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Manhattan 09_05_13.pdf

Page 2 September 5, 2013 Calendar Police Reports THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 and Flow.” 6:00-9:00 p.m. Creative Arts Cen- August 2 Max” paper plates.ter, 1560 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Art exhibit · Renewal through Art for Seniors: 10:30 open from Sept. 13 – Oct. 10. Residential Burglary: 1200 Block of 23rd August 18 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Oasis at the Joslyn Com- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 St. Unknown suspect(s) removed various Trespass: 200 block of 14th St. Resident was munity Center, 1601 Valley Dr. For more information, call (310) 802-5447. · Poetry Reading Circle at the Oasis: tools from a residential construction site. resident discovered a female subject in herawaken by a sound in the living room.  Theplumbing, lighting, door fxtures, and power1:00-3:00 p.m. Joslyn Community Center, 8Residential Burglary: 1800 Block of 10thhome and noticed a window open and screen1601 Valley Drive. The 2nd and 4th TuesdayEPTEMBER, SUNDAYS · Acting Out Again: 1:30fi3:30 p.m. Joslyn of every month. St. Unknown suspect(s) entered an unlocked removed. The subject seemed lost and confused Community Center, 1601 Valley Drive. For RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 residence and stole $230 in miscellaneous when confronted by the residents and was acting and speaking skills, experienced or US currency. escorted from the location. Subject description: beginner. · Your Book Club: 5:30-7:30 p.m., Joslyn Residential Burglary: 1800 Block of 10th Asian female, 5’2”, 130 lbs., dark ponytail, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Community Center, 1601 Valley Dr. New St. Unknown suspect(s) smashed the glass blue shirt, blue jeans and “wedges” shoes. 10:00-11:30 a.m. Joslyn Community Center, The suspect(s) ransacked the bedrooms and Unknown suspect entered the residence:PCOMINGU· Let’s Talk Woman to Woman (55+):Stolen Vehicle: 200 Block of 13th St.window of the rear door to enter the club for adults 55 and up. 1601 Valley Dr. New discussion group for stole jewelry from a bedroom safe. possibly through an unlocked door, removed· Manhattan Beach 10K Run: October women, especially ages 55 and up. Every register, visit Vandalism: 900 Block of N. Highland. the car keys from the wall, and stole a 20115 at 7:30 a.m. For more information and to Wednesday. · 41st Annual Manhattan Beach Home- Unknown suspect broke the driver’s side view Cadillac CTS, which was parked in the garage. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 town Fair: October 5 & 6 at Live Oak Park, mirror and dented the side of the vehicle. Residential Burglary: 700 Block of N. Crest · Opening Reception & Artist Talk: “Push Valley Drive, 15th to 21st Streets. St. Unknown suspect(s) stole a motorcycle door and stole a purse, cash, and jewelry.Dr. Unknown suspect(s) forced open the frontStolen Vehicle: 1100 Block of Tennyson (2009, white KTM 530XCL), which was Residential Burglary: 2900 Block of N. Police Alerts parked in an open garage. and skateboard from an open garage.Ocean Dr. Unknown suspect(s) stole a bicycleAugust 5 Burglary: 700 Block of Pacifc Ave. Un- Residential Burglary: 3100 Block of N. known suspect(s) stole tools from a residential Highland Ave. Unknown suspect(s) entered an construction site. open front door and stole two boogie boards. August 6 Unknown suspect(s) entered a vehicle, whichVehicle Burglary: 500 Block of 35th St. Residential Burglary: 800 Block of 9th St. was parked in the driveway, and stole a GPS Unknown suspect(s) entered the residence unit, camera, and US currency. No signs of through an unlocked door and stole a purse forced entry. containing credit cards, a $1500 check and August 19 checkbook. NOT ACTUAL VEHICLE August 9 Ave. Unknown suspect(s) stole the rear licenseStolen License Plate: 1200 Block of Pacifc SUSPECT Grand Theft: 200 Block of 27th St. Un- plate from a silver 2003 Honda Civic. ATTEMPT TO IDENTIFY known suspect(s) cut and removed the catalytic Theft: 600 Block of 33rd St. Unknown converter from a gray 2004 Toyota Sequoia, suspect(s) cut the lock and stole a bicycle. SYNOPSIS: After waiting an additional ten minutes, which was parked in front of the residence. Bicycle description: Black Electric 70, men’s On 7/14/2013, at approximately 6:27 PM, the Suspect left the store leaving behind his August 11 cruiser   the Suspect entered Fry’s Electronics (3600 N. counterfeit license. Theft: 500 Block of 30th St. Unknown August 22 Sepulveda Blvd.) and at- tempted to pay for an Apple MacBook Pro with a fraudulently Robbery: 600 Block of N. Peck Ave.suspect(s) stole four unlocked bicycles fromThe Suspect was seen exiting the parking obtained Fry’s Electronics line of credit and Unknown suspect approached three juveniles,the victim’s driveway.lot in a grey Chrysler Sebring similar to the counterfeit Connecticut driver’s license. I f y o u h a v e a n y i n f o r m a t i o n showed them a revolver that was in his pocket,August 12one pictured above. While waiting for the cashier to receive r e g a r d i n g t h i s s u s p e c t , p l e a s e Vehicle Burglary: 300 Block of 27th St. and stole their money and cell phones. approval, video surveillance shows the Suspect contact: Detective Michael Allard Unknown suspect(s) entered a vehicle and Residential Burglary: 1000 Block of John becoming very agitated and nervous. He Manhattan Beach Police Department stole an iPod, iPad, sunglasses, and cash. No St. Unknown suspect(s) smashed the kitchen asked three store employees to cancel the Investigations Bureau. Email mallard@citymb. signs of forced entry. sliding glass door to gain entry into the transaction and to return his license. info. or call (310) 802-5125.· Theft: 1600 Block of Wendy Way. Unknown residence. The suspect(s) ransacked the home suspect(s) entered an unlocked vehicle, which and stole jewelry and currency. was parked in the driveway. A cell phone and Theft: 2600 Block of N. Manhattan Ave. Live your life like a trip, checkbook was taken from the glove box. was parked on the street and stole a purse.Unknown suspect(s) entered a vehicle, whichAugust 14Entry was made through an open window. not a trapStolen Vehicle: 1100 Block of Manhattan Beach Blvd. Unknown suspect(s) stole a August 23 black 2011 Acura TSX, which was parked Residential Burglary: 200 Block of 16th Pl. on the street. Unknown suspect(s) entered an open garage Attend a free Unknown suspect(s) smashed a rear door and a suit case.and took two beach cruisers, a camping tentResidential Burglary: 600 Block of 9th St. homebuyer workshop suspect(s) ransacked a closet and stole jewelry. and wallet, which was left on a bench byBlvd. Unknown suspect(s) took an iPhoneAugust 16the victim.window to gain entry into the residence. TheTheft: 100 Block of Manhattan Beach Find out what it really takes to Residential Burglary: 1700 Block of Theft: Beach south of Pier. Stolen laptop, become a homeowner someone leaving out the back door. It was dufe bag, and $200 worth of shirts and23rd St. Residents returned home and heard jackets from a tent. Separate myths from truths. Learn more about August 27determined that an unknown suspect(s) enteredthe house through an open/unlocked window finding, financing and owning a home in today’s and ransacked the residence. A backpack Residential Burglary: 1700 Block of 6th St. real estate market. Know what to expect — and containing cash, change, jewelry and other Unknown suspect(s) pried open the interior what will be expected of you. So you can make garage door to gain entry into the residence.items was located in the backyard. informed homebuying decisions. The suspect(s) ransacked the home and tookResidential Burglary: 1800 Block of Elm Ave. Unknown suspect(s) removed a screen prescription medication. and pried open a rear window to gain entry August 27 Date: SATURDAY 09/07/13 into the residence. Suspect(s) stole a purse, Commercial Burglary: 3100 Block of N. Time: 10 AM TO 12 PM jewelry, and documents. Sepulveda Blvd. Offcers responded to the Location: WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE August 17 location regarding a report of two suspicious 3400 TORRANCE BLVD. SUITE 104 Residential Burglary: 900 Block of N. males seen climbing a fence between the TORRANCE CA 90503 Dianthus St. Offcers responded to the location Manhattan Village Mall and the Manhattan regarding a burglary that just occurred. The Village gated community. Investigations Contact me to reserve your seats today! victim was upstairs inside the master bedroom revealed the two suspects had just stolen when she heard the downstairs French doors merchandise from Macys Men’s Store. Liz Worden jiggle. When she went downstairs, she A perimeter was set up and offcers from Home Mortgage Consultant surrounding agencies assisted. The suspectsobserved two suspects inside her kitchen. Phone: 310-265-9574 Cell: 310-487-8957 The victim screamed and the suspects ed were located and arrested for commercial the area in a green/gray Infniti with “Car burglary. NMLSR ID 476064 Reminder from Neighborhood Watch Information is accurate as of date of printing and is subject to change without An important reminder from Neighborhood Watch: Summer is still here and we want to notice. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. ©2012 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. NMLSR ID 399801. remind our residents to continue watching out for each other. Don’t forget that a “knowing102780 - 07/13 REV 5/13 neighbor” is a great thing.

Manhattan 09_05_13.pdf
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