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Manhattan 04_04_13

April 4, 2013 Page 3 One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion By Gerry Chong Laws are strict and justice is swift, so there Trust from International Communityis no street crime. People respect this modelRecently I was privileged to have been invited to visit China by one of that nation’s city, so there is no graffiti and streets and By Cristian Vasquez on the same trip is that it slimly reignites major manufacturing companies. It was a jaw- gutters are immaculate. America’s image at home and abroad the prospect of peace talks between the dropping experience I wish every American China’s economic growth has “slowed” from has varied depending on several conditions two nations while proving to the world that could have shared, because it highlighted eight percent per year to 7.9 percent, and it has such as the global economy or our military American leaders can do more for peace than for me the challenge our country faces. a plan to continue expanding at that rate for the activities abroad. However, it’s hard to invading and bombing countries. Fundamentally, as we flounder, the world is next 10 years. Three legs will supercharge that argue that the person who sits in the White Was the visit anything more than a public moving on and our relevance is shrinking. growth: First, only half of its 1.3 billion live House has significant influence over how relations stunt? Maybe it was. Was the the world perceives us as a nation, as well President visiting the area for no more than as how we define ourselves as Americans. reasons tied to American interests? It is very While public opinion will never unanimously likely. Still, from 2000-2008, we became a “Laws are strict and justice is swift, so there favor Americans, there is a lot defined by the nation that acted with complete disregard is no street crime. People respect this model city, so there is actions of our Commander-in-Chief. other states in the international community.toward the interest, safety and opinion ofThe years that the Bush Administration no graffiti and streets and gutters are immaculate.” was in power were a time of dwindling We ignored the UN’s advice to hold off on American popularity abroad. President invading Iraq in our never-ending search for Obama’s first term in office gave the weapons of mass destruction and as a result international community a sense of ease we became engaged in a war that has yet to There is an old saying that love and hate are in cities and generate most of its wealth. They as did his campaign-promised “change and fully end and that delivered a huge blow to two sides of the same coin, since they display plan on raising that to 70 percent in 20 years, hope” during his time in office. Unfortunately, our international image. a passion. But the most wounding emotion thereby accelerating the nation’s productivity. people feel--and have legitimate reason to do It is sad to think that there are people who of all is indifference. That is the emotion Second, while we in the U.S. spend 70 percent so--that the President has failed to deliver believe that we should not be concerned with China expresses toward us--indifference and of our income, the Chinese spend only 35 on the change and hope. With the ongoing the way the international community views increasing irrelevance. percent. The government wants to encourage use of drones, it is difficult to justify that Americans. The truth is that when America Before 1986, China was a closed, poor, greater spending to increase domestic sales things are any different now than they were is viewed in a positive light, we as a country agricultural country. Since then, in an economic and improve the citizens’ standard of living. six years ago. However, Obama’s recent trip are able to achieve more abroad. International explosion unmatched in the annals of history Finally, with its enormous manufacturing base, to Israel and Palestine was a significant step leaders are more responsive to our ideas and over a mere 27 years, the country has risen the country is entering trade agreements all in improving the perception the international more likely to accommodate us in a time of to the number two economy in the world. around the globe with the Chinese Yuan as community has about Americans. need. The idea of doing what we want and Importantly, it is poised to displace us in only the medium of payment--not the U.S. dollar. It is without a doubt that the President’s using force to obtain our goals will only three years…by 2016! Even the government’s mission is changing. visit to these two rivaling nations will in the keep us from achieving the levels of respect They have given the world a model city Its press has been clamoring for “change,” immediate future do little to end tensions that America once joined. President Obama’s of the future in Shanghai. With 20 million declaring that change is not just about moving and hostilities. It is unrealistic to think that a visit to Israel and Palestine will not end their people, high-rise buildings blanket its skyline. boxes around on an organization chart. The 50-hour visit to the region will put an end to conflict nor completely restore the world’s Twenty-story buildings are considered low- cost of government must be reduced and its the conflict that has defined the relationship trust in us. However, in order to earn trust rise, 40-50 stories are the norm and their influence reduced. Government should provide between both countries for such a long time. and respect, one must take a series of small tallest reaches 100 stories. They have a new, direction, but not micromanage the economy. However, the crucial benefit to the President steps and this recent visit is just one step in brightly-lit subway system, two international Accordingly, in his first week in office, President sitting down with leaders from both nations that series. • airports, two high-speed Maglev train terminals, Xi directed his cabinet to write a statement of multiple freeways, and three elevated ring roads purpose for each department and streamline surrounding the civic center. Taxi service is each department in accordance with its purpose. as prevalent as in Manhattan. Fixed rail and He has given them a timeframe within which traditional buses serve the local commuter. All to accomplish that purpose. street signs are in English and Chinese, and While we devote our nation’s wealth to public announcements on airlines and public entitlements, supporting individuals in a facilities are also bilingual. flagging economy, China is using its wealth Retailers range from Wal-Mart to Prada, and to build a modern infrastructure, enabling hotels range from motels to The Four Seasons. individuals to use their own initiative to join MacDonald’s and KFC compete against local this race to the top. fast food establishments for market share. 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Manhattan 04_04_13
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