment for such selfish and wastefulSoObamacare is our savior, but it will try… From the Source Rep. Waxman Releases Top 10 List of Republican Efforts to Undermine and Obstruct the Affordable Care Act WASHINGTON, DC— On the day before the Affordable Care Act by: education efforts about the law. of health care reform on insurance premiums, Republicans cast their 40th vote to repeal key • Casting 40 votes to repeal the law, futile efforts • Insisting that the Affordable Care Act leading many to believe that premiums will protections against insurance company abuses that have done nothing but create uncertainty be defunded as a condition of preventing a skyrocket by failing to provide accurate in the Affordable Care Act, Ranking Member and confusion in the mind of the public about government shutdown. assessments of the true costs in 2014. Henry A. Waxman released a memorandum the law’s implementation. • Threatening to deny basic, Affordable Care • The complete 14-page memorandum prepared by Democratic Committee staff listing • Refusing to expand Medicaid coverage in Act-related constituent service requests from detailing the Republican efforts to undermine the ten ways Republicans have undermined and over 20 states, preventing millions of Americans citizens who request help with understanding Affordable Care Act is available online: http:// obstructed implementation of the law. from receiving health insurance coverage. or signing up for health insurance benefits The memo finds that Republican leaders • Refusing to establish state-based health under the law. default/files/documents/Memo-FC-Republican- at the state and federal levels have acted in insurance marketplaces, complicating HHS • Misinforming citizens about the impact Obstruction-of-ACA-2013-8-1.pdf. • an unprecedented fashion to undermine the efforts to implement the law and “increasing Affordable Care Act.  Nonpartisan analysts have federal involvement in … state affairs.” accused Republicans of trying to “sabotage” • Undermining enrollment in health insurance the law. marketplaces via a multimillion-dollar campaign white whale.  They will stop at nothing to kill health coverage.” Unanswered Financialto “dissuade uninsured Americans from obtaining “The law has become the Republicans’ great Questions? it,” said Rep. Waxman.  “Republican leaders’ • Refusing to provide funding requested by obstructionist policies will prevent millions of the Obama Administration to implement the law. their poorest constituents from receiving health • Attacking efforts to educate the public about insurance coverage.” the Affordable Care Act. Republican leaders have acted to undermine • Intimidating potential participants in public Can I really afford to retire? • Do I take a lump or annuity? THIS IS YOUR How do I pay for college? • Where is my paycheck going? TIME We provide sound objective advice for? How can I reduce taxes•?Are these the right investments TO MAKE A HOUSE a planned and secure financial future. A HOME. Call us for a free no obligation Buying your first home is exciting. get acquainted meeting. 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Torrance 08_08_13
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