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Manhattan 10_03_13

The Weekly Newspaper of Manhattan Beach Herald Publications - El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hawthorne, Lawndale, & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 Vol. 6, No. 10 October 3, 2013 Inside Wayne Powell adds “Pilot” to his Resume This Issue Ask the DMV ......................6 Calendar...............................2 Classifieds ...........................7 Crossword Puzzle..............7 Finance.................................6 Food......................... .............4 Looking Up ..........................2 Pets.......................................8 Politically Speaking...........3 Skyhawk. “I successfully took off and landed, and I’m now well on my way to becoming a private pilot,” Powell said.Manhattan Beach City Councilmember and Los Angeles County Beach Commissioner Wayne Powell had his first flight lesson out of Torrance Airport on Friday, Sept. 27. Powell took off in a Cessna 172 Seniors.................................2 We Are All Artists By TerriAnn Ferren information. You must live in the South Bay have met. That is really good. Just unexpected Sports...................................5 on a piece of art and although I scoffed Torrance Artist’s Guild or the South Bay gems in there. We take in about 60 pieces,things--that is always true. There are alwaysor have a current membership in either theWe are all artists. I read that statement at the notion when I first read it, I have Watercolor Society. Frankly, send in those but it depends upon scale.” come to believe it is true. Every single art entries! I asked Max if he ever had a huge painting person has a talent--the trick is finding Today I spoke with Max Presneill, museum or sculpture, and he told me about one that particular talent. Walking among curator of the Torrance Art Museum, to sculpture of sponges that wasn’t heavy but Weekend acrylic paint, and some use watercolor, but and he said, “It can be paintings, sculptures submit your art online for review in a jpeghigh. They do not have size restrictions.On the submission form, it states you mustexhibition. I asked Max exactly what anacceptable submission is--and what is not--us in Torrance and the other South Baywas huge--five feet across and seven feetfind out more about this upcoming-juriedcities are artists galore. Some use oil orall of them have a passion for their art. Forecast the senses or changes the world must be be mass-produced, must be made within rule is if you are going to submit a piece ofform along with the fee by Oct. 12. The only– the things it can’t be are graphics, can’tUseful art, practical art, art that soothes first imagined in a person’s heart. Maybe the last couple of years. There are no size sculpture, you must bring your own pedestal. art flows from a meeting between the restrictions. We don’t accept any kind of Sounds fair. heart and the mind. Books are filled with commercial work. If you live and work “In terms of the quality of the show, it’s Friday work of art, whether it’s a simple chair Yellow Pages--the zip codes--and the juror show to be in--for a juried show,” Max said.hypotheses of how someone creates areally strong and it’s varied and it’s a goodwithin the South Bay as defined by the Sunny or a glorious sculpture. Often, I have submit up to two pieces to be judged and run-of-the-mill. We take care of it in terms“We take pride in making sure it’s not justis always selected from outside.” You mayseen artists portrayed in movies painting 81˚/62˚ on canvases with a flourish only equaled if your art is selected, it will hang in the of lighting, the hanging…all the installation to that of a conductor leading a large gallery. “The Torrance Artist’s Guild and the work is done as good as we can. So it is taken orchestra. I always think of Simon Rattle Torrance Watercolor Society act as partners very seriously. We don’t ask for resumes, we before the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. on this event,” Max continued. “They the don’t ask for background. It is entirely based Saturday seeking applications for the Annual South all work and it is documented by members it’s not such a good piece, it won’t get in.”on the artwork. If you are a famous artist andselected artists have one day to drop offRight now, the Torrance Art Museum is Sunny Bay Focus Exhibition. This exhibition will of the guilds Artists Guild and Watercolor This particular show is open to all artists. be held in conjunction with the South Society. The museum hangs the lights and Max did tell me the only thing they don’t do 86˚/61˚ Bay Watercolor Society and the Torrance does everything else, and at the end, we have is accept craft items because it is too wide Artists Guild. Artists must reside in the a day to pick it up and that process is taken of a field and they can’t cover it all. Max South Bay and have their applications in care of by the groups.” gave me a sneak peek of what is coming up by Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013. This will be This is the third year the Annual South at the Torrance Art Museum. On Saturday, Sunday hung will be selected by a judge. This it includes the entire South Bay. By casting only show called Mas Attack 2 will featureOct. 26 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., a one-night-Bay Focus Exhibition has been held wherea juried exhibition. That means the art Sunny year, the juror is James MacDevitt, the a wider net, more artists are involved and over 100 emerging and established artists curator at Cerritos College Gallery. The the level of variety increases immensely. from all over Southern California. Artists are 81˚/60˚ art exhibit will run from Nov. 23 until I asked Max if he is ever surprised by the “recommended” for the exhibit, which makes Dec. 21. If you are an artist and would entries and he told me, “There are always it fun. Just think – if you are recommended, like to submit your art for judging to surprises. Always. There is always an artist at least one person likes your art! The artist be part of the exhibition, just access I am not aware of that is really good, and must bring his or her work to the museum, for all the there is always works by someone I might See TerriAnn page 6

Manhattan 10_03_13
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