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Manhattan 8.2.12

The Weekly Newspaper of Manhattan Beach H e r a l d P u b l i c a t i o n s - E l S e g u n d o , M a n h a t t a n B e a c h , H a w t h o r n e , L a w n d a l e , & I n g l e w o o d C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s S i n c e 1 9 1 1 - C i r c u l a t i o n 3 0 , 0 0 0 - R e a d e r s h i p 6 0 , 0 0 0 ( 3 1 0 ) 3 2 2 - 1 8 3 0 Vo l . 5 , N o . 1 0 A u g u s t 2 , 2 0 1 2 Inside Aquarium Receives $2,500 from Wavesof Grain’s Earth Day Event This Issue Business & Professional......................7 Calendar.................................3 Classifieds.............................7 Crime Reports......................6 Faith.........................................3 Food.........................................5 Frankly Plank........................6 Obituaries..............................2 A Waves of Grain Beer Fest hosted on Earth Day at the Shade Hotel in Manhattan Beach brought $2,500 to the Roundhouse Aquarium located at the end of the city pier. The event, which featured People.....................................2 local and regional breweries, was presented by Brewco, Rock & Brews, and the Shade Hotel, all properties that are part of the Zislis Group owned by Mike Zislis. The donation check represented profits from the ticket sales. The aquarium will use the money for its educational programs that include on-site hands-on classes for school children and general ocean-oriented programs for the community. The aquarium is open to the general public from 3 p.m. to sunset on weekdays and 10 a.m. to sunset on the weekend. Seen here is Mike Zislis (center) and two of his children presenting a $2,500 check to Roundhouse Aquarium co-directors Eric Martin and Valerie Hill. Photo courtesy of the Roundhouse Aquarium. Pets .........................................9 West Basin Recognizes State Senator Politically Speaking............4 Ted Lieu as its Legislator of the Year Sports .....................................6 Courtesy of the Office of dependence on imported water in half by eventually desalinated water. Sen. Ted Lieu the year 2020. Currently 65 percent of our Senator Lieu currently represents the 26th The West Basin Municipal Water District local water supply, imported water will be Senate District and most recently represented (West Basin) has presented State Senator Ted reduced to roughly 35 percent of our water the 28th District prior to re-districting. He Lieu (D – Torrance) with its esteemed Leg- supply portfolio, with an emphasis on new, was recently recognized by the national islator of the Year award at its regular Board locally controlled supplies. Local supplies publication Governing magazine as one of Weekend meeting on Monday, July 23, 2012. Senator include conserved water, recycled water, and the top 12 lawmakers “worth watching.” •-Lieu has been a supporter of West Basin’swater recycling and conservation legisla Forecast legislature in 2005. Make Sure Your 7th Grader“Water conservation and preparing todaytion and programs since his election to the for tomorrow’s needs is a top priority,” Lieu is protected Against Pertussis said. “I look forward to continuing my work Friday with the West Basin Municipal Water District As students head back-to-school, All incoming seventh graders must Partly recycling and water conservation.” (CDPH) Director and State Health Of- the Tdap requirement before startingprovide proof that they have metCalifornia Department of Public Healthto raise public awareness about the need for Cloudy A supporter of West Basin’s Water Reli- ficer Dr. Ron Chapman, urges parents school. 72˚/63˚ Senator Lieu has been a staunch advocate for children have been immunized against with their medical provider now to“I encourage parents to check-into ensure their 11- and 12-year-oldability 2020 program since it began in 2008, the use of recycled water and conservation pertussis, also known as whooping make sure that their kids are caught throughout California and has been a leader cough, and other dangerous diseases up on immunizations and can start Saturday “green building standards” legislation. school year. In 2010, more than 9,000 school on time,” added Dr. Chapman.-If a child does not have health into keep them healthy during the newin promoting green technology through his Partly In 2011, Senator Lieu provided unwaver- pertussis cases were reported in Cali- surance, or is only partially insured, Cloudy Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commis- the most in more than 60 years. can provide information about thea doctor or local health departmentfornia, including 10 infant fatalities,ing support for West Basin’s election to the 70˚/63˚ sion, on which the agency proudly serves “Immunizations create a shield at Vaccines for Children Program, which today. Senator Lieu continued his support school and home,” said Dr. Chapman. provides free or low-cost vaccines. for local water rate payers by working with “Given recent outbreaks and epidemics Local health departments are offer- Sunday the uniform replenishment rate in the West be protected against these dangerous during the month of August, Nationaling expanded immunization clinicsnationwide, it is important that childrenregional stakeholders and opposing threats to Partly Coast and Central Basins. and highly contagious diseases, like Immunization Awareness Month. For“Senator Lieu is a true champion of waterthe most complete and up-to-datewhooping cough.” Cloudy issues for the coastal L.A. area and understands In 2010, a new law was signed by information on required vaccinations, 73˚/63˚ future water reliability for the region,” said cough booster before middle and high visit -Courtesy of the California DepartGovernor Brown requiring a whoopingthe need to diversify water supplies to ensure Board President Donald L. Dear. school students can re-enter school. ment of Public Health. • West Basin’s award-winning Water Reli- ability 2020 program is a plan to reduce our

Manhattan 8.2.12
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