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TORRANCE TRIBUNE July 27, 2017 Page 5 Pizza, Pasta & More VALENTINO S “A Taste of Brooklyn” Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Garden Salad, Garlic Bread, Plus Tax Preparation Ingredients Politically Speaking One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion There Are Some Comparisons That Should Just Never Be Made By Cristian Vasquez People, please stop comparing your political struggle to slavery. It’s a pathetic and lazy attempt at garnering support for your side that is not only morally repugnant, but also flat out wrong. With the ongoing debate about repealing Obamacare and approving the American Health Care Act, supporters of universal healthcare have raised their voices in favor of such a system. Whether related or not to the discussion, an old video of Senator Rand Paul equating one’s belief in healthcare as a right with believing in slavery has made the rounds on social media. Thinking it was taken out of context, because no logicalthinking human being would compare slavery to anything other than bondage, I searched for and found the video of the Senator’s asinine comments. Sadly, Senator Paul’s claim that a person who believes in healthcare as a right is equivalent to support for slavery isn’t the first time a politician stoops that low in the name of political gain. Before being appointed Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson said Obamacare was the worst thing to happen to America since slavery. As disgusting, misguided and reprehensible as that comment is, even worse is that there are people who agree and defend this statement. For all the anger and resentment that Obamacare caused conservatives--despite the fury and frustration that the thought of universal health care causes in supporters of right-wing politics--this in no way comes close, even remotely close, to slavery. Now, there will be all sorts of brain yoga and Pilates done to justify this ridiculous claim, but none of it is true. If you have a cause you adamantly support, then use facts--not feelings based on pretzel-formed logic. Maybe I haven’t read the articles that describe how doctors in countries with universal healthcare are taken from their land, shackled, beaten and forced to work for absolutely zero pay. And to argue that the financial restrictions of a healthcare provider make for demoralizing conditions is still not slavery. Before the accusations come, I’ll be clear about where this is coming from: the need for human decency. This is not an attempt to be PC, but more of a demand for respect. It’s a plea for people to stop comparing one of America’s biggest crimes to whatever political cause they are trying to promote. To Dr. Carson, and anyone who is passionate about their position on any issue… instead of desecrating the memory of every soul lost to the savagery of slavery, do some actual work to defend your position. Relying on inflammatory rhetoric to scare people into a position is a disservice to the cause being promoted. In the end, no matter the outcome of the healthcare issue, it is not going to result in the separation of individuals from their homeland and family. It will not lead to the deliberate physical restraining, mental abuse and moral torture of individuals, nor will it be followed by a century of Jim Crow laws. • Trump Continues On-the-Job Training: Is Lucky that Jerry Brown is 79 Years Old By Duane Plank Was listening to the radio in early November of 2016, a few days after the shocking victory of Donald Trump over the beleaguered Hillary Clinton. One of the talkers, Leo Terrell, said that “Trump will either be the best President ever, or the worst President ever.” What say you? According to certain cherrypicked polls, Trump’s approval rating is hovering around a sad 36 percent. With the lefties still on full-frontal assault leading the impeachment brigade--along with the political fossils Pelosi and Waters highfiving each other as the Trump administration continues to implode while committing unforced errors that derail their attempts to get things done--the Dems still have no apparent policy agenda other than to disrupt and obstruct. And they have no candidate perched to carry the mantle in 2020. If only Jerry Brown were 10 years younger. My task is not to champion Democrat Brown, the four-term Governor of the Golden State. But what type of credibility would I have as a political opiner if I looked the other way regarding his successes, his cleaning up the mess left by the Terminator? Could Brown garner similar accomplishments if he were residing in the White House? The Trump administration is now six months in, and the revolving door at the White House is still spinning. Sean Spicer, embattled press secretary and SNL pincushion, is out and Trump buddy Anthony Scaramuucci is now the new communications director. With Spicer out, who will actress Melissa McCarthy make fun of next season on the suddenly relevant late-night TV show? Some of the folks who participated in her multiple box office bombs? Trump has continued running amok, unrestrained, bad-mouthing his own selection for Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. For those of you new to the political game, Sessions was one of the first people, back when he was a Senator, to put on one of those Trump hats and champion the soon-to-be President. He became AG after a couple of others, apparently Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie, turned down the job. Apparently Sessions talked to a Russian comrade and is now in the scope-sights of the Trump firing line. Sessions partook in a little chit-chat, caviar and vodka. And who amongst us wouldn’t have done the same? Trump did accomplish something positive recently. He nominated Jon Huntsman, the very well-respected ex-Senator, as the ambassador to Russia. Not sure how much Trump had to do in championing the nomination. Reports mentioned that the press release touting the appointment of Huntsman, who has sparred with the Donald in recent years, had his first name misspelled by a bumbler in the Trump administration. With all the slings and arrows Mr. Trump has taken because of his alleged Russian contacts, with the Kid, Jr. ducking in and out of clandestine meetings, with CNN 24-7 pushing impeachment, one can only wish Huntsman good luck and godspeed. If Trump makes it to the 2020 election cycle unscathed, he will be fortunate that Mr. Brown considers himself too old to make his fourth run at the presidency. • Ample Seating Now Open Sundays! and a drink $1199 No substitutions and coupon must be presented. Please mention coupon when ordering. One per customer. Expires 8/10/17. EL SEGUNDO 150 S Sepulveda Blvd. 310-426-9494 MANHATTAN BEACH 976 Aviation Blvd. 310-318-5959 • DELIVERY IN LIMITED AREA AT BOTH LOCATIONS • Donatella Arpaia’s Green Eggs & Ham Breakfast Pizza 1. About 30 minutes before baking the pizza, preheat the oven to 500 F and place a large, rimless baking sheet in the lower third of the oven; for the most even cooking and optimal heat distribution. Place a large sheet of parchment paper on a work surface and dust the parchment lightly with flour. Stretch dough using hands or rolling pin. Pierce the dough firmly all over with the tines of a fork. 2. Slide pizza with parchment onto a baking sheet, then slide it onto the hot rimless baking sheet in the oven. 3. When the dough is slightly puffed, at about 7 minutes, take out of oven and spread on pesto mixture, top with mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes, Parmesan and ham. Place back in oven for another 3 minutes until cheese is melted. Slide pizza out, crack four eggs (one on each quarter of pizza), place back in oven and broil for about 4 minutes or until egg cooks to over easy. 4. Grab the edge of the parchment and transfer the pizza from the oven to a cutting board. Drop ricotta cheese by rounded teaspoonful over top, sprinkle with salt and pepper. cut and serve. • 1 pound pizza dough • 1/4 cup prepared pesto • 1 cup (8 ounces) shredded mozzarella cheese • 1 cup cherry tomatoes halved, tossed with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper • 1/4 cup thick chunks of ham • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper • 4 eggs • Parmesan cheese, to taste

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