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Manhattan 2_28_13

Page 2 February 14, 2013 People Calendar Congratulations The following students, all from Manhattan Manhattan Beach Sun Church, 1340 Eleventh St. Dakota Randall, of Manhattan Beach, a Beach, were named to the Dean’s List for Monday, FeBruary 11 tueSday, FeBruary 19 freshman Finance major at York College of the Fall 2012 semester Loyola Marymount • Police Department Town Hall Meeting, • City Council Meeting, 6-11 p.m., City Pennsylvania, has been named to the Dean’s University: 7- 9 p.m., Joslyn Center, 1601 North Valley Council Chambers, 1400 Highland Avenue. List for the Fall 2012 semester. Robert Bellissimo, Timothy Burdiak, Drive. WedneSday, FeBruary 20 Michelle McCarthy, a graduate of Ryan Chase, Nicholas de Virgilio, Aus- • Acting Out Again (acting/speaking • “Network Your Heart Out…It Matters” Chadwick School and resident of Manhattan tin Ertman, Thomas Hessenius, Charles skills), 1:30- 3:30 p.m., Joslyn Community LA Networking Matters’ 4th Annual Beach, was a recipient of the Dean’s Award Hoying, Ruby-Ann Manalaysay, Kristin Center, 1601 Valley Drive. For more Networking for a Cause event, 6-8:30 for Academic Excellence during the 2012 O’Brien, Michael Wills, James Wu, and information contact the Older Adults Program p.m., Manhattan Country Club. For more fall term at Colgate University, Alyssar Zein. • at (310) 802-5447. information call (310) 370-0555.ingMpcou 13ruaryBe, FdaySedneW Classifieds Highland Ave. For more information call Beach Police Station, south to Manhattan• Manhattan Little League Opening DayParade, Mar. 2, 8-10 a.m., from Manhattan• Jim ‘Kimo’ West - Slack Key Guitar,7-9 p.m., Manhattan Beach Library, 1320 (310) 545-8595. Beach Blvd, west to Highland Ave., north The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). • Free Drop-in Craft Club for all older to 15th St. and east to American Martyrs. Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the fol- • Swing and Sway Ballroom Dance, Marchadults, every Wednesday Noon-2 p.m., Joslyn lowing Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will Community Center, 1601 Valley Drive. For 8, 8-11 p.m., Joslyn Community Center, 1601 only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. more information call (310) 802-5447. Valley Drive. $7 per person. Adults only. Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If thurSday, FeBruary 14 ongoing you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald • Free Walking Group, 1:30-2:30 p.m., • Mayor Wayne Powell’s Walk ‘n Talk Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. Manhattan Village Field, 1300 Parkview Ave. is the first Tuesday of each month at 9:00 ApArtmEnt For rEnt EmploymEnt GArAGE SAlE Saturday, FeBruary 16 Beach Blvd. Also, the third Tuesday of everya.m. at Peets Coffee & Tea, 328 ManhattanFor more information call (310) 802-5447. stove, fridge, pool, laundry, covered Display Ad Sales Position. 8:00 a.m. - Noon. Furniture, Bed, month at 9:00 a.m., at North End Café, 3421• Concert: Victor De Almeida with Harout. ES. Sat. 3/2,308 West AcaciaES. Quiet complex, Studio Apt. parking, storage. No smoking/pets. We need an experienced gas range, sound system, clothing, Senekeremian, 2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Highland Ave. Avail. 3/10. $895 + $895 deposit w/ Display Ad Salesperson for storage items and much more. All 1BD/BA. Large Apt. In ES quiet and Hawthorne. Full or part- GuESt HouSE For rEnt Police Reportsmust go!Herald Publications. Territoriesinclude Torrance, El Segundo copy of credit report. Leave message at (310) 322-8099. gated building. W/swimming pool, time positions are available. Fully Furnished Guest House laundry facility, pond w/ water fall 20% commission on all sales. (Except for Bed) in El Segundo. $1,195. No pets. Call Mike at (310) If interested please email your Utilities included, quiet neighborhood. January 28 January 18-21 322-7166. resume to management@ $1100. (310) 351-1064. Stolen License Plates: Morningside Dr. / Theft: 500 Block of 15th  St. Unknown h e r a l d p u b l i c a t i o n s. c o m . N o p h o n e c a l l s p l e a s e. 11th Pl. Unknown suspect(s) stole the license suspect(s) removed and took the catalytic plates from the victim’s vehicle, which was converter from a parked vehicle. parked on the street. January 17 Residential Burglary: 1200 Block of 2nd St. Theft: 100 Block of 38th Pl. The victim Unknown suspect(s) entered the residence witnessed a male, Hispanic adult stealing through an unlocked rear door and stole three mail from his mailbox. The suspect fled the televisions, a stereo, videogame console with area after being confronted by the victim. Visit us online: computer. Theft: 400 Block of 26th  St. UnknownJanuary 16-17games, miscellaneous jewelry, and a laptop January 27 suspect(s) entered an unlocked vehicle and Stolen Vehicle: 1300 Block of 17th  St. stole sunglasses.  Unknown suspect(s) stole a black, 2009 January 16 Mercedes convertible that was parked on Robbery: 1800 Rosecrans Ave. Officers the street. responded to a robbery that just occurred in Theft: 1100 Block of 9th  St. Unknown the parking lot of Trader’s Joes. The victim suspect(s) entered an unlocked vehicle that was robbed by two male Hispanic suspects, was parked on the street and stole loose one of which was armed with a handgun. change and a gift card. Both suspects fled the location, northwest January 26 through the parking lot on bicycles and out Commercial Burglary: 1200 Block of of view. The victim’s wallet was taken. Pacific Ave.  Unknown(s) subject smashed January 15 two classroom windows at Pacific School Residential Burglary: 1300 Block of and stole 59 iPads, which were secured in 21st    St. Homeowners arrived home to a locked metal cabinet.   discover their home was burglarized and January 25 two subjects where in the backyard. When Theft: 4000 Block of N. Highland Ave. confronted the subjects fled the area and Unknown suspect(s) stole a credit card from into the neighborhood. Responding officers the mailbox and used it to make an unauthor- met with one of the victims and a witness, ized purchase at “Hassan & Son” in Gardena.  whom had followed one of the suspects for January 25-29 a few blocks. The male juvenile (16yrs), was Attempted Residential Burglary: 2300 positively identified and in possession of stolen A Better Commute? It’s About Time Block of Walnut Ave. Unknown suspect(s) property from the residence (approximately Starting February 23, Metro ExpressLanes will save you time in tra;c on the I-10 freeway, joining attempted to break multiple windows to the $5,000 worth of jewelry). The second suspect those already open on the I-110. The lanes are toll-free for carpools, vanpools and motorcycles. residence, but were unable to enter due to the was last seen running between homes, just Solo drivers can use ExpressLanes by paying a toll. All vehicles need a FasTrak® account and double-sided windows. No property was taken. north of the location but was not located. transponder to use the lanes. To get yours, visit Residential Burglary: 1700 Block of N. January 14 Metro Buys 550 New Buses Poinsettia Ave. Unknown suspect(s) entered Vehicle Burglary: 300 Block of 25th  St. The Metro Board of Directors approved spending $302 million to purchase 550 new 40-foot the residence through an open bathroom Unknown suspect(s) entered an unlocked transit buses fueled by compressed natural gas. The new buses will replace vehicles that are past window and ransacked several bedrooms. vehicle and stole miscellaneous items. 12 years of age and 500,000 miles over the next three years. Two watches, a wallet, a computer and January 12 Ramp Work Expected For I-405 miscellaneous jewelry were taken. Residential Burglary: 1000 Block of N. As part of the I-405 Improvements Project between the I-10 and U.S. 101 freeways, construction work January 21 Redondo Ave. Unknown suspect(s) removed is anticipated in the near future for the on-and o=-ramps along the I-405. Please check Theft: 1800 Block of Faymont Ave. Un- the screen from the unlocked kitchen window for the latest project information, including upcoming work, closure and detour information. known suspect(s) entered an unlocked vehicle to enter the residence. The suspect(s) took that was parked in the driveway and stole a watch, purse, and miscellaneous jewelry. Metro Installing EV Charge Stations the GPS unit. The suspect(s) unlocked the back door to Metro is the >rst transit agency in the nation to introduce electric vehicle (EV) charge stations at rail station parking lots. >ve Metro Rail stations will have them: Union Station, Sierra Madre Theft: 1400 Block of Elm Ave. Unknown exit the residence. Villa, Universal City, El Segundo and Willow. Riders with EVs can charge their cars while using suspect(s) entered an unlocked vehicle and January 10 the Metro system. More at stole a purse that was left on the front seat. Loitering: 300 Block of 6th St. Unknown Metro, LAX Working On Connector The purse contained four credit cards, of suspect(s) entered the victim’s secured back- Three proposed Metro Rail station sites at LAX have been identi>ed as part of the ongoing which, one card was used at Chevron in yard and attempted to open a locked door Airport Metro Connector project. Metro and LAX have been working together on the project to Manhattan Beach and a second card was that leads to the detached garage.  connect the airport to the Metro Rail system. Alternatives being considered include bus rapid transit, light rail and a people mover. used to make an online electronic purchase. Residential Burglary: 800 Block of Rose- January 20 crans Ave. Unknown suspect(s) removed the 2013 lacmta Stolen Vehicle: 3200 Block of Alma screen from the open bedroom window to Ave. Unknown suspect(s) stole a black enter the residence. The suspect(s) took a © 13-1361ps_sby-ie-13-009 2009 Ford Explorer that was parked in the laptop computer and jewelry. driveway. Credit cards that were stolen from An MBPD Officer conducted a traffic stop If you’d like to know inside the vehicle were used at Jack in the on a vehicle at Artesia and Vail for a vehicle more, visit Box and 7-11 in Manhattan Beach and Orange code violation. The driver of the vehicle was Electronics in Commerce, CA. See Police Reports page 7

Manhattan 2_28_13
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