February 14, 2013 Page 7 Police Reports from page 2 No Gold in San Francisco on active parole for possession of narcot- Highland Ave. By Adam Serrao as if the coaches of the Niners had a pool ics for sales. Unknown suspect(s) punched the driver’s Now that football season is over and that in Vegas with Crabtree scoring the go-ahead The subsequent investigation revealed the side door lock to gain entry into the ve- empty feeling has sunk in for all of us, it is touchdown to ultimately win the game for driver was in possession of a loaded hand- hicle. No loss was reported. the perfect time to reflect back on a season their team. gun which was secretly hidden in the center January 2-3 past that has been, all in all, very successful A quarterback with the legs and speed of console below the gear shift. Vehicle Burglary: 700 Block of 26th St. for the team from the San Francisco Bay. Kaepernick and a running back who had just Also found was a stolen credit card and Unknown suspect(s) damaged the driver’s A loss in the Super Bowl is clearly never previously galloped for a 33-yard run to get IPod. The subject was arrested. side door lock to gain entry and stole the easy to handle, so fans of the 49ers may be the team to the seven and they throw three January 7 3rd row seat. feeling just a tad bit more empty than most passes instead of using the run-option that has Attempted Vehicle Burglary: 1 Manhat- Vehicle Burglary: 500 Block of 35th St. of us right about now. But those same fans been so successful for them all season long. tan Beach Blvd (lower south pier parking Unknown suspect(s) punched the driver’s of the team can look back and say that the Instead of blaming the refs for the game, lot) Unknown suspect(s) shattered the rear side door lock and stole the 3rd row seat. Niners at least made the game respectable. 49er fans should blame coaching and play- driver’s side wing window in the attempt to January 1-2 From the looks of things early on, it was calling like that. Hindsight is 20-20, however. steal property. Vehicle Burglary: 1400 Block of N. Valley as if the team had no business even being When it comes down to it, it is pretty January 6 Dr. Unknown suspect(s) stole a cell phone there--kind of like Raiders vs. the Buccaneers obvious that the 49ers will be competing for Theft: 1300 Block of 19th St. Unknown and car radio from the victim’s vehicle. in the 2002 Super Bowl. additional Super Bowl titles for many years suspect offered to assist an elderly woman There were no signs of forced entry and But these Niners are nothing at all like to come in the NFC. who had locked her purse and keys in the victim stated he had locked his car. those Raiders. Instead of fading off into Jim Harbaugh isn’t going anywhere, trunk of her car. DeCember 28 to January 4 oblivion, San Francisco, coach Jim Harbaugh Kaepernick isn’t going anywhere and now Using a crow bar, the suspect removed the Vehicle Burglary: 100 Block of 6th St. and quarterback Colin Kaepernick should they have all the experience that is necessary back seat, but claimed he could not reach Unknown suspect(s) punched the driver’s have no problem returning to the grand to come out strong next year. the purse. side door lock to gain entry into the vehicle stage very soon. “This will all be motivation,” said San The victim then allowed the suspect to and stole the 3rd row seat. Losing was an unfamiliar feeling for many Francisco offensive lineman Joe Staley. enter her house and use the bathroom. Vehicle Burglary: 100 Block of 6th St. 49ers’ fans, players and coaches alike. After Motivation is, indeed, what is needed. The While the victim stepped outside, the sus- Unknown suspect(s) punched the driver’s losing only four games all season long, Ravens had it because of Ray Lewis. Now pect entered a bedroom (nothing appeared side door lock to gain entry into the vehicle San Francisco also lost in the Super Bowl- the 49ers will look to gain it all summer to be taken). and stole the 3rd row seat. -something they hadn’t done in their five long because of the endless visions that they The suspect left in a dark gray, 4-door, DeCember 21 to January 5 previous appearances in the big game. will have of Lewis falling to the ground and Chevrolet, Truck, w/”Rusnak” paper plates Residential Burglary: 1600 Block of 8th St. Most fans will point to the guys wearing crying into microphones as they remained and no front bumper. Unknown suspect(s) smashed the exterior black and white and blame them for their five yards short of winning the game. After the victim was able to retrieve her pane of the sliding glass door to the home team’s misfortune on the night. Flags have Jim Harbaugh did a poor job of play-calling wallet from the trunk, she discovered ap- and possibly entered a side storage area. been thrown all year long down the field at toward the end of the biggest game of his proximately $100 missing. No entry was made to the home and no less contact than what Michael Crabtree was NFL career. We tend to forget, he is still a The suspect is described as: possibly loss was reported. hit with on that pivotal play in the final stages relatively new NFL head coach. Hispanic, 25-29yrs, 5’8”-6’0” tall, thin, dark DeCember 18 to January 5 of the fourth quarter on Super Bowl Sunday. Likewise, Kaepernick is a brand new NFL short black hair, jeans and a black t-shirt. Grand Theft: 500 Block of Longfellow Ave. But when you dig yourself as deep of a hole quarterback. It was obvious to predict that January 5 Unknown suspect(s) stole a bicycle that as the 49ers did in that game, it would really he would come out with butterflies on the Stolen Vehicle: 1400 Block of Manhattan was locked to a balcony, off the side of the be unfair to try and extract what would have biggest stage of his career in only his 10th Ave. Unknown suspect(s) stole a tan 1991 residence. been a game-winning call from the referees. start ever. The thing that makes Kaepernick Honda Accord that was parked on the street, DeCember 31 to January 2 From the very first play of the game, the different than any other run-option quarterback in front of the residence. Grand Theft: 500 Block of 23rd St. Unknown 49ers were not ready to play. A first down is that he is just as good in the pocket as he January 4 suspect(s) stole three unsecured bicycles from and a 20-yard reception erased because of an is running the ball. He doesn’t often make Attempted Vehicle Burglary: 13th St./N the side of the victim’s residence. • illegal formation on a play that should have mistakes, though in the Super Bowl his been practiced continuously over the two nerves got to him and he and the coaching weeks that the team had off made it clear staff made plenty of them. ENTER TO WIN!! biggest stages. the opposition a free 30 minutes of footballBowl next year, or in any of the next fiveto seven years, their fans can expect to seea different a team--a team that doesn’t giveNo team has ever come back from morehis Ravens were simply more prepared forthe glitz and glamour of one of the world’sPROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL IN THE SOUTH BAY!Should the 49ers make it back to the Superto see that big brother John Harbaugh and 3 Separate drawings! than 10 points down to win the Super Bowl. and a team that learns from the mistakes it 3 Chances to win! In just his 10th start ever, though, Kaepernick that maturity, the 49ers would have indeedmade in the final minutes of the game. Withalmost made that happen. With three straight Winners will be selected for chances from the five yard line, Kaepernick won this Super Bowl and will indeed win D-Fenders games on 3/6 vs. Texas, threw three straight incomplete passes, all the next one in which they are fortunate 3/13 vs. Tulsa and 3/20 vs. Idaho intended for Michael Crabtree. It was almost enough to play. • GRAND PRIZE WINNERS: El Segundo Herald* A VIP Table (w/4 seats) to Manhattan Beach Sun the D-Fenders game. VIP Hawthorne Press Tribune* table includes free snacks and Inglewood News* beverages along with a meal Lawndale News* served at halftime. The winner Torrance Tribune will also receive (4) D-Fenders fan packs. EL SEGUNDO OFFICE •312 E. 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