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Manhattan 7.5.12 update

Page 4 July 5, 2012 MANHATTAN BEACH SUN One Man’s Opinion Political Penguin By Gerry Chong in a brighter tomorrow. Sadly we now focus By Duane Plank als, leaving our getting-paid-under-the-table This morning I’m working on my first negatively on just avoiding catastrophe for Greetings, comrades and revelers, the day athletes out in the proverbial cold. cup of joe--the neighborhood cat wrapped one more day, one more week, one more after the Fourth of July festivities. Trust that Course the tables were turned four years around my feet looking for a handout and year. After nearly four years, 62 percent of you all behaved somewhat responsibly? Did later when the Soviets and their sympathizers I’m browsing through the morning rag’s the country believes we are still in recession. not partake in any of the illegality of fireworks, said nyet to attending the Summer Olympics report on national tragedies. A small inside The best we can dream of is anemic economic point a dangerous bottle-rocket at one of the that went off without a hitch in Los Ange- page article called my attention to the fact expansion that is insufficient to keep up with neighbors’ abodes, the neighbors who are les. And opened the doors for a bunch of that the Fourth of July is coming, and it got population growth, and the worst is a flat out constantly oh-so unfriendly and tight- American guys and gals to win medals in me to thinking about the Founding Fathers 2013 economic recession. In the words of lipped as you try to greet them as they sports that heretofore had been dominated and what they would have thought about the civil rights movement, “Been down so walk their dog by your residence and by the men and women/men of the Soviet our stewardship of this ship of state they long, it looks like up to me.” let the scurvy hound relieve himself bloc countries. had handed to us. Thomas Paine, reflecting And in this era of discouraging news on on your pristine lawn? Speaking of Afghanistan, why is the challenges of his time, said, “These are an individual level, wouldn’t you at least I will take a leap of faith such a heck-hole of a country al- the times that try men’s souls,” but I would expect a President to respect the rule of law and tell you I behaved just lowed to cause so much worldwide suggest those sentiments apply to us as and the will of the people? like some of you column consternation? A boycott of the well. Pull up a chair, pour yourself a The Federal Defense of Marriage Act fans would have expected “all-important” Olympics 32 cup and let’s chat a bit. (DOMA) defined a marriage as between me to behave. years ago and a war to track down Do you remember when the very a man and a woman, and is the The Fourth is the most political of the dirt-bag Bin Laden that has taken foundation of the American dream law of the land, but President holidays, right? The day, 236 years the lives of how many Americans? was an education from a word-class Obama has chosen to reject the ago when we declared our independence According to a CNN report about three American university? That the Constitutional requirement that from the British rogues who had deified weeks ago, the 2,000th American lost his life result of that education was a he enforce the law--but instead and vilified the oppressed who would soon in the war that has lasted nearly 4,000 days. satisfying career…not just a supports gay marriage. The issue become Americans after braving a scurvy- Marine Corporal Taylor J. Baune was job…but a career of the gradu- is not whether or not one sup- laden boat ride across the pond. Seems that killed--number 2,000 for whom the bell ate’s choosing? That the graduate ports gay marriage. It is whether we have patched up our differences with the tolled. Baune had just been recently mar- could marry, have children and save or not the President of the United British folk, and in fact are getting ready to ried, three months before his deployment to enough money to buy his own home in States is required to follow the law. send our finest professional athletes over to Afghanistan. Can’t even fathom sending a a safe neighborhood? That his children could He says “not.” jolly old England later this month and try to son, a father, a brother off to a so-called war, attend a functioning public school and the In another arena, only 38 percent of the bring back the gold and the zillion dollars only to have them be returned to American family be allowed to worship in a religion population supports Obamacare, but the in endorsement money that is out there in soil in a flag-draped coffin. War for what? of its choosing? Wasn’t it the dream of every President has chosen to reject the public will, the 2012 Summer Olympics. Think Bin Laden was sent to the bottom of parent that his children would stand on the directing the Health and Human Services Now, I will watch a heck of a lot of the the ocean a good while ago. shoulders of generations past and accomplish Department to spend $2.7 billion over the last Olympic coverage, but not all too interested We, and I use that term loosely, found him, that which had eluded his elders? Where did three months to implement the unpopular law. in waving the jingoistic red, white and blue eliminated him and sent his sorry carcass that dream go? Regardless of the decision of the Supreme pom-pom. Yes, I want the American profes- into the ocean, to hopefully be devoured by Today, every aspect of that dream (quality Court, the President has flipped off the court sional athletes to outpoint the professional the predatory sharks of the waterways. So, university education, post-education career, of public opinion. athletes from the other participating countries, game over. War over. Time to come home, marriage between a man and a woman, home On June 15, the President by fiat declared but it just ain’t the same as it was back in right, Mr. Obama? ownership, quality public schools, practicing that he will not enforce the provisions of the the day when we would watch the tube Course the POTUS said that he was going religion of one’s choice) are all under siege. Immigration Act by stopping deportation of and root against the evil Russians, the evil to get us out of this mess over there, but like Elaborating on each of their challenges would young illegals and beginning approval of East Germans--especially the East German a lot of his campaign promises, they never be depressing and lead me to add Kahlua to work permits. Left unsaid was whether or women who seemed to have more facial came to fruition. Which is to be expected. Par my coffee. Suffice it to say, the American not the parents of the 800,000 young immi- hair than the Canadian men’s team. In any for the course. You think that you can actually Dream has turned into a cruel mirage. grants will also be exempt from deportation. and all sports… believe most of the rhetoric that Mitt “The The most insidious consequence of our The President violates federal law, making The Bolshoi that was promulgated back Glove” Romney is currently promulgating as failing may be the death of national optimism- supreme the opinion of one man. then, that the Games of the Olympiad were he sharpens his attack on the policies of the -the belief in upward mobility and confidence See One Man, page 12 pure, was a crock. It was beat the Evil Empire one-time community organizer from Illinois? and the other commies. And there were some Did find it interesting that recently a few epic battles between the alleged free world Demo politicos said that they will be skipping Financial Planning is a Process Not a Product! to take a backseat to politics in 1980, when slated to take place in NASCAR territory,the Donkey Party’s nominating conventionand the Russian empire, but they seemed So, Who’s Looking Out For Your Financial Interests? the miscast peanut farmer President from the Charlotte, North Carolina, in early September. sticks of Georgia, one Jimmy Carter, screwed Seems that some of the Demos who are facing a bunch of our young athletes and decided a tough reelection challenge this November to boycott the Olympics that year that took would rather distance themselves from the • Retirement Planning place in the very Communist Soviet Union. Prez instead of trying to latch themselves onto • 401K Reviews & Portfolio Second Opinions Red scare and all. Boy, that seems like a his coattails. 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Manhattan 7.5.12 update
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