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The Weekly Newspaper of Torrance Herald Publications - Torrance, El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hawthorne, Lawndale, & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 7, No. 22 - June 1, 2017 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Classifieds............................6 Crossword/Sudoku.............6 Food.......................................5 Legals....................................7 Politically Speaking............5 Real Estate...........................8 Sports....................................3 TerriAnn in Torrance..........4 Weekend Forecast Students Graduate Fit for Gold Tutoring & Fitness Academy More than 100 family members and civic leaders (including Torrance Mayor Pat Furey) were on hand to celebrate graduation ceremonies for 42 South Bay high school seniors who completed the Fit for Gold Tutoring & Fitness Academy, presented on May 17 by the South Bay Workforce Investment Board at Rogers Park in Inglewood. In the photo, the graduating cadets posed for their picture along with dignitaries. Photo Provided by South Bay Workforce Investment Board. • City’s Fallen Soldiers Honored During Annual Memorial Service By Cristian Vasquez It was first celebrated as Decoration Day. Every May since 1868, the annual remembrance ceremony marked the occasion when Americans could collectively decorate with flowers the graves of those killed in war. More than 100 years later it became known as Memorial Day and a national holiday in 1971 during which thousands of cities throughout the country host a ceremony to honor the nation’s fallen soldiers. Torrance was no different, but they do things differently here. “We like keeping it simple. So we don’t introduce anybody. We don’t introduce the Mayor. When we go up to speak, we don’t introduce ourselves--we just keep the focus on the names,” said Torrance Historical Society President Jill Maroney. “It’s important because it is simpler and more of a pure honoring of the names on the wall for each soldier that gave their lives for us.” Torrance honored its fallen soldiers like it has for the past several years: with a program that includes the reading of the names of all 146 listed on the Memorial Wall located at the Torrance Civic Center. The wall includes the names of every soldier that Torrance has lost to war, from World War I to those men and women fighting in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. “Most cities host these types of events, but it seemed to me that we should have our own service.” Torrance historian and World War II veteran Jerry Ronan said. “My idea was something very simple and totally concentrated on the names--not on poetry, not on music. Nothing more than calling attention to these 146 men and women, so that is why it was put together.” The reading was as simple as Ronan planned. Maroney welcomed attendees, Ronan led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and veterans from different branches of the armed forces, and one widow, took turns reading the names. The readers were: Army veteran Brandon Matson, Iraq; widow Gene Hassan Air Force, Vietnam; Army Air Corps veteran Ken Miller, World War II; Army and Navy veteran Paul Nowatka, Korea; Army veteran Milton Herring, Iraq; Army veteran Charlie Saulenas; and Navy veteran Jim Standifer, World War II. The wall was erected in 2005 and the readings have been taking place for several years now due to Ronan’s efforts. In addition to honoring each service member killed in action, the Torrance Historical Society continues it project to gather and preserve information regarding the life of each service member on the wall. Today with the help of Ronan and volunteers interested in the research project, more than half of the 146 men and women on the wall have their story documented and saved as local source of information. Using sources like ancestry. Friday See Fallen Soldiers, page 3 Mostly Sunny 70˚/61˚ Saturday Sunny 72˚/60˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 70˚/60˚ Free Digital Delivery Herald Publications is now offering to send you a link to your favorite community newspaper every Thursday morning! The emails will also include a list of upcoming local events. Just email us at: and tell us which local community newspaper you’d like. Simple as that and free!!!

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