EL SEGUNDO HERALD July 14, 2016 Page 3 Community Briefs Lisa Haley & the Zydekats to Perform Free Concert at Columbia Park in Torrance El Segundo Roty Club Presents SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2016 Gates Open: 4:00pm • Movie Starts at Dusk Beer • Wine • Tacos • Pizza • Hamburgers Hot Dogs • Popcorn & more! Giant Movie Screen • Entertainment • Train Rides • Moon Bounce • Face Painting At Chevron Park, El Segundo - corner of El Segundo & Sepulveda Blvd. Admission: $4 (kids 2 and under are free) bring blankets & beach chair - no high-back chairs please Tickets available now at Industrial Lock & Security, Big-5 El Segundo & the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce. For more information contact: information@movieinthepark.info. Or visit: www.movieinthepark.info Like us on Facebook! McDonald's INDUSTRIAL EL SEGUNDO POWER LLC A Fun Outdr Family Event! No Outside Alcohol Permitted No Drop-Offs or Pick-Ups Permitted No Pets Bonilla Family • El Segundo Firefighters Association • El Segundo Dermatology • El Segundo Police Officers Association • El Gringo Restaurants Shiela Fowler, Shorewood Realtors • The Mailbox • Brian Magovern, M.D., Torrance Orthopedic & Sports Medicine • Eloise Mendez, Palm Realty Boutique Dr. Michele Rogers • Bill Ruane • SAGA • Seligman Wealth Management • SJM • So. Cal. Gas Company LOCK & SECURITY The Reimann Law Group Good Ideas. Good Work. Solving Problems. Supervisor Don Knabe County of Los Angeles |Fourth District Havana’s Reawakening Preparing to Take Flight By Rob McCarthy Cuba is the most intriguing travel destination on the planet right now, yet the only way for Americans to reach the island nation is by ship. That changes this fall when U.S. airlines begin daily service to Havana, including flights from Los Angeles International Airport. The U.S. Transportation Department last week released a short list of cities to service Havana and its other international airports, and Chicago and Washington, D.C., were snubbed. Their omissions were surprising, given that a D.C.-to-Havana route would “Los Angeles International Airport is the choice to become the West Coast hub for nonstops to Cuba. How many daily flights LAX gets is yet to be decided.” connect two nation’s capitals, and Chicago is the hometown of President Barack Obama, whose administration pushed for the agreement that normalized relations and opened trade and travel between the Cold War enemies. Los Angeles International Airport is the choice to become the West Coast hub for nonstops to Cuba. How many daily flights LAX gets is yet to be decided. Service to Havana, which is the closest major city to the U.S. mainland, is scheduled to begin in the fall. The airlines are waiting for the Transportation Department to say jump. Passenger demand is expected to soar, and an early fare sale by American Airlines priced seats at $398 from the West Coast, and $198 from the Southeast. South Bay’s connection to the newly opened Cuba doesn’t stop with LAX, however. A Loyola Marymount University film professor recently picked up an Emmy for The first U.S. cruise ship reached Havana on May 2, and flights carrying Americans are next. Photo Credit: ABC News. a short documentary about a lost piece of Cuba’s past. Loyola Marymount University Professor Glenn Gebhard created the documentary, “Cuba: The Forgotten Revolution,” about two men never mentioned by Cuban historians. Gebhard, who teaches at LMUs’ School of Film and Television, said the film uses archival stock footage to tell the story about two revolutionaries who were brushed aside when Fidel Castro seized power on Jan. 1, 1959. The project took years to make, and involved several of his Loyola Marymount colleagues. “Hopefully the themes of this film will resonate beyond Cuba and highlight the importance of readdressing history, and understanding the reasons why history can be used in any country for political manipulation,” Gebhard said in his acceptance speech on June 18. LMU contributors to the film include screenwriter Tim Guest who co-wrote the film; lecturer Mario Congreve served as coproducer and cinematographer; Recording Arts Department’s Associate professor Kurt Daugherty recorded sound; professor Mladen Milicevic composed the music; and Clinical Assistant professor Gino Brancolini contributed to the script and editing of the documentary. Like the film’s producers, U.S. carriers sense there is a pent-up demand to know more about Havana and visit for the first time in 40 years. However, the Castro government clearly isn’t prepared for a flood of American tourists, more like a trickle. Havana has agreed to allow 20 flights per day from the United States to Havana, and another 10 to its other international airports. The U.S. Department of Transportation has selected eight U.S. airlines - Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Southwest Airlines, Spirit Airlines, and United Airlines. They proposed 60 daily flights per day, but the U.S. government is bound by its agreement with Cuba. The airlines are awaiting final approval from the department to begin selling fares. Airlines and airports that were not selected may appeal the DOT’s decision issued last week. Havana is the capital of Cuba, and a culturally rich urban center that is home to more than 2 million people. The port city sits on the Caribbean Sea, and offers unique architecture, Ernest Hemingway’s home that has been preserved, uptempo music, restaurants and plenty of walking. Passengers need a visa to travel to Cuba from the United States and can obtain one by falling under one of the 12 categories mandated by the U.S. government, the airlines contacted for this story reminded me. In the meantime, the surest route to reach Cuba is by ship. Cruise lines are ferrying Americans this summer across the Gulf of Mexico and the Strait of Florida to Havana, which lies at the northern end of Cuba about 90 miles from the Florida coast. The distance by air from Orlando, Fla., to Havana is 449 miles, and Orlando is one of the airports chosen last week by the Department of Transportation to offer air service from the mainland. “Restoring regular air service holds tremendous potential to reunite Cuban American families and foster education and opportunities for American businesses of all sizes,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said on July 7. The U.S. Department of Transportation gave LAX the West Coast hub; Newark, New York See Havana’s Reawakening, page 6 The City of Torrance invites the community to a free outdoor concert featuring Lisa Haley & the Zydekats. The concert takes place Saturday, July 23 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Columbia Park, located at 4045 190th Street in Torrance. Lisa Haley & the Zydekats have been called the most joyful Americana/Cajun/Zydeco act on tour today. Lisa Haley is a fourth generation fiddler, dancer and three-octave vocalist whose band has been entertaining audiences throughout the world since 1995. Lisa Haley is a Grammy nominee, and the group’s albums have charted on Billboard three times. They have played in festivals in more than 20 countries and produced eight albums, including the newest, “Joy Ride.” Lisa Haley & the Zydekats includes Lisa Haley on violin; Dennis Gurwell on accordion and Cajun button accordion; Andy Anders on bass; and Cam Tyler on drums. This concert of Lisa Haley & the Zydekats is sponsored by Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe and the City of Torrance. For additional information please call the Cultural Services Division, Community Services Department at 310-618-2376. The Torrance Historical Society Rocks Around the Block in Celebration of the All-America City Award On July 21, from 5 to 8 p.m. the Torrance Historical Society is hosting the 12th annual 1950s-style family summer event in celebration of Torrance’s All-America City Award -- one of America’s original and most prestigious community recognition awards. The city received this award for “Growth without strain” back in the 1956 when Albert Isen was Mayor of Torrance. This free event, sponsored by Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc., is open to the public and will be held in front of the Torrance Historical Society & Museum lcated at 1345 Post Avenue. Post Avenue will be blocked off from Cravens to Sartori, so guests can: View vintage cars on display along Post Avenue, courtesy of Cruisin’ 50s Car Club, Touring A’s and local car owners. Bop to 50s music by DJ Ozzie. Munch on burgers from the IN-N-OUT burger wagon (burgers served from 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. nominal fee for food & beverages) See special exhibits featuring the original All-America City congratulatory telegram from President Eisenhower, along with the All-America City button & logo Capture a “Kodak Moment” next to Jared Sidney Torrance Check-out high school yearbooks -- the Torrance Historical Society has the largest collection in the City Play retro games like Dime Toss or paint a pet rock Enter the hula hoop, bubble gum blowin’, (Torrance Bakery) cake walk and pie eating contests - there are prizes. This FREE 1950s-style family event is hosted in partnership with the Torrance Historical Society, City of Torrance, CitiCABLE 3, Torrance Bakery, and the Old Torrance Neighborhood Association. • Visit us online: www.heraldpublications.com
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