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Torrance 05_08_14

TORRANCE TRIBUNE May 8, 2014 Page 3 ELECTION 2014 Questions for the Mayoral Candidates Burkley & Brandlin LLP A T T O R N E Y S A T L AW Living Trusts/Wills, Probate, Employment Law, Personal Injury Trust and Estates Litigation, Business Litigation, Civil Litigation 310-540-6000 *AV Rated (Highest) Martindale - Hubbell / **Certified Specialist Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law, State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization The Torrance Tribune complied a number of questions from Torrance residents and businesses to pose to the candidates for Mayor and City Council.  We will publish two questions per week. Each candidate has a 200-word limit per question. Herald Publications does not edit or change any candidate’s answers.   What are your Leadership skills? Tom Brewer: I have an engaging personality that makes people feel comfortable approaching me to talk about the issues that are important to them and knowing that I will follow through.        I take the time to listen to   what they say, regardless of where I am approached.  I joke that it takes me an extra hour to shop at the grocery store because of how often I am approached by residents to talk about things.  I really do enjoy listening to people and working with them to address the issues  in our city that are important to them.    I have a demonstrated ability  to bring people together.   When overdevelopment faced our city I  formed a coalition of homeowner associations to stop it.   The reason  that I’m so proud of that is because I was able to bring so many people together that had never been involved in government issues before.  Our coalition was able to get people to not only turnout for meetings, but many of them spoke up about their concerns in public for the very first time.  We taught people that by working collaboratively we could be more effective and actually make a difference.  That campaign helped me win my current seat on the city council. Pat Furey: Even before I was elected to the Torrance City Council, I took leadership in our community. I served eight years as president of the North Torrance Homeowners Association, where I advocated on behalf of the residents of our local neighborhood. I was also intimately involved – serving as the spokesperson on a number of occasions – in fighting against overdevelopment of our city. I also served as president of the Torrance Education Foundation for four years where I led the efforts to raise funds for our local schools. I am proud of the funding streams that I put into place during my tenure. They include a successful car raffle and summer school programs, which continue to provide income to the foundation and, ultimately, to TUSD programs. As a councilmember, I have chaired or served on almost all standing council committees, including the Federal Legislative Advocacy Committee. I am a 6 year member and immediate past president of the county vector control board. And, as an Army veteran, I proudly serve as a member of the City of Torrance Armed Forces Day Parade committee, which will be celebrating its 55th consecutive celebration in just a couple weeks. Bill Sutherland: My business and my employees are a reflection of me and I believe the reason I have had a successful Torrance business for over 30 years. I am honest and hardworking and I believe those are valuable assets of a Leader. I lead by example. My 3 years as Regional Commissioner for AYSO serving 1200 children demonstrated my ability to delegate. I consider the ability to delegate a key in bringing together about 75 volunteers to provide a fun experience for our Torrance youth. I believe I have the ability to get people to see the big picture and can come together on projects such as when I was the President of Rotary with our charitable endeavors such as the Christmas dinner, tree and presents for 2 underprivileged families. In my 6 years as Chairman of the Government & Finance Committee, I have shown my ability to take charge and lead discussions to find creative ways of balancing our budget. I am totally committed to Torrance and its best interest and I believe that is a key in being the next Leader of Torrance. How did you become interested in local politics? Tom Brewer: My beginnings in city politics really began when I saw my mother become involved with a committee to stop the planned 405 freeway from being built.  She felt that it would cut off North Torrance, where we lived, from the rest of the city.  I watched my mother work on Ken Miller?s mayoral campaign.  From that, I learned how important it was  to be actively involved in your city. I have been involved in our community for over 30 years.  I worked on Katy Geissert’s first city council campaign.  When my wife and I bought our home, I became involved in my homeowners association as a  board member, then as an officer, before serving as president for  eight years.    My involvement in my homeowner’s association eventually  lead to my appointment by the City Council to the Environmental  Quality Commission.    From the Environmental Commission I was appointed  to the Civil Service Commission.  I served as chairman of both commissions.  I have also served on the Torrance Education Foundation for over 15 years and was the president for 2 years.I am committed to not only addressing issues, but leading the process as well. Pat Furey: While serving as the president of my local homeowners association, part of my responsibility was to monitor what was happening at city hall. In doing so, I saw an opportunity to assist our community by service on a city commission. I offered my time and was appointed to the Torrance Civil Service Commission and ultimately, because of my expertise and community involvement, I was also appointed to the Torrance Unified School District Personnel Commission. Serving on local commissions and other volunteer organizations brought me into intimate contact with city issues that affect all members of our community. And, because of my efforts and the many relationships that I made throughout the years, I was encouraged to “throw my hat” into the local political arena. I was fortunate enough to be elected to the city council in 2008 and reelected in 2012 without opposition. Many of the same people who urged me to seek a seat on the city council have encouraged and supported my efforts in seeking the mayoral position. Bill Sutherland: I have been involved in the community most of my adult life, mostly in service organizations and organizations revolving around our children. As our children grew into adults, that part of my volunteering went away (until grandkids). While the service organizations are a constant in my life, I looked to the City for something different. I was appointed to the Civil Service Commission and serviced 8 consecutive years, twice as chairman. I enjoyed this interaction with the governing body of Torrance. From the time I was termed out from the Civil Service Commission until 2006, I saw the direction the governing body of the City was going with the overdevelopment and the distain towards the residents. I wanted to be part of the solution in bringing the City back to the balanced and ethical City we have all come to expect in Torrance. Now as your next Mayor of Torrance, I want to continue the example of ethics and integrity set by our current Mayor. Thank you Candidates! • “A little less conversation and a little more action.” This is why I’m voting for my husband Aurelio Mattucci on June 3. “Aurelio Mattucci is NOT a politically connected candidate. He is the only candidate I can truly say is connected with the people of Torrance. He is accessible and ready to hear your concerns and ideas at all times of day. He is part of the community and has a hands on approach. He always says, ‘A little less conversation and a little more action’. • Aurelio is a loving husband and father. A few years ago he founded the Mattucci Project, a local volunteer service helping residents and businesses improve their curb appeal. He is the owner of a small business here in the city of Torrance. He is also a fiscally conservative candidate, one that will make sure your tax dollars aren’t spent on programs or projects that benefit a few, but burden most. His loyalty stands with the residents and businesses of Torrance. If you want to take Torrance to a higher level, bring a higher standard of living and ensure a bright future for the many residents and businesses of this lovely city, then you must vote for Aurelio Mattucci in the June 3, 2014 Torrance election. • Find out more about my husband at ” – Celeste Mattucci Aurelio Mattucci • 2014 Candidate for Torrance City Council • Paid for by Aurelio Mattucci For City Council 2014 FPPC ID# 1356365 Like Us on Facebook

Torrance 05_08_14
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