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Torrance 07_18_13

Page 8 July 18, 2013 TORRANCE TRIBUNE TerriAnn in Torrance Saturday Night at the Movies By TerriAnn Ferren the curb nearby drumming up attention for a night and they said it was. How sweet! film. Some say less people are going to the It was the Drifters who put those words, new pizza place opening up down the street. They typically go out to dinner before or movies, but from the look of the crowds at the “Saturday night at the movies, who cares what These three teenage boys seemed mature and after the movie, but tonight Robin said, local theater, I am not so sure. The Saturday I asked them what movie they saw and they “We usually do, but we didn’t tonight--we told me World War Z. Having only seen the just kind of rushed tonight and ate at home trailers of that particular film, I first asked and rushed over here. It depends upon how Xavier Garcia, age 16, what he thought of the movies go, but mine favorite movies the movie. “It was very good, I liked it,” he are romance and comedies. His is action.” said. “You should check it out. There is a lot Well, considering they are going to see Man of violence in it, so I don’t think it makes of Steel, I guess Jim chose the movie for you think that much.” Michael Saucedo, age this particular evening, but since I happen “There are movies to entertain everyone and each shared story is an opportunity for social interaction where people can share what they thought about a particular film with others.” 16, said, “It was good, really good. It is a to have seen that film, I think both of them really good movie. It showed how you should will be happy with their choice. help people out.” And Jon Contreras, age The line moved quickly and soon I was Jim and Robin Mellert. 16, said, “It was a great movie. It gets you speaking through the slotted speaker in the glass Ami Okamoto. picture you see--when you’re hugging with entertained throughout the whole movie and of the ticket window telling the teenager what night movie ritual is alive and well in the city your baby in the last row of the balcony,” you weren’t bored watching it. It just kept movie I wanted to see. Only problem was, I of Torrance. And from the look of the line-up to music. And I found out those lyrics still your attention. Right when I saw the trailers, was still deciding. After finally purchasing my of film titles, there seems to be something for hold true even though today most modern I wanted to go see it. I go to Port of Los ticket, I took the receipt and walked away from everyone this particular weekend. theaters don’t have balconies. Saturday night Angeles High School.” As it turned out, all the window happy with my decision. Since my Then I spotted a smiling couple and decided is movie night, especially here in Torrance. three boys attend Port of Los Angeles High movie wasn’t going to start for about an hour, to speak with them. Marianne Brooks and Last weekend, the local theater was showing School. These three young men apparently I sat on a nearby green iron bench. Behind Mike Staal were going to see The Heat. When several movies on multiple screens. I saw I asked Marianne why she chose this film, she people standing in line waiting to buy tickets, laughed and said, “Because it’s funny and we people going into the theater, and others wanted to laugh.” Mike said he comes to this leaving the theater who had already seen movie theater frequently and laughed along the movie of their choice as I pulled into with Marianne. This couple truly appeared my prime parking place. As I stepped out to be having a great time already. of the car, the scent from the nearby flower There was a cool breeze coming up and I beds reminded me it was summer and the knew it was time to make my way into the warmth of the evening was wonderful. The theater. The young man just inside the door glow from the theater neon sign buzzed as took my ticket, tore it along the perforated the golden twilight descended upon the scene. line and told me in which theater my movie There was a group of young teenage girls would be shown. Great. The anticipation walking in the parking lot away from the and activity inside the lobby of a theater is theater giggling, laughing and talking about always magical to me. The smell of popcorn, the movie they had just seen which turned people checking their tickets to make sure out to be Despicable Me 2. I asked Brenna they find their correct theater, and the rush Mitchell, age 15 who is home-schooled, into the dimly-lit rooms to be entertained and what she thought about the movie and she taken on a journey... I have always thought of told me, “I thought it was really funny.” Ami filmmaking as a way of telling stories--stories Okamoto, age 14 who attends Mira Costa Xavier Garcia age 16, Michael Saucedo age 16, and Jon Contreras age 16. Photos by TerriAnn Ferrren. about everything imaginable that unfold on High School, added, “I liked it. I think it liked the film they saw just as much as the me sat a quiet, sweet couple and I decided to a screen in living color (or black and white, was funnier than the first one.” The rest of young teenage girls liked Despicable Me 2. find out what they were going to see. Maria for that matter) that transform us to another the group of young ladies continued to laugh, Since time was flying by, I decided to get Calvillo smiled and surprisingly told me she time, place or experience. There are movies smile and giggle as they walked in a tight in line to purchase my ticket to the movie was going to see World War Z. Her date to entertain everyone and each shared story group to their cars where they obviously I planned to see and noticed a woman in that night was Antonio Alvarez. I asked who is an opportunity for social interaction where were waiting for parents to drive them home. front of me waiting for her husband (who picked this movie and quickly Maria spoke people can share what they thought about a On the entry plaza of the theater up a few was probably parking the car). Robin Mellert up and said, “I did ‘cuz it is new. I like to go particular film with others. Yes, Saturday night steps, I saw sitting around a splashing fountain told me she was going to see Man of Steel. to the movies.” at the movies is fun. So check out what is three teenage boys talking amongst themselves Then her husband Jim arrived and joined Groups of people and couples seemed to be playing, take a friend--or friends--and enjoy as they looked at the Batmobile parked at her in line, so I asked them if this was date chatting amongst themselves and the topic was a summer movie soon. • Maria Calvillo and Antonio Alvarez. Mike Staal and Marianne Brooks.

Torrance 07_18_13
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