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Torrance 05_29_14

TORRANCE TRIBUNE May 29, 2014 Page 5 Election 2014 City Council Candidates from page 4 Douglass M O R T U A R Y “Our Family Serving Yours Since 1954” B U R I A L - C R E M A T I O N - W O R L D W I D E T R A N S F E R P E T M E M O R I A L P R O D U C T S 500 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245 Telephone (310) 640-9325 • Fax (310) 640-0778 • FD658 See City Council Candidates, page 6 minor repairs, etc.) via Home Improvement Program (HIP). These programs and others are promoted via the Torrance Commission on Aging – and I would support and advocate continuing and enhancing these programs for our Torrance Seniors. Why should voters elect you? Heidi Ashcraft: My family has made Torrance our home for 36 years. I’ve been involved while raising our 4 children in PTA, Little League, AYSO and Scouts. I have run a successful business for 28 years, been elected to the T.U.S.D. Board of Education 3 terms, served on the SCROC Board of Education 11 years and been a member of West Torrance Homeowner’s Association, Torrance So. Bay YMCA Board of Managers-elected as first woman chair, Sister City Association, Torrance Cultural Arts Foundation Advisory Board, Human Relations of Torrance, Torrance Historical Society and numerous other boards. I volunteer as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for foster children. I had the honor of being appointed to Torrance City Council last December. City Government is a partnership with residents, I have a proven governance record, I listen and find solutions. With the majority of council seats up for election June 3, I have the necessary experience to lead Torrance. A partial list of those who believe in my ability to lead Torrance: Mayor Scotto; Former Mayors Hardison & Miller; Supervisor Knabe; Councilman Barnett; Entire TUSD Board of Education; Former City Council and TUSD Board Members- O’Donnell, Rossberg, Witkowsky, Applegate, Guyton, Numark, Messerlian, Sargent, Driskill, Ernst; Senator Lieu; Torrance Fire Fighter and Police Associations; Torrance Chamber of Commerce PAC; BIZFED PAC; Daily Breeze. I love Torrance I’m dedicated to helping our city thrive! Please vote Heidi Ann Ashcraft June 3! Tim Goodrich: With four open seats on our City Council, it’s imperative we elect people who have the education and experience necessary to lead on day one. I have a Masters in Public Administration from USC and while there, I was trained by the best city managers in Southern California as a City and County Management Fellow. My experience is our community is also extensive: I volunteer with our Police and Fire Departments, I serve on the Board of the Torrance Education Foundation, and I’m a Board Member of my local Homeowner’s Association. Because of my education and record of service, I’ve been endorsed by the Torrance Police and Firefighters Associations, Former Mayor Dee Hardison, Former Councilmembers like Cliff Numark and Hope Witkowsky, Torrance School Board Members, nearly two dozen Torrance Commissioners, the Sierra Club, the Torrance Chamber of Commerce, and the Daily Breeze. Once elected, I will fight for a “back to basics” approach that improves public safety, focuses on our roads and infrastructure, and utilizes technology to create more open, transparent, and efficient government. I hope to have not only your vote on June 3rd, but also your participation after the election to make Torrance even better. Michael Griffiths: Voters should vote for me as one of their 4 votes for City council because of my extensive and broad experience. My experience as a business owner is one of the main reasons so many Torrance leaders have endorsed me. They believe that a councilperson with business ownership experience is critical. Business common sense and fiscal responsibility is something I know will benefit the City. My experience as a City Commissioner is very important, as it has given me the opportunity to better understand how things get done at City Hall. I’ve learned how to work with the public and to hear and act on their concerns. I have more years of City Commission experience than any other candidate. And lastly, my experience doing community service shows my long-term commitment to the City I care so much about. Among many other things, I’ve served the Torrance-South Bay YMCA as a volunteer in many capacities for over 17 years. I’m most proud of the last 5 years there where I have led the YMCA’s annual fundraising, raising millions of dollars to support programs such as childcare, summer camps, and senior meals and programs here in our community. It’s more critical than ever to have council members with experience, since a majority of our council seats are changing. I’ve lived in Torrance for over 31 years, and I know firsthand we have a great City. As your next councilman, I will strive to help keep it that way. Milton Herring: Answer not submitted by deadline. Rahmat H. Khan: Answer not submitted by deadline. Leilani A. Kimmel-Dagostino: I have experience in four key areas: Finance, Business, Government, and Community Service. I have served on the Torrance Commission on Aging for 6 years and on two City Ad Hoc Committees. Those include the Strategic Plan for Transit and the 2010 Census Complete Count Committee. These experiences have taught me how to form connections within key areas of City government and to work in teams in order to accomplish great things. My volunteer service activities have enabled me to keep my finger on the pulse of the community and to forge relationships with both business and community leaders. My diverse cultural background allows me to blend in with the population and current makeup of the City. I have both the time and energy to devote to the position. Ryan H. Mand: Answer not submitted by deadline. Aurelio Mattucci: For those that know me on a personal level, they know that I get things done.  I am a team player, and I consider myself a great listener.  It is very important to me that City Council always remembers the fact that they are there to represent the people and not city hall.  We are chosen as representatives, not employees of the city.  We should be there to reflect the will of the people and deliver the public’s message, loud and clear.  I think the people of Torrance should vote for me because I am one of the candidates that will fight to restore the relationship between city hall and the public.  Come June 3rd, vote Aurelio Mattucci, a truly Independent Candidate. I’d also like to thank the Torrance Tribune for allowing all of us candidates to express our feelings.  The Torrance Tribune has leveled the playing field.  Thanks again. Omar Navarro: When I attended the last council meeting Frank Scotto tried cutting off several citizens in Torrance including myself. I feel that as a Mayor or councilmember you need to have an open mind to listen and learn from the constituents within Torrance. I strongly accept and appreciate any person that has a voice. When elected, I will be the voice of the voiceless. I believe in open and efficient city government. On June 3rd please support candidates that are truly independent from special interest groups. That is why during my campaign I refused to accept money from developers and unions or endorsements from the failed leadership of Torrance that pushed 4,000 Toyota Jobs away. Remember Toyota left Torrance, not California. Long Beach and Newport continue to have the business of Toyota. I find it amusing that anti business candidates keep getting endorsements from the Daily Breeze and Frank Scotto, yet they never talked about Toyota leaving and never spoke against the huge $390 Million in unfunded liabilities in Torrance. Many candidates think that Torrance does not have a pension issue or that Torrance will never go into a bankruptcy.   I believe these claims come from empty suits that take money from special interest groups.  There is also a candidate named Tim, whose organization which he co-founded burns an American flag on video. We cannot have someone who is tied down to an extremist organization who burns American flags and encourages soldiers to defy the president’s orders.  I believe that’s the question people should have about Tim. On Election Day vote for Omar Navarro. True, Honest and Independent from the establishment. Clint Andrew Paulson: Even with all of the good people here in Torrance doing great and positive things, I am concerned about the future of our city.  I believe that the corrupting influence of money in politics is destroying our democratic process and slowing ruining our city.  Special interests groups such as unions and developers are spending huge sums to ensure their positions take priority at City Hall.  Our politicians are indebted to organizations such as these that cut them the checks instead of the voters that put them in their positions.  This has resulted in leaders that are aloof, unresponsive, out of touch, and all too often working against you instead of with you.  I want to change this.  I want to stand with all of the amazing Torrance residents that are truly making a difference for the better in our community.  I will hear your voices and work to ensure your concerns are addressed.  I will make sure your money goes to critical needs like fixing our roads and streets instead of being wasted on pet projects.  More than anything, I will ensure city government is working with you again, instead of against you.    Please help me prove your votes can’t be bought and that you don’t need to take money from special interests to win an election.  Vote Clint Paulson June 3rd.  Thank you.  Geoffrey Rizzo: I believe I am the right choice for Torrance City Council because I share your passion for our city, I have a clear vision for our future, and I possess the knowhow to deliver results. Who better to represent your voice than a lifelong Torrance resident, retired police lieutenant with three decades of service to our city and current chair of the Torrance Planning Commission? Keeping our citizens safe, our economy robust and preserving our quality of life should be City Hall’s biggest priorities. I vow to keep the focus on the issues that matter to you, like ensuring that our first responders are well equipped, attracting and growing businesses and keeping our neighborhoods safe and clean. I have a very personal stake in safeguarding our city.  My wife Donna and I have proudly raised our two children in my childhood home in Southwood.  I’ve dedicated my life to protecting our citizens and I’ve worked hard to gain expertise in our city government.  As your councilman, I have a lifetime of service behind my pledge to fight for your concerns, keep our community safe and ensure Torrance remains a great place to live.  Alex M. See: Answer not submitted by deadline. Norm “Opa” Segal: I  would like to thank the Tribune for this series of questions and you, my neighbors, the readers. On a recent walk,  I met a gentleman who had served on a city commission for 8 years.   His first question

Torrance 05_29_14
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