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Torrance 03_27_14

TORRANCE TRIBUNE March 27, 2014 Page 7 One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion By Gerry Chong premiums from skyrocketing more than Larry the Liberal was cruisin’ down the the 40 percent it has already engendered, street, ear buds hangin’, shades drawn tight. it is restricting medical services! Surprise, His muscle T-shirt a paean to Governor surprise! For example, to keep premiums Schwarzenegger proclaiming, “Girlie Nation.” low, insurers have designed narrow networks There was a little bop to his walk, as he was of hospitals and doctors, offering less choice entirely in his own world… and the outside than Medicare and current employer plans. was not welcome in. The AP surveyed 23 members of the National In fact, we have all become Larry, so Comprehensive Cancer Network, which consumed with compassion that we have lost includes the most advanced cancer treatment our ability to be rational. Let’s talk about hospitals in the country, and found only raising the minimum wage, for example. four that accept Obamacare cancer patients Would it be compassionate for minimum without conditions. Two hospitals accept wage workers to earn more and improve their children without cost. Finally, the remaining quality of life? Of course. But government 19 hospitals contain so many conditions to has tilted the scales. For every $1 per hour of acceptance that access to cancer treatment wage increase, the employer’s cost increases has been severely restricted. by $1.45 (estimated) to cover the cost of The reality for Larry and his brethren is FICA, unemployment insurance, disability that in an attempt to lower premiums, it has insurance and retirement programs. Yet for traded away the quality of care. Compassion the employee, after taxes, his increase is or quality... Or to quote the old parody of estimated to be $0.85. The bottom line is the Boy Scout motto, “Sound mind, sound that with the raise in the minimum wage, the body, take your pick.” employer pays more than the $1 per hour, Perhaps no event has so clearly illustrated but the employee receives less. Brilliant! Larry the Liberal’s dedication to the Girlie Since for most employers employee costs Nation philosophy as the President’s response are their highest expense, they have three to Russia’s annexation of Crimea in violation choices. They can reduce the number of of international law. As Putin flexed his employees to bring their cost structure back macho muscles, Obama offered a girlie slap into balance--or they may reduce fringe in response. He promised to restrict seven benefits to achieve the same end…or they Russians and four Ukraines from visiting may raise their prices, risking sales volumes. the U.S. That’s it…that’s all...With a bent Name your own poison. “Feelings, nothing elbow, a limp wrist and an open hand, we more than feelings...” slapped Putin’s shoulder. That should teach The iTunes on Larry’s ear buds croon on, the big bully. dreaming of more income and free stuff for So Larry keeps on a-walkin’ and more all God’s creatures, but rationality keeps Liberals form up behind him, all pledging raising its ugly head. The Associated Press allegiance to compassion over rationality… has now reported that to keep Obamacare all members of the Girlie Nation. • Banning E-Cigarettes Just Another Way to Bully Smokers By Cristian Vasquez This week I read that The Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) has decided to ban the use of electronic cigarettes on its campuses. As a former smoker, I am well aware that my dirty little habit is disgusting and harmful and an inconvenience to anyone who does not enjoy a stogie every now and then. Furthermore, I agree that smokers should not be allowed to fill the room with smoke and instead should step outside. However, this new decision by the LACCD, which will affect West Los Angeles College (WLAC) students and staffers who enjoy a smoke, break in-between classes, is a horrible example of what a frightened society we are becoming. This board is claiming that the ban on e-cigarettes is to protect the young people from the “growing epidemic” that are e-cigarettes and the public health crisis that those have created. The truth is that e-cigarettes are not an epidemic, nor a public-health crisis. There is not enough evidence to determine that these vapor-based smokes are detrimental to one’s health, or that they are not harmful. Second, describing the use of e-cigarettes as a health crisis is irresponsible, offensive and a fear tactic. The spread of AIDS and HIV is a health crisis. The use of e-cigarettes is an alternative to the harmful and detrimental activity of smoking. Nowhere near a health crisis... Board Vice President and the author of the policy change Scott Svonkin is labeling e-cigarettes as harmful, but failed to produce any evidence. Svonkin has been committed to the field of education for years and his track record speaks for itself. He has also been committed to advocating for the public’s health, which is without a doubt admirable and necessary. However, having a strong background and knowledge in the fields of education and health, it is absurd and confusing that he would label e-cigarettes as a health hazard without producing proof. I am not a doctor and neither is he, so it is safe to say that our opinion on the topic is based on nothing more than our own biases. If Svonkin doesn’t want smokers on the District’s campuses, that is fine. Today, it is popular to bully the smoking crowd. They have already been kicked out of the diners and bars and asked to stand 20 feet from any working door or window. And for some people, even that isn’t enough. However, e-cigarettes are new and their effects still unknown as accurately as the effects of smoking real cigarettes. So rather than hiding behind the alleged health concerns regarding e-cigarettes, Svonkin and the Board should just say they don’t want people smoking e-cigarettes on campus. It is sad that we have become so afraid of hypothetical scenarios that we are beginning to alter our reality. We will all have different opinions on the effects of e-cigarettes and the vapor they release. I do not agree that they are harmful--not yet, at least, since I have not seen convincing proof. Svonkin and the Board, without producing a shred of proof, went ahead and banned an activity that some of the people they serve enjoy. I am interested in knowing how many of the nonsmokers in the District’s nine campuses have complained about the e-cigarette crowd. • Burkley & Brandlin LLP A T T O R N E Y S A T L AW Living Trusts/Wills, Probate, Employment Law, Personal Injury Trust and Estates Litigation, Business Litigation, Civil Litigation 310-540-6000 *AV Rated (Highest) Martindale - Hubbell / **Certified Specialist Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law, State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization SAVE 20%* SEND BOUQUETS FOR ANY OCCASION anniversary | birthday | just because Hurry! Order now for unbelievable low prices, with fl owers from $19.99+s/h Visit or call 800.960.0984 Join Over 12 Million People Who Have Found a Better Way to Send Flowers *20% off discount will appear upon checkout. Minimum purchase of $29.00. 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Torrance 03_27_14
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