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Torrance 08_08_13

Page 2 August 8, 2013 TORRANCE TRIBUNE People SB Literacy Council from front page in fulfilling its mission are the Literacy for communication but he has been improving.” English Speakers (LES) program, English as a With the number of adults interested in the Second Language (ESL) and Computer Aided services provided by the SBLC, there is also an Literacy (CAL)--which is a program run through increase in the amount of volunteers needed to a computer that teaches a person to read. The help run the programs. It hasn’t been an easy tutoring location and times are different for each task to attract volunteers. Johnson, who was program, but tutors will work with students 1.5 looking for something to put on her resume hours a week on any of the three programs. when applying to grad school, has embraced the Happy Birthday “It illiteracy affects everybody with things mission of the SBLC. Having started as a grant such as lost taxes if they can’t find better jobs,” writer, Johnson has extended her responsibilities LeVaughn Wallace celebrated her Johnson said. “It affects me personally because as an event planner for the SBLC. 102nd birthday in grand style at Spring my boyfriend, who is also on the Council--his “It has come full circle for me,” Johnson said. Senior Assisted Living in Torrance on father is taking some literacy classes through “I started trying to help out the organization, July 25. The festivities included a giant the South Bay Literacy Council. They are a but I feel that I got more out of it than I put cake, live music, flowers and balloons Korean family that moved from Asia about 15 into it. We are not getting paid. It is done just and a visit from Mayor Frank Scotto years ago and his father’s English has not been because we are compelled by the mission itself. who presented her with an honorary the best, so he has actually benefited from the The only thing we get is a sense of community certificate. SBLC’s mission. It has improved the relationship and the feeling of accomplishing a mission that Congratulations that I have with my boyfriend’s father because is very important to us.” Marissa Rodriguez, of Torrance, has been Polytechnic Institute for the Spring 2013 we are able to communicate with each other. For information regarding English or reading named to the Dean’s list at Rensselaer semester. Rodriguez studies Mathematics. • I don’t speak any Korean and his English was classes as well as volunteer opportunities good, but sometimes there were some holes in available, call 310-373-7003. • Leadership Torrance 2013 Graduation By TerriAnn Ferren Organization) holds the AYSO National Games The Leadership Torrance Class of 2013 of 2014 in Torrance and San Bernardino. graduated on Thursday, July 25, 2013 at the Preparing for that historic event to highlight Torrance Marriott with Mayor Frank Scotto, our city, the 2013 Leadership Torrance class Councilmember Pat Furey and Councilmember put together a user-friendly map, highlighting Bill Sutherland attending along with family hand-picked points of interest, local family and friends. It was an exciting evening as favorite restaurants, locations of hospitals the Leadership class project was launched. and other valuable information any visitor or Under the guidance and encouragement of resident might want to access. To demonstrate Executive Director Sheldon Brackett and the ease and versatility, Mac Mall manager Co-Directors Lisa Silva and Kasey Choe, the Chris Quilisch brought portable devices to Class of 2013 developed, as every Leadership the launch for guests to try out the new app. class has done, a project designed to help Prior to the Hawaiian-themed graduation, and/or enhance the City of Torrance and its Khryste Langlois, Ernest Gallo and Sunny residents. This year, through collaborative and Lai demonstrated the user-friendly site creative efforts by the leaders participating highlighting and explaining each segment in the program, a new app designed for both of the app. Congratulations, Leadership desktop and mobile devices was launched. Torrance Class of 2013! As leaders, you have This application was developed specifically demonstrated dedication and vision making to aid visitors to the City of Torrance next the City of Torrance the very model of what year as the AYSO (American Youth Soccer every city should be. • Donna Duperron President and CEO of the Torrance Chamber Mayor Frank Scotto of Commerce. Leilani Kimmel-Dagostino Ernest Gallo and Lourdes Perez. Bernard Anderson Aurelio Mattucci Neal Bracewell Above: Ralph Witsell and Above: Mac Mall store DeShawn Wynn. Manager Chris Quilisch. Khryste Langlois and her mom Barbara Case. Right: Aloha! Adrienne Gross and Steven Griswold. Left: Dan League and Dan Thomas.

Torrance 08_08_13
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