Page 2 March 14 , 2013 People Calendar Congratulations The following students, all from Manhattan Manhattan Beach Sun • Opening Reception: Mira Costa High Dakota Randall, of Manhattan Beach, a Beach, were named to the Dean’s List for Saturday, March 16 School Art Show, 5-7 p.m., Creative Arts freshman Finance major at York College of the Fall 2012 semester Loyola Marymount • Household Hazardous Waste and Center, 1560 Manhattan Beach Boulevard. Pennsylvania, has been named to the Dean’s University: E-Waste Roundup, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m., Northrop Saturday, March 30 List for the Fall 2012 semester. Robert Bellissimo, Timothy Burdiak, Grumman Aerospace Systems, M5 Building • SNAG Golf Free Family Play Days, Michelle McCarthy, a graduate of Ryan Chase, Nicholas de Virgilio, Aus- Parking Lot, Aviation Blvd. and Marine Ave. 9 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Polliwog Park, Central Chadwick School and resident of Manhattan tin Ertman, Thomas Hessenius, Charles tueSday, March 19 Gazebo, 1601 Manhattan Beach Boulevard. Beach, was a recipient of the Dean’s Award Hoying, Ruby-Ann Manalaysay, Kristin • City Council Meeting, 6-11 p.m., City Friday, april 5 for Academic Excellence during the 2012 O’Brien, Michael Wills, James Wu, and Council Chambers, 1400 Highland Avenue. • Bach’s Lunch Recital, 12:15-12:45 p.m., fall term at Colgate University, Alyssar Zein. • Friday, March 22 Trinity Lutheran Church, 1340 Eleventh St. Classifieds SoCal ROC from front page her BSN Nursing Program, has known she students coming from places like Long Beach, The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). wanted to be in the medical field since she Orange County and we even have somebody Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the fol- was in the fourth grade, but being at SoCal coming from the San Bernardino area. Why? lowing Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will ROC gave her a better sense of direction. “I Because they can’t give these programs at only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. realized my freshman year that I should take the high school campuses.” Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If this and visit the medical field that I wanted SoCal ROC also has courses for adults, at you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald to be in,” Wopschall said. “It is very broad a nominal fee, looking to enter a new field, Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. and there’s so much out there. I knew that I or for those who simply want to move ahead apartment For rent Display Ad Sales Position. GueSt HouSe For rent didn’t want to be a doctor. At first I thought in their current career. Through the help of 1BD/1BA. Upper, large, bright and We need an experienced Fully Furnished Guest House I would be interested in doing the lab work, more than 250 partners, many of them local, cheery free standing unit$1300/ Display Ad Salesperson for (Except for Bed) in El Segundo. but I don’t want to do that either. So I decided SoCal ROC tries to continue having a strong mo. Great neighborhood, must see. Herald Publications. Territories Utilities included, quiet neighborhood. to do nursing because that within itself also impact on the lives of the students that walk Single car garage. Avail. 3/17. S & include Torrance, El Segundo $1100. (310) 351-1064. 1BD/1BA. Southwest side of town, time positions are available. HouSe For rent Through pathway courses, SoCal ROC links “Not to have money budgeted is a realand Hawthorne. Full or part-through its doors.has a lot of different options.” L Property Mgmt. (310) 350-4096. off street parking. Sorry, no pets. 20% commission on all sales. 2BD/2BA. El Segundo, Back house, students with experiences as close as a work shock because the State budget begins July 1,200. (310) 880-1460. If interested please email your very private. Total remodel in 05. environment setting in the field in which they 1, so we are very, very much involved rightQuality throughout. Pet friendly. 541resume to management@ 3BD/2BA, Spacious & bright, D/W, h e r a l d p u b l i c a t i o n s. c o m . Penn St. $2600/mo.+ security. Avail are interested. For instance, students interested now with our local and State elected officials stove, fireplace, balcony, gated, lots of storage, laundry on site. 628 W. 266-0701. in sports medicine can have first-hand exposure from around the area,” Hoffman said “They4/20. By appointment. Call Bill (310)N o p h o n e c a l l s p l e a s e. Imperial Ave, $2250/mo. $1000 to physical therapy aid or personal training are the ones that for the next two months deposit. No Pets! Call Alex (310) GaraGe For rent up, Fireplace, 2 car garage, No and decide which route they want to take will debate and discuss all of the parts of. ES. Stove, W/D hooks3BD/2BA 647-1635. decide to continue pursuing additional courses zero dollars budget and it needs to be fixed.aleor (530) 318-2406. Sremember is that SoCal ROC as of now hashas pathway courses where the student canW. Walnut Ave. Call (530) 577-4308eGaralease, $1,250/month. (310) 877-2374.the State budget and what we wanted towhen in college. Every academic programpets. $3000/mo. & $3000 dep. 215 garage for700 sq ft Free standingG. With 1 car garage. 383-3753. 3BD/3BA Overlooks LAX. $2,695. Call (310) eBay Lister. Women’s new/used United Methodist Church, 540 Main Walk to beach. $150/wk, electric “Some of the programs are an extension, a at this point, that this is an oversight. There.Nice private room in El SegundoNoon, Misc.We think, as well as they elected officialswithin a given field.entrorFoomr. Sat 3/16, 8 am -540 Loma Vistamployment e clothing. List 30 pieces daily & St (rear of the bldg), ES. Fri 3/15, included. Bob @ The Grand (310) pathway, that maybe they started at the high is a lot of details to the State budget, so we manage eBay store. Experience 9 am- 5 pm & Sat 3/16, 9 am-1 pm. 322-5203. school. They can come here and they can take believe that is an oversight and we just want necessary. El Segundo. Immediate 8-5 M-F. $9.00/hr. (310) 414-9246. your treasures. anything from videogame design, animation- to make sure that there’s enough time inRummage Sale. Come and pick up -there is of course in that pathway a course order to get the information to them--to get called creature sculpting where they do the information out to the whole South Bay to clay models that are used in the videogame let them know where things are right now, designs,” Hoffman said. “For those students but that there is enough time to fix it before that are part of that JPA, they are coming a final State budget is adopted.” here after the regular school day. If there is For more information about SoCal ROC Visit us online: of our students in the JPA, any high school or callor to register, persons interested can visit:room in our classes after we address the needs www.heraldpublications. have to get here on their own and we do have 310-224-4200 •student can come here from wherever. They com Police Reports January 28 Poinsettia Ave. Unknown suspect(s) entered Stolen License Plates: Morningside Dr. / the residence through an open bathroom 11th Pl. Unknown suspect(s) stole the license window and ransacked several bedrooms. plates from the victim’s vehicle, which was Two watches, a wallet, a computer and Financial Planning is a Process Not a Product! parked on the street. miscellaneous jewelry were taken. So, Who’s Looking Out For Your Financial Interests? Unknown suspect(s) entered the residence Theft: 1800 Block of Faymont Ave. Un-Residential Burglary: 1200 Block of 2nd St.January 21 through an unlocked rear door and stole three known suspect(s) entered an unlocked vehicle televisions, a stereo, videogame console with that was parked in the driveway and stole games, miscellaneous jewelry, and a laptop the GPS unit. • Retirement Planning computer. Theft: 1400 Block of Elm Ave. Unknown • 401K Reviews & Portfolio Second Opinions January 27 suspect(s) entered an unlocked vehicle and • Financial Check-Ups Stolen Vehicle: 1300 Block of 17th St. stole a purse that was left on the front seat. • Investment Analysis and Advice Unknown suspect(s) stole a black, 2009 The purse contained four credit cards, of • Mortgage / Refinance Decisions Mercedes convertible that was parked on which, one card was used at Chevron in • Employer Stock Option Strategies the street. Manhattan Beach and a second card was Theft: 1100 Block of 9th St. Unknown used to make an online electronic purchase. We Offer a Free No-Obligation Get Acquainted Meeting suspect(s) entered an unlocked vehicle that January 20 ESF Proudly Upholds the Fiduciary Standard was parked on the street and stole loose Stolen Vehicle: 3200 Block of Alma change and a gift card. Ave. Unknown suspect(s) stole a black January 26 2009 Ford Explorer that was parked in the • NO Commissions or Products Sold Commercial Burglary: 1200 Block of driveway. Credit cards that were stolen from• NO Commissions or Products Sold • NO Pressure Pacific Ave. Unknown(s) subject smashed inside the vehicle were used at Jack in the• NO Pressure • NO Long-Term Contracts two classroom windows at Pacific School Box and 7-11 in Manhattan Beach and Orange• NO Long-Term Contracts • NO Account Minimums Electronics in Commerce, CA.and stole 59 iPads, which were secured in One Time, Periodic or Ongoing Advice, a locked metal cabinet. January 18-21 One Timethe Choice is Yours g Advice, January 25 Theft: 500 Block of 15th St. Unknown!nisrougonYOsrioecicidoohirCeeP,ht Theft: 4000 Block of N. Highland Ave. suspect(s) removed and took the catalytic Unknown suspect(s) stole a credit card from converter from a parked vehicle. the mailbox and used it to make an unauthor- January 17 ized purchase at “Hassan & Son” in Gardena. Theft: 100 Block of 38th Pl. The victim ESF Financial Planning Group Attempted Residential Burglary: 2300 mail from his mailbox. The suspect fled thewitnessed a male, Hispanic adult stealingJanuary 25-29 Taking you beyond the numbers Block of Walnut Ave. Unknown suspect(s) area after being confronted by the victim. A Appointments in Manhattan Beach (310) 706-4123 d Culver City (310 590-4511 attempted to break multiple windows to the January 16-17na3214-607)013(hcaeBnattahnaMnistnemtniopp residence, but were unable to enter due to the Theft: 400 Block of 26th St. Unknown double-sided windows. No property was taken. suspect(s) entered an unlocked vehicle and Residential Burglary: 1700 Block of N. See Police Reports page 7
Manhattan 03_14_13
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