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TORRANCE TRIBUNE May 25, 2017 Page 7 City Council from front page PUBLISH YOUR PUBLIC NOTICES HERE ABANDONMENTS: $125.00 ABC NOTICES: $125.00 DBA (Fictitious Business Name): $75.00 NAME CHANGE: $125.00 Other type of notice? Contact us and we can give you a price. For DBA’s email us at: dba@heraldpu All other legal notices email us at: Any questions? Call us at 310-322-1830 Visit us online: PUBLIC NOTICES Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017089763 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as INGLEWOODSLA 1) 6411 SPRINGPARK AVE, INGLEWOOD, CA 90301 LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 2) PO BOX 451494, LOS ANGELES, CA 90045, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): STEPHEN ALLEN COTTON, 6411 SPRINGPARK AVE, INGLEWOOD, CA 90056. This business is being conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 04/2017. Signed: STEPHEN ALLEN COTTON, OWNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on APRIL 10, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on APRIL 10, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to APRIL 10, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). INGLEWOOD TRIBUNE: Pub 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25/2017 HI-1630 ThE PUBLIShINg COST IS $75 fOr mOrE dETaILEd INfOrmaTION CaLL 310-322-1830 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017091509 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ALTA SOUTH BAY, 22433 SOUTH VERMONT AVE, TORRANCE, CA, 90502, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Articles of Incorporation or Organization Number (if applicable): AI#ON 201303910043. Registered Owner(s): TORRANCE PROPERTY OWNER, LLC, C/O AIG GLOBAL REAL ESTATE CORP, 80 PINE STREET, 4TH, NEW YORK, NY, 10005, DE.. This business is being conducted by a Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 05/2005. Signed: TORRANCE PROPERTY OWNER, LLC, VICE PRESIDENT, TIMOTHY BARRY. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on APRIL 11, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on APRIL 11, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to APRIL 11, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). Torrance Tribune: Pub. 5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 6/1/2017 HT-1629 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017113351 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as 1) X31 CREATIONS 2) X31 PHOTOGRAPHY 3) DEEP MYSTIC, 409 NORTH PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY #423, REDONDO BEACH, CA 90277, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): MICHAEL CRUZ, 409 NORTH PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY #423, REDONDO BEACH, CA 90277. This business is being conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 05/2017. Signed: MICHAEL CRUZ, OWNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on MAY 3, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on MAY 3, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to MAY 3, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). El Segundo Herald: Pub. 5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 6/1/2017 H-1631 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017104664 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as TRUE LUXE EVENTS, 5514 BERAN ST, TORRANCE, CA, 90503, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Articles of Incorporation or Organization Number (if applicable): Registered Owner(s): MICHAEL KAINTZ, 5514 BERAN ST, TORRANCE, CA, 90503. This business is being conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Signed: MICHAEL KAINTZ, OWNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on APRIL 25, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on APRIL 25, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to APRIL 25, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). Torrance Tribune: Pub. 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8/2017 HT-1632 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017109959 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LIL SIMMZY’S ON THE DECK; 1) 850 S SEPULVEDA BLVD, STE K200, EL SEGUNDO, CA, 90245, LOS ANGELES COUNTY 2) 108 ARENA ST, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): SIMMZY’S LLC, 108 ARENA ST, EL SEGUNDO, CA, 90245, CA. This business is being conducted by a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 01/2017. Signed: SIMMZY’S LLC, MANAGING MEMBER, THOMAS M SIMMS, JR. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on MAY 1, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on MAY 1, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to MAY 1, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). El Segundo Herald: Pub. 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8/2017 H-1633 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017121629 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ABU ALLIS MEDITERRANEAN GRILL, 21732 S VERMONT #130, TORRANCE, CA, 90502, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Articles of Incorporation or Organization Number (if applicable); AI#ON: 3979307. Registered Owner(s): FAIRPLAY VISION, INC., 21732 S VERMONT #130, TORRANCE, CA 90502, CA. This business is being conducted by a CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Signed: FAIRPLAY VIISON, INC, CEO, ALFRED ABUELAIS. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on May 11, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on May 11, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to May 11, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). TORRANCE TRIBUNE: Pub. 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8/2017 HT-1634 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017114452 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MIRAKU 1) 18535 S WESTERN AVE, GARDENA, CA, 90248, LOS ANGELES COUNTY 2) 909 E WALNUT AVE, EL SEGUNDO, CA, 90245, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): EL SEGUNDO BEACH, LLC, 909 E WALNUT AVE, EL SEGUNDO, CA, 90245. This business is being conducted by a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Signed: EL SEGUNDO BEACH, LLC, OWNER, MYUNGJA ASHWORTH. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on MAY 4, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on MAY 4, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to MAY 4, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). El Segundo Herald: Pub. 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8/2017 H-1636 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017124513 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as NOMAD STUDIO, 20615 CHRISTINE AVENUE, TORRANCE, CA, 90503, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): 1) RICARDO PARRA, 20615 CHRISTINE AVENUE, TORRANCE, CA, 90503. 2) LAURA MALANDRINO, 20615 CHRISTINE AVENUE, TORRANCE, CA, 90503. This business is being conducted by a MARRIED COUPLE. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Signed: RICARDO PARRA, HUSBAND. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on MAY 15, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on MAY 15, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to MAY 15, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). TORRANCE TRIBUNE: Pub. 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8/2017 HT-1637 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017110894 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as STORAGE ETC TORRANCE 1) 2545 WEST 190TH STREET, TORRANCE, CA 90504,LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 2) 2870 LOS FELIZ PLACE, LOS ANGELES, CA, 90039, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): RAMP UP LLC, 2870 LOS FELIZ PLACE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90039, DE. This business is being conducted by a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Signed: RAMP UP LLC, VICE PRESIDENT, CHRISTOPHER LYONS. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on MAY 1, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on MAY 1, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to MAY 1, 2022. Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). Torrance Tribune : Pub. 5/25, 6//1, 6/8, 6/15/2017 HT-1638 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLISH YOUR PUBLIC NOTICES HERE ABANDONMENTS: $125.00 ABC NOTICES: $125.00 DBA (Fictitious Business Name): $75.00 NAME CHANGE: $125.00 Other type of notice? Contact us and we can give you a price. For DBA’s email us at: dba@heraldpu All other legal notices email us at: Any questions? Call us at 310-322-1830 COMMUNITIES COUNT Order to Show Cause for Change of Name Case No. YS029819 Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES Petition of: JENNIFER FOSTER for Change of Name TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner JENNIFER FOSTER filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: JENNIFER FOSTER to SAECHEL MADERIA BYRNES The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing: Date: 6/30/17, Time: 8:30 AM., Dept.: B The address of the court is: 825 Maple Avenue Torrance, CA 90503 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: TORRANCE TRIBUNE Date: APRIL 28, 2017 ERIC C. TAYLOR Judge of the Superior Court Torrance Tribune Pub. 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15/17 HT-25597 be like without this resource,” said Vinke. “This provides you direct recommendations, cover art, synopsis and a lot of other quality enhancements throughout the catalog that will help read and discover materials.” Sole-source purchase orders, unlike regular purchase order, are not required to go through a bidding process--as long as purchases are made within the guidelines and rules set by the City Manager, including not showing favoritism, extravagance, fraud or corruption, or resulting in a waste of public funds. “I am very excited about what we are doing and the direction we are going with our services,” Councilman Milton S. Herring said. Library to Receive New Books, Audio, Video Materials Also approved Tuesday night by the Council was a purchase order for books, audio and video materials from Baker & Taylor in the amount of $457,850 per year, for the next three years. As of June 30, 2020, there will be two one-year extension options. In order to maintain current as well as comprehensive materials, the Library invests yearly in the purchase of new books, visual and audio materials. The staff report estimates that between 15,000 and 20,000 items are purchased each year--including adult, juvenile, young adult fiction and non-fiction, trade hardcover, paperback, mass market paperbacks, large print books, board books, music compact discs, DVDs and spoken word audio CDs. On June 30, the Library’s current purchase order for materials is due to expire. In August of last year the Library established a five-member procurement team tasked to review the “objectives, investigate the library materials marketplace” and develop a Request For Proposal. The City received submittals from five vendors, each of which was evaluated on a 100-point scale. Baker & Taylor scored the highest evaluation (83), while Ingram Library Services, Inc. (78), Midwest Tapes (63), Childrens Plus, Inc. (55) and Pen- worthy (52) all fell short of what the Library was seeking. “It was the desire of the Library to award an agreement to a materials vendor who could provide all of the materials formats listed in this RFP in order to reduce the overhead costs associated with establishing multiple vendor accounts,” states the staff report. Both the sole purchase order for EBSCO and the purchase order with Baker & Taylor will be funded through the Library Division’s operating budget. •

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