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Lawndale Tribune AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - December 22, 2016 John Vicke: A Lifetime of Loyalty and Dedication to Lawndale Students Citizens at Odds Over Right to Speak By Haleemon Anderson distinguish between public comments and Action at this week’s meeting of the Lawndale public announcements. City Council to limit public comments met The Council moved forward, approving with objections from a few vocal citizens. Two unanimously to revise public comment time recommendations--a request to limit individual limits. The group also gave unanimous comments to three minutes, and increased approval for a first reading to amend City Code measures to handle obstructive behavior at 2.04.120, effectively increasing legal penalties meetings--were agendized under Meeting for disrupting Council meetings. Procedures and Meeting Order and Decorum, Assistant City Clerk Pam Giamaria clarified respectively. to the Council that the proposed amendment Resident Pam London strongly objected to would “tidy up the language” of the ordinance, the reduction of time for individual comments. making it crystal clear what measures may be Current practice gives the public an opportunity taken regarding acts that obstruct meetings. to address the Council after special presentations Giamaria said cities have been sued by citizens and the public safety report. Each participant who believe their free speech rights have been is allotted five minutes to speak directly to violated. The amendment would not control or the Council. censor speech, she said, but would explicitly Another resident, Randall Abram, also state the penalty for acts that obstruct meetings. objected to the move to decrease the time by two Mayor Robert Pullen-Miles and City Manager minutes. “The residents are strongly opposed,” Steve Mandoki both confirmed they had he said, noting the five-minute rule has been in witnessed only two incidents of speakers being effect in Lawndale for over 30 years. “This is a ejected from meetings. Pullen-Miles asked that way to censor the few residents who care about a “wobbler” be added to the language of the the city. It’s not reasonable under the Brown amendment. Lieutenant John Hocking clarified Act.” Abrams was referencing the legislative that the wobbler gives law enforcement leeway action of 1953 that guarantees the public’s right in charging offenders or simply removing them to attend and participate in meetings of local from the meeting. governing bodies. In other business, Mandoki announced that Resident Johnny London questioned Lawndale the City will receive additional block grant going the way of other cities that have cut public funding for the 2017-18 fiscal year, bringing time. “Is this a way to silence the few who have the total fund to over $900,000. The funds legitimate issues?” he questioned. “Please don’t are earmarked for improvement projects in silence us. Let our voices be heard.” low-income neighborhoods. Marge Hienemann, another resident who Mayor Robert Pullen-Miles announced Deputy frequents Council meetings and has sat on Gabby Vidrio has been promoted to detective various City advisory boards, also objected to at the Southwest Los Angeles Station, after the change. “Why cut us back to three minutes? two years on special assignment in Lawndale. What’s the point?” she asked. “Think about The Council thanked Vidrio for her service and the people who do come and make an effort presented her with a plaque of recognition. to make Lawndale better.” In accepting the award, Vidrio thanked Lt. Pam London offered a possible compromise. Hocking, saying, “I’m going to miss working “Why not limit the time for the flag salute in Lawndale. I’ll miss my partners.” and prayer?” she suggested. London noted the Captain April Tardy gave the public safety average total time of public comments is 18 report. There were two substantial arrests in minutes and stressed that the Council should the period between December 5 and 19. On December 14, a suspect was arrested and charged with making criminal threats to a Lawndale staff member. In the other incident, Lt. Hocking observed a known gang member on Osage Avenue carrying a semi-automatic handgun. Upon pursuit, the suspect ran into a residence. The suspect was taken into custody and found in possession of the handgun and a sawed-off shotgun. The handgun had been recently fired. Library Manager Lyda Truick announced a crafting event for youth to be held Friday, December 30. Kids will be able to make wearable items themed for the New Year. On January 7, the first Saturday of 2017, the library will hold its annual book sale. In public comments, Pam London voiced concerns about building permits and illegal add-ons, and the proliferation of residents parking on lawns. “Why don’t property owners follow code?’ asked London. “Why can they [build], but not others?” Johnny London questioned Lawndale’s rental property inspection process, saying there are over 200 non-licensed properties in the city. He thought the problem will only get worse. The feeling among violators, he cautioned, is, “They’re not gonna catch me, and they’re not gonna do anything about it.” Mayor Pullen-Miles responded to concerns about a recent accident on Inglewood Avenue, saying the intersection at 166th Street is troublesome as it sits at a boundary with Redondo Beach. Placing a traffic signal will require an impact study and approval from both city councils. “We would need buy-in from them,” said Pullen-Miles, noting he met with a Redondo Beach councilmember to begin moving the issue forward. The Lawndale City Council will hold its next regular meeting on January 17, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in the Lawndale City Hall Council Chambers.The Council approved cancellation of the regular meeting scheduled for January 3 •. Deputy Superintendent John Vicke wraps up a 29-year career with Lawndale ESD. Photo by Laura Martinez Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Classifieds............................2 Community Brief.................2 Finance..................................4 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals................................ 5-7 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................3 Sports....................................5 Seniors..................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Cloudy/ Rain 61˚/53 Saturday Sunny/ Windy 55˚/45˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 55˚/46˚

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