Page 6 May 4, 2017 Entertainment Film Review Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 a Fresh Take on Familiar Storyline (L-R): Karen Gillan, Zoe Saldana, Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper & Dave Bautista. Courtesy of Marvel Studios. By H. Nelson Tracey for www.cinemacy. com We are nearing the 10th anniversary as well as the rumored end of Robert Downey, Jr.’s breakout role in Iron Man, and the aftermath has proven that there are essentially two types of people: those who are going to see every Marvel feature no matter what, and those who lost interest sometime during the past 14 movies (with eight more scheduled over the next three years). Indeed, with so many sequels, characters and connecting storylines, it now seems so long ago when The Avengers (2012) was one of my favorite films of the year. Yet at this point, like a multi-season TV show, I’m far enough into the Marvel Universe that I plan to stick it out until the finale scheduled for 2019. Despite all of these different subsets of films, Guardians of the Galaxy is arguably able to distance itself as the one that has cultivated its own identity. Playing more like a superhero version of Star Wars, Guardians spins separately from the Avengers characters by making their own rules while still under the Marvel umbrella. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 catches us up to speed with all the characters we met in the original. If you liked Vol. 1, you will certainly like this one. It’s a comforting return to form with all the signatures: zany aliens, jabbing banter and a great soundtrack. But I’m happy to say that unlike other Marvel sequels, which retread their characters entirely, writer/director James Gunn has found interesting ways to develop each character a bit further. There’s a great rivalry between the heroic Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and her mostly villainous sister Nebula (Karen Gillan) that is more at the center of this film than the previous one. Drax (Dave Bautista), a standout from the first film, continues his same brand of humor but with a little more self-awareness. And Baby Groot (Vin Diesel) is impossible not to love. It’s impressive that within this ensemble, each actor brings a freshness to the role while developing their respective character. Another praiseworthy note is that this universe has a great sense of color. Every alien comes in a variety of bright yellow, blue and other eye-catching hues, making for a stunning visual much richer than a comparable action/adventure movie. The CGI is present, but there are plenty of characters in full make-up and practicals rather than being entirely artificial--and this combination works seamlessly here. While I was annoyed that the trailer announced Kurt Russell as being Star- Lord, aka Peter Quill’s (Chris Pratt) father, Emperor J’son (a fact that seemed like a spoiler), it actually proved more enticing in taking the audience on the journey of the new relationship as a father and son. Like the rest of the ensemble cast, Star-Lord and J’son are given challenges that enhance and further develop their characters. As formulaic and familiar as it all may seem, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is fresh enough for those invested in the Marvel universe. After seeing this installment, I am eagerly anticipating the next time these characters mesh with The Avengers on the big screen. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is rated PG-13. 121 minutes. Opening this Friday in theaters everywhere. • Check It Out The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley Reviewed by Kristina Kora-Beckman, Librarian I, El Segundo Public Library If you are in the mood for a magical, whimsical book that incorporates elements of Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus as well as Sherlock Holmes and Phillip Pullman’s works, give Natasha Pulley’s wonderful novel The Watchmaker of Filigree Street a try. Set in Victorian London, the book has a little for everyone--mystery, time travel, romance, and even fantastical clockwork devices with minds of their own. The story opens with Thaniel Steepleton, a Burkley Brandlin Swatik & Keesey LLP AT T O R N E Y S AT L AW Lifetime El Segundo Residents Living Trusts/Wills, Probate, Employment Law, Personal Injury Trust and Estates Litigation, Business Litigation, Civil Litigation 310-540-6000 *AV Rated (Highest) Martindale - Hubbell / **Certified Specialist Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law, State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization ES BOOK The Watchmaker of Filigree Street. young British clerk, who mysteriously receives a watch that warns him of an impending explosion. Tracing down the watchmaker leads him to Mori, a Japanese watchmaker with a mysterious past who can see the future. Mori predicts Thaniel will meet Grace--an Oxford-trained physicist, who also receives a Mori-made timepiece. This debut novel by Pulley is wildly inventive and includes many interesting twists and turns that left me wondering where the reader would end up. I also found the characters charming and complex in their flaws. Throughout the story, the characters’ lives intersect in beautiful but also heartbreaking ways when mistrust, loyalty issues and social mores of the day rise up to complicate matters. To check out The Watchmaker, or browse our extensive fiction collection, please visit the library to apply for your free library card. For further assistance including helping to discover your next great read, please contact the reference staff. • Follow Us on Twitter @heraldpub
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