Page 6 January 11, 2018 TORRANCE TRIBUNE
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DMV from page 3
driver license or ID card,” according to a DMV
announcement issued in mid-November.
California for several years postponed
implementing the federal REAL ID. Congress
in 2005 passed a law requiring all states to
comply with post-9/11 security requirements
for driver’s licenses and ID cards for airline
passengers and visitors to a federal building
or military base. California was one of the
states that received two-year extensions from
the federal government.
The consequence for not meeting the federal
deadline of Jan. 1, 2018, was that passengers from
California would have been required immediately
to show an alternative form of acceptable
identification at TSA checkpoints, according to
the Department of Homeland Security’s website.
Other acceptable forms of federal identification
for anyone without a REAL ID includes a valid
U.S. or foreign government-issued passport or
U.S. passport card, or a military ID, according
to authorities. A permanent-resident or bordercrossing
card, and a Department of Homeland
Security Trusted Traveler card also are valid.
Children under 18 aren’t required to get the
new identification cards. TSA does not require
minors to provide identification when traveling
with a companion within the United States.
Drivers can wait for their renewal notices to
arrive before applying for the federally compliant
licenses, department spokesman Jaime
Garza noted. Applications for REAL ID must
be made in person and cannot be processed
by mail. Applicants are advised to save time
by scheduling an appointment.
Renewals of REAL ID licenses or identification
cards can be done by mail or online,
and won’t require an in-office visit every five
years. The same applies to the identification
cards, which are good for six years for adults
under 62, and 10 years for seniors.
To apply and obtain the TSA-approved license
or ID card, state residents must have a copy
of a U.S. birth certificate, a valid U.S. passport, a
foreign passport, or a work permit or permanent
residency card. Other documents needed to
process a REAL ID application include proof
of Social Security card, proof of California
residency and a court document approving
a name change due to marriage or divorce.
People who never fly or visit a secure federal
facility or military base don’t need a REAL ID
driver license or ID card, according to DMV
officials. A federally compliant driver’s license
isn’t needed to drive in California, vote, enter
a post office, or apply and receive federal
benefits, the DMV assures the public.
“The DMV wants to make sure our customers
are informed about their choices starting in January
2018,” DMV Director Jean Shiomoto said.
“If you choose to apply for a REAL ID, consider
waiting until your renewal date, if possible.”
The DMV’s rollout campaign emphasizes
frequent flyers stand to gain from choosing the
new-type of ID. A sample of the new license shows
the word “USA” printed at the top. A golden bear
has been added in the upper corner of the card.
The cost of a federally compliant license
versus a traditional California one is the same:
$35. A DMV-issued identification card is $30
for either type, according to Garza with the
DMV headquarters in Sacramento.
The DMV has created a page with frequently
asked questions at www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/
detail/realid/realidfaq. Anyone who plans to visit a
military base or federal facility should ask about
their identification requirements, just in case.
One more thing …
Airline passenger identification isn’t the only
change coming in January for the state’s drivers.
The department has begun collecting a new car
registration fee to fix California’s aging roads
and highway system. Lawmakers last year approved
a Transportation Improvement Fee as
part of a 10-year statewide road repair plan
that also raised gasoline taxes after Halloween.
The improvement fee is based on a vehicle’s
current value and could increase annual vehicle
registration from $25 to $175 this year. An automobile
worth $25,000 or less would incur a $50
TIF. A car valued between $25,000 and $34,999
would be subject to a $100 fee. The fee jumps
to $175 for vehicles worth $60,000 or more.
Customers with a vehicle renewal due in
early January saw the fee on their 2018 notice
from the DMV. •
S C A Q M D i s S e e k i n g
At t o r n ey s a n d En g i n e e r s
S o u t h C o a s t AQ M D i n
Diamond Bar, CA is seeking
Hearing Board Member s :
• A t t o r n e y M e m b e r
• E n g i n e e r M e m b e r
• A l t e r n a t e s f o r e a c h
For details and to apply by 2/15/18
See www.aqmd.gov/careers
Office Space for Lease
SPACE El Segundo 300 blk
Richmond St Incs. small patio and
forecourt for parking 840 sqft $2500/
mo Gross + Sec Dep. 310.529.4903.
For Rent
2 BD, 1.5 BTH, w convertible
den or bd, upper unit, appliances,
immaculate. $2295/mth. Avail now.
310.365.1481 or 310.641.2148.
For Rent
738 Eucalyptus #2. 2-1 $2600
Remodeled, single garage, rear yard,
W/D Stainless appliances, H/W floors
Grand Tropez Townhome - $3600
3-2.5, Super clean, light bright
w e s t f a c i n g u n i t . W / D i n c l
Coming soon - HOLLYGLEN
Remodeled. 310-350-4096
House for Rent
EL SEGUNDO 2 story. 4BD/3BA,
2 car garage, appliances, HW floor,
sound proof system, walk to beach.
$3,850. 310-663-9898.
House for Rent
4 BD/2 BA. Private cour tyard
& large yard, open Floorplan, Hrdwd
Flrs, 1800 Sq Ft, Near ESHS,
garage, gardner Incld. $4600/Mo.
(310) 508-3744.
Part-time Sales. Looking for
motivated part-time workers. Inside
sales: work from home and make
sales calls. 15% commission on all
sales. Outside sales: territories are
Torrance and El Segundo. Includes
walking and interacting with business
owners. 20% commission on all
sales. Seniors and students welcome.
Send resume to management@
To appear in next
week’s paper,
submit your Classifed
Ad by Noon
on Tuesday.
City Council from front page
Irvine also serves as a member of the
California Police Chief’s Association Law
and Legislative Committee and the Training
Committee, and is the Los Angeles County
Police Chief’s Association’s representative
on the Los Angeles County Peace Officer
Memorial Foundation. Her academic accomplishments
include graduating from the
University of Redlands and University of
La Verne, where she earned her Bachelor
of Science in business and management and
Master of Business Administration degrees.
Irvine is also a graduate of the FBI National
Academy and California’s POST Command
College. She additionally attended the Delinquency
Control Institute at the University
of Southern California.
While the goal at the beginning of
Irvine’s career didn’t include being chief of
police, she has no doubt in her abilities to
fulfill the duties she has been selected to
perform. “It quite frankly just happened,
but it’s about preparation,” she said. “Preparation
with opportunity and being at the right
place at the right time have all helped me
to be successful.” •