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Torrance 06_20_13

TORRANCE TRIBUNE June 20, 2013 Page 11 TerriAnn from page 6 good to know. But Brent added we should go nibbled on cookies. Everyone was enjoying Brent went on to say that most people admire Brent said, I started thinking differently about to the doctor to be sure. Right. the lecture. Then I noticed Beth Scott with a the butterflies and think they are pretty and the insects created that roam around the earth. As the lecture continued, I was exposed to living walking stick “broach” on her shirt. This graceful. Then he added that just because a Did I get hints on how to get rid of ants bugs I have never really appreciated before funny walking stick looked just like a stick of cockroach isn’t as pretty as a butterfly, we or spiders? No. But I did manage to learn a and surely never been so close to in the past. wood on her shirt. I had never seen such a large think it is okay to kill it. He found that sad. lot and the next time I see a friendly spider, I For example, I never felt the fur on a bug. I example in person. It was truly amazing to see “Even when it comes to endangered species… will do as my mom does and scoop it up and was going to say that being a girl, that was this creature up close and personal. up until two years ago, the only endangered gently place it outside. normal--but then I looked at three-year-old Toward the end of the lecture, Brent explained species in the insect world ever recognized For more information about theMadrona Marsh Arianna who “woves bugs,” and remembered how flying insects have an advantage that were the butterflies. Why? Because we think Nature Center and Preserve, call 310-782-3989 this was not natural to me. keeps them alive. Four groups fly--the birds, they are pretty. Everything else can just die--it or access The break came and we sipped punch and insects, bats and an extinct prehistoric animal. doesn’t really matter,” said Brent. After what or www.TorranceCA.Gov/MadronaMarsh. • Santos giddy after touching the millipede. Desert Hairy Scorpion. Three-year-old Arianna about to feel the fur on the Rose Hair Tarantula. Darlene King. Beth Scott with a real Walking Stick Broach! The Reyes family, Alonso, Arianna, age 3, Aaron age 6, and Wendy. Demonstration bugs. Ruth McConnell a volunteer since 1995. Madagascar Hissing Cockroach.

Torrance 06_20_13
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