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Torrance 07_25_13

Page 6 July 25, 2013 TORRANCE TRIBUNE T he weather is hot and I’m sick of turning on the oven at home, so I’m making a chilled chicken and penne pasta salad with a twist! and how to bang them by Chef Shafer The best part is that I’m going to buy the chicken from Costco and chill it down then pull all the meat of the bones and chop it up for the salad. The Chef Cold Chicken and Penne Pasta Salad 1 pound penne pasta blanched in water, then cooled down 1 cup of diced tomatoes 1 cup of diced bell peppers 1 cup of diced celery 2 cups of diced cooked chicken 6 basil leaves, chopped ½ cup plain yogurt ¼ cup balsamic vinegar ½ cup chopped olives 1 cup crumbled feta cheese 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice Live, Love, Laugh, Eat Salt and pepper to taste Chef Shafer, Owner/Chef of Depot, Buffalo Fire Dept., Here comes the easy part…mix it all together and eat! If you want and the Downtown Torrance Market Place. to you can spice it up with some chilies or your favorite hot sauce.

Torrance 07_25_13
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