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Manhattan 06_06_13

Page 4 June 6, 2013 Sanctuary Only Fools are Positive By Rev. Eric Jay of life happening each and every day; the Sports spoken by Moe Howard, loss of the human soul.  not all there is, but we’reWe all know.  We know that this life is“Only fools are positive.”    How fittingthat this familiar proverb was originally Critical Off-Season in L.A. proverb is also fitting for all kinds of tragedies eachstill tempted to foolishly liveas if it was.  People escapeo n e o f t h e T h r e eStooges.  Unfortunately, this By Adam Serrao the next five years. The Lakers would be how our culture today views and every day, however, no As all of Los Angeles looks on and watches able to offer Howard a five-year deal worth anyone with a confidence in one has ever escaped the the likes of LeBron James and Tim Duncan $118 million while other teams will only have their convictions of what is the tragedy of death.  We chase championships, the basketball buzz enough cap space to offer him four years at right vs. wrong.    It seems will all die, and that day surrounding the city remains focused on around $85 million. Houston, however, is a we are to be “tolerant”, is approaching all of us the possibility of losing players rather than city in a state that has no income tax, so unless of course the other on the horizon.  So where gaining them. With free agency in the NBA Howard, in all actuality, won’t be taking such person believes in a right and can we turn, to what expert starting in less than one month, team owners a hard hit in the wallet if he winds up signing wrong.  That’s intolerable.  can we rely on who has everywhere are dreaming of ways to attract there for one fewer year. The expectations Culture says unless your positivity in the answers, the positively true answers, franchise players to their cities so that they in Houston are far less than what they will conviction also includes a healthy dose of that can be trusted and who has the power too can chase championships come June. be here in Los Angeles. That will make it relativism, you’re a fool.    The only thing to take action?  Human lives depend on it. Two of the biggest names in this year’s free much easier for Howard to come to work positive about the wisdom of relativism The Good News is that we have an expert agent class happen to reside right here in Los every day. Add in a head coach in Kevin is that it is positively contradictory. Truth on life and death, One who lived perfectly Angeles. Both Dwight Howard and Chris McHale that Howard will likely respect and is by definition exclusive.  Something can and overcame death itself, Jesus Christ.  No Paul have begun the process of deciding a roster filled with players like all-star James only be true if the opposite is false.  Right one else knows death as He does, and His where they will play next year. While both Harden, sharp-shooter Chandler Parsons, and only exists if there is a wrong, and vice expertise on this life and His power to save players would receive more money if they young stars Jeremy Lin and Omer Asik, and versa.  If truth is relative, then the assertion us from death has been given to us freely signed max contracts with their current teams, it’s clear to see that Houston is much more that truth is relative is at best, relatively in His work and word.   True Wisdom is there is ever-increasing speculation that the desirable than first perceived. true, and cannot be trusted. Proverbs 1:7 not an idea, an opinion or an intellectual Staples Center might be void of some of In less than one year’s time, Chris Paul says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning assent.  Wisdom is a Person, and it is only the best talent in the league at the start of has made a name for himself here in of knowledge; fools  despise wisdom and through a relationship with that Person, that next season. Los Angeles and most NBA experts might instruction.”    Even our relativistic culture we are able to live this life positively.   1 As the healing process continues for say that it is difficult to envision him joining understands this.    When terrorist attacks Corinthians 1:18-25 says it this way, “For the Lakers and the team tries to put the any other team but the Clippers. Not so happen or when crimes are committed the word of the cross is folly to those who pieces back together from what was an fast, however. Paul has recently become we want justice; we want a wrong to be are perishing, but to those who are being ultimately disastrous season, Howard’s upset about the widespread rumor running righted.  When tragic events like the tornado saved it is the power of God.  Remember decision looms large on the minds of all around the league that he got head coach in Ohio happen, we don’t want relatively true God said, “I will destroy the wisdom of the front office personnel, Lakers players and Vinny Del Negro fired. Paul vehemently answers, we want experts in meteorology to wise, and the discernment of the discerning fans alike. What was thought to have been denies the accusation, but whether it was tell us what is really happening and give I will thwart.”” the worst case scenario a year ago when actually Paul’s call or not, a source close to instruction, and we want the experts to help “Only fools are positive?” Then count me the Lakers traded for Howard is now coming the situation was quoted as saying, “Chris make forecasting disasters more effective - as the most foolish of them all!  Nothing is closer and closer to being a reality. What is a man of principle and if he feels like human lives depend on it. As tragic as the more sure, and nothing more positive than if Dwight Howard does walk away from you’ve gone against his principles, it will disaster in Ohio is in the taking of physical faith in Jesus Christ. the Lakers? No Andrew Bynum, no Howard affect how he feels about you. He’s very life, there is a more violent storm and loss Email Pastor Jay • and a team that will then be relying on only agitated that his name has been put out there Pau Gasol to front some of the biggest bodies as the reason for Vinny’s firing.” Could that Music Hall from front page in the league on a night-in and night-out agitation lead to him changing jerseys next basis. “I know in my heart that this is a season? Clipper fans certainly hope not, but completely appreciate-- place where I think he should be,” Lakers one thing is for sure--there will be a variety what the theater offers.” GM Mitch Kupchak said. “We have a great of different suitors begging for his services. Moll pointed out that legacy, great history of great players in Mark Cuban is always ready to spend the Old Town Music Hall this city dating back to when the franchise money for another superstar in Dallas, while boasts a mailing list of came here in 1960, and he certainly fits the Atlanta--one of Paul’s favorite cities in the nearly 10,000 people mold.” Well, it’s not 1960 anymore and if country--will have the cap space to not only with surprisingly very few you can take one thing away from Howard’s sign him, but Howard as well. from El Segundo. “I don’t personality dating back to his time spent The bidding war for these two superstars understand it—there’s with the Orlando Magic, it’s that he wants won’t begin until July 1 when free agency this cultural gem here and to create his own legacy--not be part of opens up. While it should certainly be why aren’t more people someone else’s. For that reason alone, a city entertaining to see where they land, imagining in El Segundo discovering like Houston may just have the best chance what the Los Angeles basketball scene would it? One sure thing on our of signing Howard. be like without them seems to be quite a to-do list is outreach to If you were Dwight Howard, would you want lackluster picture. In the end, as we all know, residents of El Segundo.” The lobby at Old Town Music Hall captures the spirit of the 1920s. Photos by: to stay in Los Angeles? The ever-increasing both players are going to do what makes them Though the number of patrons could stand mentioned seeing a feature on Channel 9 and pressure of a championship or bust. Playing happy and probably join the team that gives some improvement, the theater’s rent situation finding out about the theater on the website alongside an aging and injured Kobe Bryant. them the best opportunity at winning now. is now stable after Coffman and Field came for the first time. “I know they’re working A head coach (D’Antoni) that you don’t like. If Los Angeles is not that destination, this close to moving to Torrance in 2000 due to hard and I appreciate all their efforts,” he The only thing good about his decision to city will have a long way to go to rebuild prohibitive increases proposed at the time that said of the advisory board. stay here in L.A. would be that he could its previously sparkling basketball town have since been resolved. Field, who has been Realizing that ticket prices alone can’t make more money than anywhere else over reputation. • playing the same Mighty Wurlitzer for the last sustain the business, Moll and company are 54 years and plans to continue doing so for as now looking for corporate sponsorships and long as he can, hopes business will pick up have set up a donations link on the theater a little bit. “Every presidential year is lousy website. Several fundraisers are also in the for patronage—I can look at it all the way works, including a 45th anniversary celebration If you see a dog with a YELLOW RIBBON or something yellow on the leash, this is a back to the beginning,” he said. “We just had at the end of the year. Most recently, a benefit dog who needs some space. Please do a Charlie Chaplin showing and his films had concert for Old Town Music Hall took place not approach this dog with your dog. Please been unavailable to us for many years. With the there on May 4-5 featuring four pianists and maintain distance or give this dog and his/her Chaplin film, we had a very good weekend.” acclaimed singer Janet Klein. “The support person time to move out of your way. Field added that he has noticed some and change have to come from people who upswing lately, as recent patrons have care about preserving classic American movies and music,” said Moll. “Our goal is to introduce the theater to a whole new generation of filmgoers who may not have ever experienced There are many reasons why silent classic films. And it’s not justa dog may need space: the films, but also the music of the HEALTH ISSUES Illustrated by Lili Chin IN TRAINING ‘20s, ‘30s and ‘40s...” BEING REHABILITATED Old Town Music Hall is located SCARED OR REACTIVE AROUND OTHER DOGS at 140 Richmond Street. For more information and upcoming calendar, call 310-322-2592, or go to http:// Movie and Those of us who own these dogs appreciate your help and respect! The Mighty Wurlitzer Theater Pipe Organ is the centerpiece of the theater, with concert schedules are also available more than 2,600 pipes and instruments colorfully on display. outside the theater. •

Manhattan 06_06_13
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