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TORRANCE TRIBUNE June 1, 2017 Page 5 Pizza, Pasta & More VALENTINO S “A Taste of Brooklyn” Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Garden Salad, Garlic Bread, Ample Seating Now Open Sundays! and a drink $1199 Plus Tax No substitutions and coupon must be presented. Please mention coupon when ordering. One per customer. Expires 6/15/17. EL SEGUNDO 150 S Sepulveda Blvd. 310-426-9494 MANHATTAN BEACH 976 Aviation Blvd. 310-318-5959 • DELIVERY IN LIMITED AREA AT BOTH LOCATIONS • Messipie: The Sauce • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1/2 pound ground pork • 1/2 pound ground veal or beef • 4 ounces diced pancetta • salt and black pepper • 1/2 cup red wine (something you would drink) • 3 small to medium cloves of garlic • 1/4 cup minced fresh parsley • 1 teaspoon dried basil • 1 box or can (26 ounces) tomato sauce • 1 box linguine 1. In a medium soup pot, heat the oil over medium low heat. 2. Add your diced pancetta to the pan and cook for 2 minutes. 3. “Messipe” moment: Roll up your sleeves, it’s time to get messy! In a bowl, take turns mixing the veal and pork with washed, clean hands. Add your salt and pepper, then add to the pan, browning the meat with the pancetta. Stir occasionally, with a wooden spoon, for about 8 minutes, breaking the meat up as you go. 4. Increase the heat to medium and add the wine, simmering until it reduces by half. 5. Add the garlic, parsley, basil and tomato sauce. Reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring occasionally, until the sauce begins to thicken, about 30 minutes. 6. Cover and cook for 15 minutes more (aka walk away till it’s done). Take turns tasting for salt and pepper and serve hot. Cleanup tip: If sauce spills, quickly drop some flour on the spill to stop the spill from spreading. This way, you can keep cooking and not worry about cleaning up the mess right away. When you’re ready, fill a spray bottle with warm water and a few drops of Palmolive Ultra Strength dish liquid. Let the kids squirt the bottle over the mess ... or maybe even at each other! Ingredients Preparation The first step to family fun in the kitchen is selecting the “Messipe.” One of Prinze Jr.’s favorite “Messipes” is: The Sauce. This tasty tomato-based sauce has enough steps and ingredients to get the whole family involved, yet it is also easy to make and delicious. “Between the prep, taste tests, stirring and adding the Parmesan cheese at the end, the whole family works together,” he says. “I like to pair the sauce with linguine pasta - and it’s also my kids’ favorite. This time spent with family is just as good as the meals we make.” Politically Speaking Another Man’s Opinion Political Penguin, Round Two By Duane Plank Back! Those of you who have been reading Herald Publications papers for a while may remember that I was scribbling political thoughts for the paper back in the day. I believe that day ended about four or five years ago. I was ruminating about the machinations of the failed Mitt “The Glove” Romney campaign for the presidency. Laughed about the gazillion-dollar waste of money that Meg Whitman foisted out there as she was trounced when she ran for Governor in the great state of California, boat-raced by the three-time failed presidential candidate Moonbeam Brown. Who has, in my estimation, done a pretty good job of governing Cali after taking over for the overmatched actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is now back to over-utilizing hair care products and selling violent movies to teenagers. Of course the politically astute Brown just shammed all Californians, agreeing to apparent backdoor deals (bribes) to collect enough votes from legislators so that he could ram through the recent gas tax hike to allegedly fix roads. Except the Dems will probably appropriate the money, as they always do, and throw it into some social help plan. Maybe we can bankroll the criminal illegal immigrants and pay for their legal defense with the monies? Or bankroll the ever-growing tab for Brown’s beloved Bullet Train boondoggle? Glad I can comment on the political scene again. I guess Bill O’Reilly turned down the Herald gig? Or maybe with the $25-million golden parachute he was handed when Fox showed him the door, he decided he didn’t need the Benjamins? In what seems a time warp, I was writing about the very flawed New Yorker Anthony Weiner years ago. Shockingly, the disgraced Dem politico has again made the headlines, with a mea culpa about his self-admittedly salacious texting of a 15-year-old girl. He was also somehow embroiled in the incredible downward spiral of the Hillary Clinton campaign and flameout. Nice to see Hillary on the tube recently, taking full responsibility for her incredible loss back in November. Full responsibility…except she blamed Mr. Comey, she blamed Russia, she blamed everyone but herself. Maybe she shouldn’t have spent so much time glad-handing the pampered elites, palms-up, trying to raise more and more money, papering the Clinton bank account? Maybe she should have visited some of those states the Dems always elitistly dismiss as fly-over states, get herself out of the cozy Beltway, or the friendly confines of her uber-rich New York digs, and visit Wisconsin one time and have a brat? So, before you know it, the 2018 elections will be upon us. The Democrats, with Cali lady pols Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters bloviating and blindly leading the charge, continue to look under rocks for the Russian connection to Trump’s stunning win. And the lefty blusterers on CNN and MSNBC continue to be in full meltdown mode, doing their best to damage the Trump administration. It is a very interesting time to pay attention to politics. Game on! • One Man’s Opinion Best Time to Act Local With Regards To Environment By Cristian Vasquez It has been at the top of President Trump’s to-do list: slash the Environmental Protection Agency’s budget. The estimated $3 billion cut, added to the appointment of former Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, makes the future of environmental protection in this country uncertain. While Congress still has to approve the president’s budget and in essence approve that 31 percent cut of the agency’s budget, there are factors that paint a bleak picture for environmental protection. The agency has now been filled with climate change skeptics, a fossil fuel lobbyist has been tapped to work alongside Pruitt, and Congress had no problem repealing hunting restrictions that protected wildlife refuges in Alaska. In short, the administration and Congress have little interest in protecting the environment. So if there was ever a time to act local, that time is now. Losing federal funds dedicated to, and the will to protect, the environment is a challenge we haven’t seen since the 1970s. So what are our options? Aside from the most obvious, which is to vote in the midterms to replace members of Congress that voted along party lines instead of what’s good for the environment, we must join our local environmental groups and have an immediate impact. It is crucial that now, and for the next four years, we act to protect every aspect of our environment. Join Heal the Bay, work with Grades of Green, help the Ballona Creek Renaissance collect trash, plant trees, and make donations to environmental organizations. Working with such groups will not only help contribute to environmental wellbeing, but it will continue to push forward our ongoing efforts to educate and create a more environmentally-conscious generation. Furthermore, knowing that the current administration has little to no interest in protecting the environment, we should expect an uptick in pollution of all sorts. Waiting until the midterms, or 2020, to vote out Trump and a complicit Congress will make the clean-up efforts even more daunting. We can always hope for the best but must prepare for the worst simply because if we occasionally have environmental disasters such as oil spills and the destruction of wildlife with an agency enforcing rules to prevent these catastrophes, how bad can it get without it? Instead of waiting for Trump to be voted out of office and hope that a new administration return to more environment-friendly legislation, we have to be active in our own backyard. We have miles and miles of coastline that needs cleaning and national parks that need to be preserved and we can help by volunteering, donation, or both. We need to keep educating ourselves and our youth on the resources available that will help keep our planet green. We are going to have to clean up the pollution as we go and lead by example. We had eight years with an eco-friendly administration and it was good times. Things have changed and we must now bite the bullet and help ourselves. •

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