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Torrance 08_01_13

The Weekly Newspaper of Torrance Herald Publications - Torrance, El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hawthorne, Lawndale, & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 3, No. 31 - August 1, 2013 Inside Around the Block Summer EventCommunity Celebrates Annual Rock This Issue Business & Professional ......................10 Calendar...............................3 Classifieds ...........................9 Crossword/Sudoku ............9 Pets.......................................2 Politically Speaking...........4 Real Estate........................11 Alex Hattori, a junior at South High school, is currently ranked No. 2 in the world and No. 2 in the nation for double-handed yo-yoing. The teen enjoys spending time with different community groups and events, demonstrating his skills with the yo-yo at the ninth annual Rock Around the Block summer event. Read more below. Photo by Cristian Vasquez. Sports...................................8 Torrance Historical Society Hosts, Celebrates Ninth Annual Rock Around the Block TerriAnn in Torrance.......10 like to teach the kids that are around, or anyone by the Torrance Historical Society.By Cristian Vasquez For the ninth year, the Torrance Historical who wants to learn, how to play with the yo-yo.” “The first time we decided to do something Society organized and hosted the 1950s-style Included in the free festivities were vintage through the museum was to get people interested summer event Rock Around the Block in cars on display along Post Avenue courtesy of in the history of the City,” Payne said. “The celebration of Torrance’s All-America City the Cruisin’ 50s Car Club, Touring A’s and idea was to get people into the museum and Award. “In 1956, the City of Torrance received local car owners Bop to ‘50s music. There we have a display about the All-America City a wonderful award All-America Award from were special exhibits such as the All-America such as the speech the Mayor wrote to make Weekend the League of Cities and Life Magazine. They the largest collection of local yearbooks housed to the panel. The whole idea was to promoteSee Rock Around Block, page 3City button and logo received by the City andreceived a telegram from President Eisenhoweron display at the museum along with six or Forecast the award was for ‘Growth Without Strain’ West Basin Honorsseven other cities honored,” event coordinatorJanet Payne said. “The reason the City received because it was after World War II and we Water Leader Bill Wright were poised and prepared for the influx of people buying homes and coming into the city B i l l W r i g h t , and Asset Management Friday to work. The transition went very smoothly.” Metropolitan Water Committee. Wright is AM Clouds/ cakewalk, bubblegum blowing contest, hula hoop Member, announced expert representing theThe afternoon’s festivities included aa long-standing waterDistrict (MWD) Board PM Sun competition, games of jacks and hopscotch, and his retirement after city of Torrance. He a pie-eating contest. In addition, South High nearly 20 years of served on the Torrance 71˚/61˚ junior Alex Hattori, who is currently ranked service. Wright joined Water Commission second both in the world and in the nation for the MWD Board in from 1976 to 1984 double-handed yo-yoing, demonstrated his skills 1994 and most recently and on the Torrance Saturday with the yo-yo for everyone in attendance. served as Vice Chair of the Water Planning Environmental Commission from 1984 Mostly people reminisce with what I do,” Hattori said. agency of MWD, the West Basin Municipal second community service award fromto 1992. In 1993, Wright received hisand Stewardship Committee. As a member“It is really fun and it is nice seeing all these Sunny “Playing yo-yo is something people used to Water District Board (West Basin) honored the Torrance City Council for his work 70˚/62˚ of these people were younger, they used to in the water industry at the July Board physics for 29 years at West High Schooldo, so it fits in with the event. When moston these commissions. Wright taughtWright for his years of service and influence play with yo-yos. So they have a general idea meeting. Wright was an active member of in Torrance before retiring in June 1993. Sunday and they start to smile, which is pretty nice.” National Water Resources Association and oceanography for 11 years, with units aboutwhat a yo-yo is and they see this new styleHe also taught summer school courses inthe Association of California Water Agencies, Partly Hattori has performed at Rock Around the He was also an alternate member of the seawater intrusion problem. In 1984, helocal freshwater aquifers and Torrance’sthe Colorado River Water Users Association.Block for three years and enjoys the interaction Cloudy with kids and grown-ups as well as the overall Colorado River Board of California. In was first saluted for his experimental work 72˚/62˚ people in Torrance and I also do the Torrance MWD Audit and Ethics Committee, Special solar energy processes. In 1987, Southernfestivities. “I do a lot of charity performances forteaching local high school students aboutaddition, he served as a member on the Variety Show in September--and the first time I Committee on Bay-Delta, Engineering and California Edison honored Wright with its did that, I found out about this when Janet Payne Operations Committee and Real Property “Outstanding Teacher Award”. • contacted me,” Hattori said. “After performing, I

Torrance 08_01_13
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