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Page 8 August 27, 2015 TORRANCE TRIBUNE TerriAnn from page 7 Football from page 5 “Well, the city is hungry again. People from all around Los Angeles are pitching ideas - some sensible and some just ridiculous - to get commissioner Roger Goodell to choose their city as the host city of L.A.’s next great football team.” Up and Adam from page 5 Museum Educator from page 3 “My job at ESMoA is a passion fulfilled. ESMoA is more specifically an art laboratory. We bring art to children and adults in experiences that change lives,” Chelsea explained. “We are open on weekends to share art with the public, but our main focus is creating programs that educate youth in the ‘classroom’ that is ESMoA. I helped create the school programs, with the other Education Specialists, and school children come to learn art at ESMoA. “We make the art accessible to them. We create excitement. They come back with their families on weekends. To be successful we had to know our audience, the families of El Segundo. I have become the ad hoc community liaison for ESMoA. ESMoA is in the Chamber of Commerce. I recently was appointed to that Executive Board. I am a member of Rotary Club which involves fundraising for youth programs. “As a new member of the El Segundo community in 2013, we had to learn fast about the town, the townspeople, and the audiences we were trying to reach. Now we take the art to classrooms and the children welcome me because they’ve come to ESMoA Family Days or other programs and they understand the experience. They are excited about art. “I am a Museum Educator! WOW! I took one art history class and now look at me,” she concluded with that infectious laugh. When Chelsea is not educating about art, she is utilizing her creative muscles as an Improvisational Actor with MIs (Mission Improvable): Westside Comedy Theater in Santa Monica, where she resides and from where she biked to work in El Segundo for two years! She teaches a youth Improv class at El Segundo Recreation and Parks---ever the educator. “One thing I know—there is never a wrong answer. Know your audience. Listen to their question. Respond and make them feel understood! Art makes me feel great!” • Unanswered Financial Questions? Can I really afford to retire? • Do I take a lump or annuity? How do I pay for college? • Where is my paycheck going? Are these the right investments? • How can I reduce taxes? We provide sound objective advice for a planned and secure financial future. Call us for a free no obligation get acquainted meeting. 310.706.4123 Eileen S. Freiburger, CFP • El Segundo Resident ESF Financial Planning Group Twenty-Nine Years of Experience in the Industry • No commissions, no pressure, and no long term contracts. Naturally, the NFL has heard proposals from all three teams regarding new stadium deals and done nothing with them. The August meetings have come and gone and still nothing but generics remain. Generics like, “We are extremely optimistic that a deal will get done,” or, “Los Angeles would make a great market for an NFL team.” We’ve all been hearing that for years and like a politician announced jargon to attempt to sway your vote, the NFL uses their jargon to try to appease its fans. When all is said and done, though, there has been absolutely no progress made on a team moving to L.A. What the city of Los Angeles would need first is a temporary residence for a team while their new home stadium is built. The Rose Bowl has already eliminated itself from that conversation. Other sites like the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and even Dodger Stadium remain but again, talks have not even progressed enough to decide on that. Once that is decided, however, then the actual site of the new NFL stadium or stadiums can be determined. Whether that is Inglewood, Carson, or somewhere yet to even be decided remains a mystery. The next owners meetings and the earliest a temporary site for a possible Los Angeles based NFL team will decided is this October. It’s said that there will be a definite decision at that point and time and then some headway can be made. At this point, absolutely nothing is known about anything. Thank you NFL, for that. So the next time you’re out and about and someone wants to talk sports and the state of football in Los Angeles, just say, “I don’t know,” or, “who cares,” and move on to talking about Tom Brady or your fantasy football team. The truth is, no one knows anything yet and that in itself is depressing at this point. Until there is a definitive decision announced in the media, there will be no team in Los Angeles. Whether that decision comes this October or is pushed back another 5-10 years is anyone’s guess. For now, we here in the city of L.A. will have to forget about tailgating and be content watching the games from afar. • players are relishing in their chance to step up and make a difference for the team. One of those players will be the returning starting quarterback of the team, Gabe Zuniga. Zuniga, only a junior last season, led the way for the Spartans a year ago with 98 completions for “It has been quite a while now since the South High Spartans have enjoyed the honor of being on top of the Pioneer League standings.” 1,465 yards passing for 11 touchdowns. He will be looking to do nothing but improve on those numbers this year. He will do it with a revamped attack on the ground and through the air. Look for senior Cameron Dillon and junior Carl Richardson to battle it out in the backfield for starting running back duties this year. At wide receiver, Zack Leets will look to take over as Zuniga’s number one target with Logan Taylor stepping in to earn some time, too. This year’s schedule won’t be an easy one for South, but then again in the Pioneer League, it never really is. An Opening Day game against Lawndale will be followed by a match-up against versus top-rated El Segundo on the road before league play gets started. That’s when the inter-division fun starts and the Spartans will look to show their might against Torrance before closing the season out versus West and North, respectively. A third-place finish is certainly not out of the question for the Spartans and from an early glance, seems to be where they should have no problem finishing. Coaches, fans, and players, however, will tell you that the team has what it takes to finish on top of the Pioneer League. There is only one way to tell. Follow the Spartans all season long and right here to cheer them on and root them towards a first place finish and berth into this year’s CIF playoffs. There is no telling where South will finish this year but it is certainly clear that the Spartans are team that is on the rise. • a crown in two hours! “Technology is just unreal and that is so wonderful - and to be part of that…and I am excited that I am still in the profession, and been able to teach it. I have a great love for it. I think it was John Muir who once said, ‘Kindness begins with sharing with others,’ so we should always be kind to be kind, to be kind, so I remember that and I think it is important that we utilize that as we go forth in whatever aspect of what we are doing,” said Allie. Speaking with Allie reminded me how dentistry has changed. The schools’ state of the art program, along with the virtual high tech ‘dental bay’ available for use by students, is awesome. “If you ever read obituaries in the 50s it was all about – he died with his [own] teeth – and that was a great accomplishment. We are living longer and healthier and there is a direct connection between the oral cavity and your overall health. It is where you input your nutrition and how you maintain that oral cavity, and stop the acid plaque attack,” said Allie. “I came in at a time in the early 80s where we went from a technical assistant to a multitasking assistant, …an integral part with the doctor… computers were being introduced into offices and people were still using paper – we were just bringing technology in with cameras, LED lighting, things like that, etc., Then HIV came in and we weren’t wearing gloves, - and then we started wearing gloves. OSHA came into play and started making regulations…” added Allie. “The nice thing about dental assisting because we are state-approved, is that these students can go for their state license upon graduating our program. They don’t have to wait. Dental assisting itself has a great expected growth of anywhere from 12 to 22 per cent by 2025. So there are not enough dental assistants in the community. The South Bay is such a great area, and dental assisting is such a rewarding profession,” said Allie. Allie Wood oversees the state approved, 17 month long Associates Program that includes 995 core hours of direct ‘input teaching’, which prepares students for the needs of dentists in the community. The program is a direct result of interviewing prominent dentists in our area and asking them what they need and want in an assistant. Also, national and state accreditations, plus state of the art equipment is standard for this program. Interested? There is a Dental Open House at Westwood College at 19700 S. Vermont Avenue, Suite 100, Torrance, CA 90502, on Thursday, August 27, 2015 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. with Special Guest Speaker, Assemblyman of the 66th District, David Hadley. For more information call 310.525.2377 or access It turns out my father-in-law was right - dentistry has come light years since the 1950s. And after all this talk about teeth, it has made me very conscious of my pearly whites. I think I will take a little more time and brush extra diligently tonight: how about you? • Working labs.

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