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The Weekly Newspaper of Torrance Herald Publications - Torrance, El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hawthorne, Lawndale, & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 5, No. 11 - March 12, 2015 Inside This Issue Community Briefs.................3 Certified & Licensed Professionals.....................10 Classifieds............................4 Crossword/Sudoku.............4 Film Review..........................2 Legals....................................9 Police Reports.....................2 Real Estate.........................12 Sports....................................6 TerriAnn in Torrance..........8 Weekend Forecast Local Torrance Teams Bowl for Walk with Sally Support Services Palos Verdes Bowl in Torrance was the site of the 8th Annual Bowl-A-Thon on March 7 that benefitted Walk with Sally, provider of mentoring support programs and services to children of parents or siblings with cancer. Over 200 participants showed up to enjoy the bowling camaraderie, party food, 70s music and silent auction – all for a good cause! Go to for additional information. Pictured here, Walk With Sally Founder & Executive Director Nick Arquette (in white disco suit) poses with his ‘Studio 54’ team that raised over $9,000 for the Bowl-A-Thon event. For more photos, see page 3. Photos provided by Palos Verdes Bowl. Friday Sunny 85˚/61˚ Saturday Mostly Sunny 83˚/64˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 84˚/63˚ Council Considers Pooling Travel Budget for Remainder of Fiscal Year By Cristian Vasquez In a 4-2 vote the Torrance City Council approved considering the pooling of its own travel budget during the remainder of the 2014- 2015 fiscal year. Prior to casting their votes, Councilman Kurt Weideman recused himself. The recommendation to consider pooling the city’s travel budget would only apply for funds available until June 30 and included recent travel to the U.S. Conference of Mayors and a meeting with the U.S. Coast Guard. In addition, staff has been directed to find ways to adjust travel budget adjustments for the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year operating budget. “This really came to light with the U.S. Conference for Mayors. As you might know my attendance was comped and we stayed at the hotel were the conference was held on. We actually went cheap on the airfare,” said Mayor Patrick Furey, who accompanied Councilman Weideman due to his involvement with the Armed Forces Day Committee. “By cheap it was the regular fare plus $99 for the extra traveler and even then it exceeded his travel budget for a whole year which is $1,600. I think the prudent thing, and what we are asking for is to pool all the travel expenses of the council and see if there is some number we can come up with; and even see if we can pool it in the future.” However, Councilwoman Heidi Ashcraft and Councilman Mike Griffiths voted against pooling the travel budget despite their recognition that travel expenses were low. “We obviously decreased [travel budget] every year and previous councils have done that for a good reason, the reason being budgetary concerns,” Concilwoman Ashcraft said. “As I look at our budget, the statement I saw said our budget was cautiously optimistic. I agree that the travel budget should increase because it is low but it is low for a reason, and I really can’t support at this point in time increasing it even for the next year until we are really sure what the budget will be.” During the 2008-2009 Fiscal Year the council was budgeted with $55,000 for travel expenses. By the for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year that number dropped to $40,627 and was reduced even more for the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year to $26,627. This fiscal year only allocated the council $12,208 to be split among all members. “Personally I do not see myself using those travel funds throughout the year, I don’t anticipate anything coming up; not to say that it won’t,” Councilman Tim Goodrich said. “But the amount of money we are talking about is actually very small and not enough to keep up with the times. Second thing is that I know the mayor has set a pretty ambitious economic agenda and we need to take advantage of these opportunities as they rise,” For Councilman Mike Griffiths, who voted no, addressing the limited travel budget through pooling is an inadequate solution and would like the council to consider other options. “I would have to agree with my colleague, Councilwoman Ashcraft, that our travel budget is inadequate for even one trip so I certainly think we should be looking at ways of increasing our travel budget whether it be this year or in the future,” Councilman Griffiths said. “With pooling funds I do have a concern. I don’t know what my traveling plans for the year: I may travel I may not but if my travel budget is pooled with someone else, all of a sudden I potentially have a significantly reduced amount of travel funds. I think that is unfair and it sets an inappropriate precedent.” Mayor Furey would like to see travel budget resources maximized and referred to the fact that past council members did not use their travel expense funds and the money was then put back into the general fund, which was considered a missed opportunity for the city’s elected official to advocate on behalf of the city. Despite that, Griffiths believes that the city should find an alternative to pooling and offered his own approach. “I think pooling rewards those that travel first and travel more extravagantly than those who travel later so I am not comfortable with the pooling,” Councilman Griffiths said. “I would like to offer a suggestion that if I don’t spend my budget, I am happy to offer it to someone who might have expenses they weren’t able to cover with their budget.” Staff was also directed to adjust the council’s travel budget for the upcoming fiscal year. •

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